I'm also doing the Prime, using SBC cards etc. Hoping to get him and have around 2m left for a CR7/TOTY KDB or whatever TOTS come out.

Got lucky with some packs, just have the 83 and 83 squads to do, still going to be short of coins mind. Going to have to raid the club for everything
check your position change cards i had 20 odd cf to cam and they all went for just under 5k. dunno if they'll be the same on console but on pc that's what they're going for.
i packed cabella and braithwaite in forms last week when we got a free pack, i played them as cam and st in 3 games and scored in each so objective came around quite quick. Cabella is actually quite good despite his rating.
coins are burning a hole in my pocket i nearly bought pele last night lol woulda left me skint though.

tbh all you need is 2-3 really top top players to compete. 2 to create space and play into the top finisher who you just smash shoot with every time he gets the ball.

it's a viable tactic to spend 3 million on that 1 player then 100K on the rest of the team and just abuse the poor engine to your benefit.
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