Strange, mine shows them within a second of being posted, there's a trick to getting players to show faster than doing another search, when you see the players listed from your search, click on one of them and immediately back out, this refreshes the search without having to do it again, obviously you need to keep repeating this process until another is listed for the same or lower than the figure your filter is set at, don't click too fast though or you end up getting lockouts for appearing like a bot. I usually just wait a second before clicks instead of spamming it.

I've made about 100k alone buying Gimenez for anywhere between 500-2k below his going rate and immediately relisting over the past week while he's been needed for SBCs.
Yup, I've been using that trick and it's faster, but I'm still nowhere near being able to swipe. I often have players displaying in my results who have already sold and with only 55 mins left on the auction (these are cheap players, suggesting that they sold with more like 59 left)
Rage selling everything, literally the most frustrating hour of my life. I remember why I stopped playing so much.

Strange year for me, the game can go from feeling like the best version in years to the worst between matches.

A lad I knows son ended up in A&E over the weekend, broke his wrist punching the floor after losing a game in WL :D

Custom tactics are hugely important again this year, including setting up the different game plans.
I need to watch some streams really and read some tips, I just can't create anything and then when I do it goes 83 yards wide.
2 mid-level BPL teams, a silver Italian side and 78k in the bank - can anyone recommend a fun team to start playing with? (I'm aware this isn't a fortune!)
I think something must be wrong with PSN I've not been able to get online tonight. Are you still up for a game?

i was 4-0 up in the last game i need to win by 2 or more goals. i got kicked off psn in 80th minute.

i then couldn't even get into fifa. reports everywhere that some people are being effected. it's on psn twitter account that they are working on it.
i was 4-0 up in the last game i need to win by 2 or more goals. i got kicked off psn in 80th minute.

i then couldn't even get into fifa. reports everywhere that some people are being effected. it's on psn twitter account that they are working on it.

It's not good :( it's letting me play rival matches but not with friends. It's not like we pay for the servers, oh wait :o
So is everybody going coins this week for rivals rewards? I'm definitely taking the 50k for rank 2 this time after getting crap in the untreatable packs last week.
I'll be going tradable packs. Gotta be in it to win it =)
Lewandowski is brilliant. Pace no being so important really helps. Tolisso is a bit rubbish this year, I'll replace him with goretzka Delaney and witsel on the other hand are really good. I have an Italian right back who's good going forward as well as back so helps with wing play.
Put together a relatively cheapish and mostly Brazilian team


Plays alright, some obvious upgrades and I do have near 700k but feel like being a tightwad. With the above in mind I've started putting together all the teams needed for Chinese League SBC, with any luck it shouldn't cost more than 60k for the lot.
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