Hunters a waste though as he already has super pace. Hawk would be better.
He's pulling your plonker
Hunters a waste though as he already has super pace. Hawk would be better.
Might sack off Hazard for a bit, as good as he is, he doesn't feel 400k better than Coman!
Wish Paulo Futre was still around in the game, loved him!
BTW: Witsel, Casemiro or De Jong for CDM?
De Jong all day long, hes better than Seedorf 85 & 88
What’s the best (cheapest) place to get Fifa points from I’ve caved in and gonna buy some
Left it at 17-8 before then sorting Elite 3 for Squad Battles then trying to grind out the Icon Swaps/Dzeko objectives. God it's tedious when it's full of players who've quite clearly relegated themselves...
Does this just happen to me or does everyone elses tactics seemingly change game to game?
My midfield three one game is close together and difficult to play through and then the next game they play miles apart and almost like wingers despite no change of personnel or tactics. Makes literally no sense apart from it's fifa.
That’s why I’m going with a prime icon, to maximise the use I get from it. Tbh I’m grinding the objectives really slowly, just using untradeables. It’s nice not really caring about results as much. Going to give FUT champs a miss again this weekend.
On a side note gold player card prices are plummeting still, other than the top rated one obviously. I’m trying to finish clearing out the club as I think they’ll continue dropping.
I’m not playing WL, as a matter fact I’ve only worked on objectives since posting. Still got a load of the div rival icon ones to do but can’t be bothered, that’s why I’ve been trading instead. Tried playing after the patch hoping it would improve but still the same.
I think I'm level 25 and missed some earlies too.
Hope I make a bit from gold 1 weekend league and div 4 rewards. Lost a fortune on my team the market drop is relentless.