Just watched it back, can't say he said anything bad about me; just seemed like he wanted me to rage quit so he could do whatever challenge he has on the go
can do
Sorry for that game Andy, much better example of how much I've struggled since the last patch.
Yep, pretty much gave up after the 5th. Had no lag but massive amounts of button delay again which is what's causing my player switching issues. Few skill moves ended up being shots but didn't have any trouble in the first game.
Just message you on PS. Good games buddy. We shall go again at some point im sure we will both have enough time
Not sure what's gone on, but I've always believed things dictate the packs.
It's been my first week of playing the game properly in over a month and I end up getting my best rewards ever.
88 Birthday Sissoko
90 Stegen
88 Kroos
Birthday Corea
To name a few.
14-1 using Drogba LCAM lol, hes so bad. I have 1.1m for probably a Icon who is central and plays out wide or ST. I could fit 95 KDB and play him CAM but Hazard would have to play upfront. Anyone used him?
Yeah your good. Weekend league is down to mentality, most people just lose there head/composure.
Only difference i make in weekend league compared to playing you is i hold the ball better and play slower, its just not how i enjoy to play so friendlies are fun to just go at it like old times.
Who has sold their fifa coins on here? Looking to sell mine and just stick with my untradable team.
Ive had Messi twice and Cr7. I can make a very good untradable team but the game is just very boring. Everybody plays the same. It's just a drop back snooze fest.