First picks - Traore, Dean Henderson, Gomis, Alisson

Seconds picks - Kovacic, Robertson, Gomis, Alisson

Typical :rolleyes:

Took Alisson from the first pick, basically just to put up another league TOTSSF SBC as I have him already and Robertson from the second picks.

Dean or Jordan?

Guess :p
Stats are only half the story in this game IMO. For example I have 99 stat maxed out top players (95 Pele/Moments Hazard/TOTS Mane) and none of them can finish as well as POTM Ben Yedder, despite being better in every stat.

POTM Messi has excellent stats and is usually the best player ahead of the TOTS stuff.

Yep, that FB Fuchs having 88 pace is hilarious, the guy is as slow as me in real life.

I just played against the TOTSOF Rashford and he couldn't hit a thing, the player was good too. You wouldn't have known if it was him or the rare card. It's all such a con.
I've never seen team power creep like this before, I think a lot of it is going to be people going crazy on those upgrade packs. Honestly though, good team doesn't mean good player. Just look at me :o

Yeah I know, if I win a few in a row and I face a gold team, I know i'm screwed :p

It's more the morons who give EA all this money, they will never change the game.
One to many of Ryan Kent doing me over, the players are on the transfer list. I'll report what I get from the packs I buy, bye bye Neymar sweet price.

See you all in 21 :p
I don't know why you're struggling. I was checking your record in between my games and saw the losses racking up. You should be getting Gold 2 with ease although you said you've stopped playing outside of the WL so perhaps you're just rusty?

I can't conform to the standards needed to compete, I just don't have the patience. It's different playing people on here, you can actually have 'fun', playing the usual EA toxic community just grates on me. It doesn't help that even in these times, time is limited, so I'm always trying to fit the games in, so I'm just rushing everything, which usually ends in failure.

Also, I have had my team for months (see stats below), EA probably have some logic in the game that don't like this and force you to sell up and change by making your players crap :p

I won't flunk on packs, I will just do some SBC and build an untradeable team. I will get my Leeds boys in, White and Phillips and maybe do the Sane who seems to destroy me every time I play him.

I'm 9-12, depending on how quick I make a team I will try finish.

Oh and I hate every formation, 4231, 442, 433 :)

Games / Goals
CR7 306/296
Neymar 597/501
Mbappe 456/177
Ramos 249
Kante 247
Varane 231
How strange doing the Sane SBC that I should pull TOTSSF Carvajal, it's like EA know I want to sack it off. Sane is a freebie which is nice.
As long as you're having fun it doesn't matter what the score is :cool:

Well it's certainly fun, I managed to get 14 wins with 2 spare, usually I'm embarrassed by declaring that but considering how many losses I had before creating this team, it was a real achievement!

Sane has 7 in 8, Bergwijn 6 in 8 at LF/RF. I have gold Son at ST who is good enough. Simon and Traore at LM and RM. I bought back VDV, I couldn't believe how much the likes of CR7 price had gone down yet VDV was still 300k, he is a one man defence though, doesn't matter how quick the attacker is, you can't get past him.
First rivals game in weeks, he goes 1-0 up and makes some subs, presumably objective based, I then score 4 and he messages me: 'can i just have the win? I'm going for regullon'

Me: 'just relegate yourself lad'

Him: 'Dude, wtf, what do you care about the win'

That sums up the game now.

I score a 5th, shush him and he rage quits :)

Him: 'Thanks, you silver 3 scrub'

I know!

Next game:

That team in Div 5, hahaha

Drew 3-3

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