Took coins again, should be sitting at 240k but it hasn't updated yet. Enjoying 41212 narrow again where I've always felt comfortable. Not missing the wide plays so much.

Bale has been a game change for me.


how do you get so many coins?
Also took packs mega rip.

Got into division 3 last night, didn't think I was ever going to get there at one point. Atleast now I know I'm improving.
4 untradabale mega packs yielded IF Lafont, Mertens & OTW Brandt.

Got Dybala & Fernandinho last night from those 5 promo packs too! :D

Still undecided on Barnes, but he does look so tempting!
I’ll be going pack when I get in. I didn’t know the rewards were based on the division u started the week on so only got div 5 rank 2. I’m in div 3 now and can see next week being tough.
Go back to the home dashboard, do you have unallocated items?

Nah, he's nowhere to be seen yet the coins are gone. Im going to assume its a bug thats occurred because everyone is constantly spamming refresh trying to sign him, martinez or tolliso (all of whom are extinct). Someone probably bid at the exact second i did and the game had a brain-fart and took coins from both of us but only gave one of us the player.
I thought it was just me that thought it felt extra sluggish last night after the patch. Good to know it wasn't.
Absolutely hate the game since they made the changes, they took all the fun out of it. Slowed it down to a snails pace. Glad I havent invested in any packs this year.
FIFA players are like an abused spouse seriously. The same thing happens every single year and yet people still gobble it up like it's the last FIFA they'll ever produce.
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