Actually, you're right, it's not that much considering how good he is.

I keep changing my team all the time, so I might do it and that sorts out my striker position for a while. Had his POTM last year and he was great, he's better this year if anything.
3 WL games played and 3 wins. Leaving it for the night though as the servers are really poor.

2-0 here and they've been okay for me, drinking gin whilst playing so will need to sack it off soon.

Also if the fitness bug ever gets fixed please post in here, I'm using players on 20 odd fit!
4-3 tonight, should probably be 5-2. So many bloody post hits and jammy deflections.

Don't mind those Icon objectives really, I will probably grind for Drogba
6-1 here. Lost one in penalties. Was leading 3-2 in 92nd minute until I misplaced a pass on the counter :o

Bale has been doing wonders for me. Also NIF semedo and Schulz are absolute beasts
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