Starting to play a lot better now, smashed a few people in WL 6-0, 5-1 and then played a very good guy and won 3-1. Playing 4-2-2-2.

I have Messi up front next to POTM Lewandowski. For the price, I think Lewa is a great card, with Hunter he has just enough pace to get past most defenders, his strength, dribbling and movement are all good and his shooting is crazy.

Trying to decide whether Messi is 300k~ better than Neymar at the moment. Manolas is untradeable which made the decision for a Napoli defence an easy one.

It was probably me, but after hearing Koub was nearly as good as VVD I bought him and Manolas, unfortunately for chem reasons I had to use Ospina too, I just kept losing so eventually sacked them off!
It was probably me, but after hearing Koub was nearly as good as VVD I bought him and Manolas, unfortunately for chem reasons I had to use Ospina too, I just kept losing so eventually sacked them off!

He's very good indeed, but you can get in a mess easily due to his size and lack of agility/balance/etc. Not as good as VVD though!

Manolas isn't amazing generally, but he's solid and rapid for a defender.
If they don't nerf drop I'm not sure I'll play this all year round. It's the most boring fifa I have ever played. I need 3 wins for G3 with about 14 games left but I just don't have the will power to play against these boring turds.
9-6, awful for me, just can't play.

Should be able to salvage a G3 finish out of it, but I'm not enjoying this game at all.
I'm playing to gold 3 and done.. can't handle it.

I'll leave this here again, clips all the same game .. firstly I get sent off for doing a skill run and trying to shoot for the red, my keeper then tries to take me to 9 men :D and then manual tackling being pointless.

I think I need to have a few days off and hope it gets patched like Andy said it's negative as **** and I honestly can't help myself.
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Sad to see everybody suffering but also glad I'm not the voice in the darkness anymore being the only person with problems with the game :o
For me it’s the same Fifa but instead of ping ponging around you can actually play possession football which I like.

Also Messi is the best player I have used by a country mile this year, if pushed best out of the club :eek:
For me it’s the same Fifa but instead of ping ponging around you can actually play possession football which I like.
This is something I had to adjust to. I'm a high press counter attack player but noticed very early on it doesn't work as well this year. Actually learned how to play a passing and possession game which is fun when it works. The ping pong first time finessed really annoyed me last year so it's good not having that this year.
******* hell I never realised just how much the servers were impacting the game, played a stretch of Rivals last night and some Champs this morning. I'm losing as much as I'm winning, but damn the game IS fun when the servers are up to it. Gameplay has been fire.
It's a massive shame, it's more noticeable this year than ever due to the pace of the game and dribbling changes.

As for passing complaints it's not about the ping pong passing, as most know I've never been that type of player either.
It's the easy passes that are being directed correctly which don't go anywhere near that player that's the issue. Even short passes seem underpowered there's no pace to moving the ball about.
It's a massive shame, it's more noticeable this year than ever due to the pace of the game and dribbling changes.

As for passing complaints it's not about the ping pong passing, as most know I've never been that type of player either.
It's the easy passes that are being directed correctly which don't go anywhere near that player that's the issue. Even short passes seem underpowered there's no pace to moving the ball about.
I’ve not had that to be honest with the exception when I’ve tried to do a 180 pass which I accept is at risk of going astray.

Honestly just get Messi the game is far simpler then :p
It's a massive shame, it's more noticeable this year than ever due to the pace of the game and dribbling changes.

As for passing complaints it's not about the ping pong passing, as most know I've never been that type of player either.
It's the easy passes that are being directed correctly which don't go anywhere near that player that's the issue. Even short passes seem underpowered there's no pace to moving the ball about.
I get this all the time, the direction and power of pass seem to be more like vague suggestions than commands. If I hold up and press pass it probably won't go down, but it could go to anyone in about a 90º arc, even if I'm aiming at a specific player. And if there are 2 or 3 players more or less in a line then it'll go to the one you didn't want 90% of the time. I'm even getting instances where you pass (not though-ball) the ball and the player you're passing to runs away from it like he didn't realise the pass was coming and then after standing around for a few seconds decides he should run back for the ball, which has already been "intercepted".

I accept that passing in a direction you're not looking would be inaccurate but on the occasion I forget myself and do it it just decides to pick a different target and then **** the pass up to that person. And there seems to be no power on a normal pass. When you're passing less than 10 feet you shouldn't need to hold RB/R1 should you? Just to stop the ball rolling so slowly it get intercepted by a player that was 20 foot away.
Dropped two divisions doing it - but I've all the online Icon objectives. Just the CSL squad battles one to go - can't wait to play with my team again!
Tempted to sell up and try out CR7 with a modest team. He's always my best player in FIFA, I know heading isn't as OP this year, but surely he's still good...
@Jimbeam3678 I'd love Messi.. he's far too expensive though. but what about Best being best? :p

Only way I can describe passing is like it's on manual. It's so strange.. my shooting is stuck on manual too which must be visual but it's about time EA put some of this to bed. I'm gold 2 with 3 left and calling it a weekend, ive enjoyed probably 3 out of the 27 I played.. it's beyond fun in this state.
13 wins with 5 to go i thought i would make G2 in my first WL. Nope, lost 3 in a row in very tight games but finally secured G3 with 1 game to spare.

i’m doing the Zanetti sbc, what/ how can infer an icon swaps player?
Forgot G1 is 20wins. Need 2 wins out of 3 to get it :o

Timed finishing has cost me a game or two so far. Have it on even though I don't use it, and sometimes due to delay I end up scuffing an easy shot
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