***FIFA11 PS3 10v10 Club***

Soz HTK - my comments though meant werent well structured - hopefully you realised that I was already being vocal about all our poor play tonight.

I do think we have become complacent and as great as it sounds using the excuse that we are only losing because of higher ranked teams just doesnt cut it - theres all things we can all do to play better as a team and simple things like early passing, passing to feet and not holding onto the ball for too long WILL help ball retention.

Those combined with a bit of vision (both in making runs and realising other people are in better positions to accept the ball than yourself) and playing your position I just cant see how we couldnt be a decent passing side and from that we may concede less goals (a lot of goals scored against us is from us losing possession cheaply) and score a load more cos of our better approach play...

Its not rocket science...

I do have to ask if we need to start reconsidering a player ANY - the CPU justs lets us down too often lately to be of any real use - be good to hear opinions and how we deal with it...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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In the match we lost (5-1?) last night, the CPU went back to its abhorrent ways. What was with the goal kick it tried to pass short to another one of its players only for the ball to be intercepted and a goal be scored? Or the ball over one central defender who instead of jumping, simply turned around and jogged after the ball only to be brushed aside for another.

I made up for some erratic play in the last couple of games last night although I'm still quite out of touch having not played Clubs for three months. Apologises for any silly mistakes. A couple of my through balls were horribly off - I know HTK made a comment of some sort after one of them again played him in down the wing rather than being the other side of him. Not sure if the comment was directed at me or his failure to cut back inside after getting the ball but either way my pass wasn't great.

Is there any merit in opting for 4-3-2-1 or if that's too narrow, 4-2-3-1? Not sure on people's thoughts. 4-1-2-1-2 isn't bad, I just wonder if a lone striker with 2/3 runners might suit people's VPs better.
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Sorry I was pants last night, was really annoyed with my own play as I know I can do better, also in the last game I got about 4 or 5 freezes in each half so I thought I'd make an exit before I do some damage to my controller :(
Soz HTK - my comments though meant werent well structured - hopefully you realised that I was already being vocal about all our poor play tonight.

I do think we have become complacent and as great as it sounds using the excuse that we are only losing because of higher ranked teams just doesnt cut it - theres all things we can all do to play better as a team and simple things like early passing, passing to feet and not holding onto the ball for too long WILL help ball retention.

Those combined with a bit of vision (both in making runs and realising other people are in better positions to accept the ball than yourself) and playing your position I just cant see how we couldnt be a decent passing side and from that we may concede less goals (a lot of goals scored against us is from us losing possession cheaply) and score a load more cos of our better approach play...

Its not rocket science...

I do have to ask if we need to start reconsidering a player ANY - the CPU justs lets us down too often lately to be of any real use - be good to hear opinions and how we deal with it...

ps3ud0 :cool:

You dont start txt attacking people in the middle of a game. Thats what voice comms is for :p

Yeah i did go on a run and lose it but you know what it was nothing that everybody else was doing...everybody without exception. (beenom, me, poly, calcio, jonny) Though I think by that point i was annoyed at Beenom. Would prefer Beenom was not any tbh. He may be the best individual player but i dont think hes the best team player. Besides im out - ive had enough of ppl choosing to go "oh its htk he lost the ball earlier ill be ****** if ill pass to him"

I dont think like that - if i see anyone in space i'll pass to them. For me thats what a team is about. EXAMPLE. last time i was on club (or the time before) when i missed a few and a penalty Poly still passes to me and i think i ended up with 3 MOTM in a row.

So by the time you put me through with a great ball i just couldnt be bothered..which is why i messed about with it.

I know HTK made a comment of some sort after one of them again played him in down the wing rather than being the other side of him. Not sure if the comment was directed at me or his failure to cut back inside after getting the ball but either way my pass wasn't great.

That would be a comment cursing myself... i dont generally attack people for passing to me haha :D

I was in the middle of cursing you though when you held onto the ball for too long without passing but luckily you scored a sweet curler shot :p

Main problem all night was always going down the wings and then crossing or having to work something out from there.

No idea why the cpu was so diabolical in defence. Pretty much every single attack by the opp they score or nearly score....smt is well messed up with that.

And pretty much every single game we dominated possession but couldnt score. Opposition gets 1 attack = goal.......
I made up for some erratic play in the last couple of games last night although I'm still quite out of touch having not played Clubs for three months. Apologises for any silly mistakes. A couple of my through balls were horribly off...
No you were fine, you only really hit your stride in the last couple of games. All I would say is you may want to release the ball a bit earlier...

My through balls are easily the worst Ive produced for months, they were my best weapon but a couple of things Beenom told me have helped it seems - look forward to Club to try them out...
Is there any merit in opting for 4-3-2-1 or if that's too narrow, 4-2-3-1? Not sure on people's thoughts. 4-1-2-1-2 isn't bad, I just wonder if a lone striker with 2/3 runners might suit people's VPs better.
No harm in trying it out, its why we have this very long thread to moan and suggest, least its all out in the open - Ill gladly try anything if theres a reasonable idea behind it. I tend to prefer 4231/4222 when theres 4 of us; and anything with a CAM when theres 3 - when Im ST Im not the greatest lone striker, personally I need someone to play off...

Out of curiousity, though I may regret asking - any pointers youve gleaned from your play with us and your previous Club? Just want to understand if youve faced the same issues and what youve done to minimise it...
Sorry I was pants last night, was really annoyed with my own play as I know I can do better, also in the last game I got about 4 or 5 freezes in each half so I thought I'd make an exit before I do some damage to my controller :(
You were fine mate, no one was firing on all cylinders last night and FIFAs been very biased against us - either we make no chances or make loads that are saved/missed - theres never consistency as there was only a few weeks ago...

I do hope people realise that when I say something on chat that I include myself within that comment...
You dont start txt attacking people in the middle of a game. Thats what voice comms is for :p
Im well known for not saying the right thing at the wrong time ;). As polite as I am, Im very passionate about Club and sometimes feel if I dont put a voice to what seems to be clear to me no one else will - I get bored of my voice, but Id rather mention it then allow it to dull the experience...

Me not being impressed by right stick flicks isnt news - Ive had a go at the likes of Skippi for years. Ultimately referring to my previous post I want people to attempt to look at their play and identify what isnt working in Club - thats it. Hopefully from there its something theyll either improve upon or remove from their game. Im sucking at chips lately and Ive tried manual settings and I just cant get my head around them so I am trying to stop doing them as much (or in silly positions)...
Would prefer Beenom was not any tbh. He may be the best individual player but i dont think hes the best team player. Besides im out - ive had enough of ppl choosing to go "oh its htk he lost the ball earlier ill be ****** if ill pass to him"
So by the time you put me through with a great ball i just couldnt be bothered..which is why i messed about with it.
I dont think Beenoms like that, I know he loves the ball and does take the **** sometimes (I told him so last night), but its more that than singling out people not to pass to, he just likes to force errors in the opposition and hes far more adept at that with his skills than most of us. TBH on more than one occasion Ive been seen to say 'hi, you know Im constantly free on the left wing' etc because people are passing to him far more - so perhaps dont jump so quick on him when you realise how much he ends up being relied upon...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Yeah i did go on a run and lose it but you know what it was nothing that everybody else was doing...everybody without exception. (beenom, me, poly, calcio, jonny) Though I think by that point i was annoyed at Beenom. Would prefer Beenom was not any tbh. He may be the best individual player but i dont think hes the best team player. Besides im out - ive had enough of ppl choosing to go "oh its htk he lost the ball earlier ill be ****** if ill pass to him"

I went ANY because in the previous games with the CPU as defence there was total chaos, everyone (including myself) was calling for the ball and expecting it so it was impossible to know where the CPU would pass and this led to our players, including our VPs, to continuously run into each other due to being out of position waiting for the ball.

Also I don't know what leads you to think that I'm not a team player but I'd like to think I'm very teamplay oriented. I actually remember Poly saying "hi, you know Im constantly free on the left wing" in a particular game and I instantly tried to spread the ball out to him whenever he was free from then on, because he was being too nice to call for the ball from the CPU when he totally free.

Surfer said:
"oh its htk he lost the ball earlier ill be ****** if ill pass to him"

I absolutely do not think like that whatsoever, in fact if I see someone's having a bad game I'll try my best to pass it to them in lots of space or when they're on a good run so they can have some actual time on the ball instead of receiving it in a difficult position and then losing it as soon as they get it. Perhaps that's why you felt I went out of my way to not pass to you. I can see how I could be seen as selfish when I try to do the hard stuff by holding onto the ball waiting for a nice easy pass to try to make the receiver's life easier. I do this because I feel like I have to be the creator to make things happen. Yeah, I do lose it like that, but I assure you I get annoyed at myself more than you do at me. :)

Anyway, now the constructive stuff. I'll start with why I feel like I have to be the creator; imo we're far too attack minded and try to play a perfect pass way too often after gaining possession. There isn't enough sideways/backwards passing, everything is too concentrated at going forwards, this is probably due to impatience, but there's loads of time in a FIFA match to score a goal or two, all it takes are a few well worked opportunities to win a game. We've got to start using players behind us and beside us, in club games there is massive space in the centre if you look out for it. We've just got to be more patient and relaxed and not be afraid to dribble backwards for an easy pass out. That's why I try to get on the ball lots, to try and slow the pace down, the reason our games feel too chaotic is due to the really fast pace of our play. I'd like to see an effort from everyone to try to dribble without excessive R2 useage :P. With your back to your marker you can easily hold onto the ball.

Another big problem is calling for the ball, I don't mind people calling for the ball whatsoever, but what I've seen far too often is that people call for the ball and just stand there waiting for it to come to them. What I do is get into space really early and stand still or move slowly (the analogue stick IS analogue so if you press it a tiny bit you will walk!) and THEN I call for the ball, as soon as I call for it I run towards the passer to shorten the distance and to prevent my marker intercepting the pass. 9/10 you'll have possession AND have your back turned to your marker which means you'll retain that posession. Also don't call for the ball expecting a wonder pass from the CPU, make sure that the route to you is 100% clear of opponents, the CPU is crap.

Anyway I think we should play against the AI as a club sometimes, against Classic XI so the pressure to win isn't there instead we can try to play at a slower pace.

Wall of text. I don't post often so read this one! :p
Out of curiousity, though I may regret asking - any pointers youve gleaned from your play with us and your previous Club? Just want to understand if youve faced the same issues and what youve done to minimise it...

Well, the style of play is drastically different although I can't put my finger on exactly why. I know that sounds silly and perhaps it has to do with my being away from club for 2-3 months.

We always favoured a 4-2-3-1 because we had a guy who played up front and stood at 6'7 and over 200lbs so he would cause all sorts of devastation in the air, flanked by two/three quick smaller players. The main difference is that we never ever used a CPU ANY because its so ridiculous. I understand the need to do so though. 4-3-2-1 was, on the whole, criticised for lacking support on the wings.

As it turns out, when the 6'7 monster wasn't on, we used to take turns as the lone striker and I played one such game against yourselves (the one where I scored twice). In that game, if I remember correctly - which I may not - I remember thinking that the team's passing was bordering on being too quick and losing control although I don't know which of you were on or if in fact that isn't synonymous of the typical playing style. It certainly didn't feel too quick on Wednesday.

We regularly felt hard done by when we lost though. Be it our opponents getting a free-kick if we dared to even THINK about winning the ball back or one of our own being hacked down in the box and the referee waving play on. Not sure if you've come across that but when it keeps happening you wonder what the point is.

I'll try to release it faster when I'm on tonight. Personally, I usually favour a fast passing game but based on comments here and my own general feeling in the games, I wasn't doing that because I felt as though I was trying too hard. The curler I scored from the left cutting in on my right has become quite regular with Ibrahimovic/Robinho during games against the CPU as Milan so I can't promise you won't see me doing it a bit more...
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I think my favoured formation currently is 4132/4312 - that covers 3-5ppl with ease. Personally I like 2 STs up front, especially as we tend to end up using the ST nearest the ball as a winger for crosses - it maintains some presence in the box (and usually the opposite sided player will come into the box anyway).

While I remember what crossing assist do people have? I recommend Semi as Assisted is just useless as it will only direct it to 2 areas of the box, Semi helps with direction but you can change the power/placement...

My VP size/weight is I guess a compromise - he was 5ft 11 with 154lbs, just changed him to 5ft 10 and 173lbs after a recommendation from Beenom. I think only Jojo plays with a VP thats the kinda size you described - Ive never bothered to go that big because I know I wouldnt like the unwieldiness...

Unfortunately that reminds me of another thing to mention - Ive noticed a few times people just not using their VPs to their best strengths - for example if you are short, avoid kick-off headers - you just arent going to beat a defender to it 9 time out of 10 so go for the lay off instead; or attack the near post at corners or crosses. Im sure you notice that its just boils down to some common sense, it also means that others can guess where to place themselves around you - it isnt luck that a lot of the time Im on the back post in space...

With regards to ANY, we originally didnt use it in FIFA 11 because of the lag issues it seemed to produce at first - as ANY you literally felt the game was very unreactive. Ive tried it a couple of times a while ago and I just wasnt good at it - Im happy to try again when we have say 4ppl (and FIFAs not against us) cos if I suck I can at least leave. We seem to mainly concede on counters when the CPU defence isnt fast/reactive enough.

Its a shame comms are so buggered up as at least there was some communication...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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