Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn

So if I own the original incarnation of the game, can I play yet? Apologies if it's in the thread already, the website is no help at all.
yep what is this combo business that shows up under your H/M/TP bars ? it has countdowns of which I have no clue how to activate?

I think you just mean the combo kill bonus? Not sure what triggers it but it's just bonus xp for killing mobs in a row i think. When i noticed it earlier i was getting +80% per kill while it was on instead of +50%.

What did you expect? Have you ever played an MMO before?

er I expected atleast some servers with a fresh start and not all of them having beta 4 data still making some people lvl20 in the first second of the head start.

anyway AS I SAID!
they sent me a headstart key even though I cancelled my preorder so it's not like I've wasted anything.

If everyone doesn't start with an even playing field I can't be bothered.

massive advantage to crafters
Does it have a group finder/raid finder/cross realms?

No cross realm to my knowledge but the Duty finder is a "group finder" for Dungeons and Guildleves.

Unfortunately at the moment on my server at least (Cerberus) the Duty Finder servers are dead, meaning no dungeons, guildleves or even some story quests. Guess it's time to level some more Classes.

Luckily queue times are tiny, haven't been queued for more than about 30 seconds.
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Gladiator lvl 10 quest is broken, comes up with system error every time. Guess i'll go level something else :/

Edit - it's the duty finder not working that's blocking it
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Looks like they've taken the servers down, hopefully means a fix in incoming.

Servers down for 3 hours for emergency maintenance, fair enough to be honest, so much relies on the Duty servers that it makes sense to just take everything down and fix it.
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I'm on Cerberus - Tony Tone. Just started and then we get maintenance :D
Never bothered playing any of the betas, so this is my first time playing the game since FF14, all i gotta say....plays a lot better lol, not needing to wait 30 mins to see people on the screen, inventory loads up instantly. :)

How long is maintenance btw?
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