Final Fantasy XV

30 Sep 2003
I got bored midway through chapter 13 and haven't gone back - although I'd like to return at some point. Echoing what a few people above have said - the story isn't as epic as previous in the series and at times is pedestrian to the point of being dull. The combat is also very average. Not because of the move to realtime, but simply because it hasn't been implemented well. What redeems it for me is the relationship between the main protagonists and the chilled road trip vibe. I found myself enjoying drifting about and doing stuff with the gang, even if the stuff we were doing wasn't that great. It's hard to say how much watching the movie and miniseries pre playing helped with this, but I suspect a good deal. And i'm not sure whether this reflects well on the game, now thinking about it, as pretty much all the interesting, character building happens outside of the main story (they should have been included). The game world is so full of little touches, though, and despite the deficiencies FFXV is obviously a labour of love. It's oddly touching and at the very least Square Enix deserve credit for what they tried. A hard one to rate tbh. It gets too much wrong to be great and, imho, is too far removed from everything Final Fantasy to be a worthy member of the series. Weirdly decent will have to do :p
21 Jun 2005
I finished it last night. I thought overall it was a good game, but it had a lot of room open for improvement.

For people who have finished, what photo did you choose? I picked the one right near the start of the game, with the four guys standing in front of the car at Hammerhead. It was a toss up between that one and the group shot before we left in the boat for the Venice like city

Same one I used haha.
18 Nov 2011
So I finished the first play through in 33 hours and at lvl 54. The game was OK but I have to admit I did not really know what was going on.

I started the game again and am now at 30 hours played at lvl 53 but am only at chapter 3 I have completed so many of the side quests, hunts and have collected 6\7 of the royal arms (only 2 are from the main story line) I am enjoying it more the second time around knowing more of the backstory and main story really helps tie it all together into something much much more enjoyable.
10 Oct 2011
Started playing this yesterday and am 2 hours in. Watched the film and anime so know what's going on but I'm struggling with the combat. It feels very messy and half the time I'm just hammering buttons and hoping.

I'm also finding the camera a bit of a chore, it feels too close most of the time.
3 Dec 2004
Have you tried changing the controller layout? Layout C makes the triggers attack and block, massively improves the combat imo.
11 Nov 2002
I am on chapter 6. Enjoying it a lot, after adjusting to the new combat system (tbh I like it, just the camera gets confused when you are warping around a lot!).

Spent about 30 hours so far, Level 46, saved lots of EXP which I will cash in at some point, by sleeping, and move up about 10 levels at once!

A couple of questions:

1) I now have experienced 2 different Summons (old guy with lightning bolt and Titan). They both feel very random and I am fairly sure the screen just starts glowing red/pink when a summon is a available but I don't know what I need to do to trigger it (is their some sort of summon bar I have missed?)

2) I read various sites saying you can grind better once you reach Altissia (the next chapter from where I am). I am curious as to how much content (quests, outposts etc) there is as I cannot see it on my map yet. If it's a huge area with many quests and hunts, I could continue my grinding once I reach Altiisia.

p.s. I haven't read most of this thread due to wanting to avoid too many story spoilers, so keep your answer spolier-free please (Story feels a bit weak compared to earlier games, but I don't want it majorly spoiled, nonetheless!!!)

7 Jun 2011
1) I now have experienced 2 different Summons (old guy with lightning bolt and Titan). They both feel very random and I am fairly sure the screen just starts glowing red/pink when a summon is a available but I don't know what I need to do to trigger it (is their some sort of summon bar I have missed?)

Certain Conditions are what allow you to summon the different summons, think its slightly random as well.....L2/LT comes up Saying Summon at the bottom of the screen and you just hold L2/LT down until the summon starts.

2) I read various sites saying you can grind better once you reach Altissia (the next chapter from where I am). I am curious as to how much content (quests, outposts etc) there is as I cannot see it on my map yet. If it's a huge area with many quests and hunts, I could continue my grinding once I reach Altiisia.

Nothing to Grind in Altissa at all really its just a City, apart from the odd hunt and you move from there to the Old world using Umbra, so its not on the Map....the reason people say that, is that there is a hotel with a 3 x EXP multiplier which you can stay in for 30K you go there after a good EXP grinding session.
14 Apr 2006
I'm about level 29 working my way through Chapter three (heading towards a waterfall) with about 20 hours played.

So far I am quite enjoying it although its not my preferred style of RPG (jRPG etc...) as I like the strategy of the old style games etc... Having said that the two main problems with the combat I have found is that

1) I cannot "block"/phase to save my life (literally). By this I mean the average attacks - I can dodge and parry the main attacks. I've started to slowly turn this around by switching to the Type C controller but I just don't seem to be able to switch between defending and attacking in time - guess it will come with practise but its just a pain at times.

2) I hate the camera angles
11 Nov 2002
1) I now have experienced 2 different Summons (old guy with lightning bolt and Titan). They both feel very random and I am fairly sure the screen just starts glowing red/pink when a summon is a available but I don't know what I need to do to trigger it (is their some sort of summon bar I have missed?)

Certain Conditions are what allow you to summon the different summons, think its slightly random as well.....L2/LT comes up Saying Summon at the bottom of the screen and you just hold L2/LT down until the summon starts.

2) I read various sites saying you can grind better once you reach Altissia (the next chapter from where I am). I am curious as to how much content (quests, outposts etc) there is as I cannot see it on my map yet. If it's a huge area with many quests and hunts, I could continue my grinding once I reach Altiisia.

Nothing to Grind in Altissa at all really its just a City, apart from the odd hunt and you move from there to the Old world using Umbra, so its not on the Map....the reason people say that, is that there is a hotel with a 3 x EXP multiplier which you can stay in for 30K you go there after a good EXP grinding session.


1)A bit annoying. I mean I use the summons when they appear (by holding L2), but I thought there may be some sort of meter to build up summon energy etc that I could keep an eye on. The summons seem to appear every 5-6 fights, but can't seem to find a pattern.

2) I will stay in the main map for now then. I have about 225xp saved up, if I double that in the Goldin Quay hotel at x2 that will be sufficient levelling (I think i would go up 20 levels-ish). I still have a few quests left that i can get Xp from before I move on.

5 Dec 2008
Only just started chapter 2 and level 13 for most park and upped some characters skulls however **** fishing it's the most boring mini game ever that and just tedious to weather it works or not. Can I just not do that bit at all? I don't care for the trophies that relate to fishing
30 Sep 2003
Only just started chapter 2 and level 13 for most park and upped some characters skulls however **** fishing it's the most boring mini game ever that and just tedious to weather it works or not. Can I just not do that bit at all? I don't care for the trophies that relate to fishing

You don't have to fish at all.

tbh a good deal of the content on the game is bolted on, unnecessary fluff.
14 Apr 2006
Just finished Chapter 3 - Managed to save up 55k exp and paid to stay at Golden Quay (2x exp modifier) so went from level 30 to 40 in one fell swoop :D quite happy with that. Have about 250 ap saved up and not quite sure which way I want to go with my game play - magic seems very OP however when I get the "hand to hand" combat right it feels much more rewarding (albeit it doesn't happen too often).

On to Chapter 4...

EDIT: Just completed Chapter 4

Wow, loved it. The battle with the titan felt very epic (despite finding it a little tricky with the battle controls - although I am getting better at it)
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30 Sep 2003
It's super easy to become overlevelled in this I found. If you keep on top of the hunts you'll be an untouchable god for much of the game and be able to win with your eyes shut. I reckon it's best to do whatever you feel like and not focus on grinding/xp.
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