Final Fantasy XV

21 May 2010
Just started playing this. Had it sat there for 2 weeks whilst I smashed other games.

Anyone got any tips?

Graphics are fantastic, acting seems great so far (Just drove off from Hammerhead, so really not far). Only gripe upto now, the combat system sucks, big time.
27 Jun 2006
Not here
Got this today as as gift so any early game levelling tips?

Just started playing this. Had it sat there for 2 weeks whilst I smashed other games.

Anyone got any tips?

Graphics are fantastic, acting seems great so far (Just drove off from Hammerhead, so really not far). Only gripe upto now, the combat system sucks, big time.

Had this since release, only started playing it properly yesterday.

Tips?!?!?! Do the side quests, until you reach a high level. People tend to stop at chapter 4 to do them.
18 Jan 2004
So I completed the game, 68 hours in like level 54.... What do I do now? I wanna do a NG+ but I guess I want to collect all the weapons I missed and what not? Where are good places to grind? What do I do to get good levels? What about items? Could someone give me a link or post me some spoilers please? I loved this game and want to play more and have the season pass.
I went all the way from ~40 to ~90 in a few hours. Theres a meal you can buy in Altissia that doubles exp earned for a short period. You couple this with expericast magic which is just an effect gained from crafting spells with certain items such as debased coins and whatnot. Then go on the hunt for weak enemies that you can get the highest grades possible on, preferably ones that cause you to parry frequently as this increases finesse(?). Cast the expericast magic on them to wipe them out, it doesnt matter if you only get 10exp for killing the enemies, you just need to ensure you get as many A grades as possible as this modifies total exp earned.

When you've finished using all your expericast magic, sleep at the hotel in Altissia which costs 30k and triples experience earned. The total exp earned doing this will be based on how many exp collectibles you found during your playthrough, so exp earned will vary.

As far as expericast magic goes dont just blow all your expericast items at the same time. The bonus exp earned is based on the expericast level of the magic, not the base potency. From what i've read its a linear relationship so expericast lv4 grants twice as much bonus exp as expericast lv2, so you want to find determine the most efficient use of these exp items. From memory this occurs when using ~8 items when crafting the magic as that is the point where you get 6 spells, past this point the potency also may taper off and no more magic carges are earned but this varies from item to item. Use a calculator if in doubt, something like [expericast potency * charges] / [items needed for creation] will give you the optimal usage. If you find you only have one or two of the expericast items then it might be worth saving them until you get a few more to get better 'value' for your items.
2 Jan 2007
I'm about 4 hours in now, enjoying it so far.

The combat is...interesting. I'm not sure if I like it or loathe it yet. The combat IMO needed to be modernised, and it may take another major game to sort it out properly.
5 Dec 2008
I'm about 4 hours in now, enjoying it so far.

The combat is...interesting. I'm not sure if I like it or loathe it yet. The combat IMO needed to be modernised, and it may take another major game to sort it out properly.

I like it but the camera can be iffy! I love the warping about too
30 Dec 2010
Over here
Decided to send mine back. Would rather wait until it's finished and with all the extra content. Got plenty else to play so suits me both ways.
2 Feb 2011
I started playing again after giving the game a break to play the Overwatch Christmas update. I just caught the Liege of the Lake. Only had 210 durability on my line left when I finally reeled him in! :D
7 Jun 2011
After completing this and feeling somewhat disappointed......I decided to buy FFX/X-2 HD Remaster in the Steam sale...something I haven't played for 15 or so years and after 10 hours in, its quite sad to see how much they have moved away from the amazing formula that made 10 and below so great.....FF10 is 15 years old and is soooo much better than 15 and 13...the combat is fun, the characters are interesting, the story is told so well and the music spot on....they certainly have lost their way IMO :(
25 Jun 2008
Bonnie Scotland...and sometimes Denmark!
After completing this and feeling somewhat disappointed......I decided to buy FFX/X-2 HD Remaster in the Steam sale...something I haven't played for 15 or so years and after 10 hours in, its quite sad to see how much they have moved away from the amazing formula that made 10 and below so great.....FF10 is 15 years old and is soooo much better than 15 and 13...the combat is fun, the characters are interesting, the story is told so well and the music spot on....they certainly have lost their way IMO :(

I feel exactly like this. As soon as I was done with 15 I fired up 10 HD Remaster right away. It is just so much better!
2 Jan 2007
I feel exactly like this. As soon as I was done with 15 I fired up 10 HD Remaster right away. It is just so much better!

I don't think I ever believed this was going to be as good as FFX felt, but on it's own merit it's still a very good game. Maybe my more tempered expectations are helping me enjoy it a lot more, couple that with the fact I own get an hour or so a night I love turning it on to have a blast through the content.
7 Jun 2011
I don't think I ever believed this was going to be as good as FFX felt, but on it's own merit it's still a very good game. Maybe my more tempered expectations are helping me enjoy it a lot more, couple that with the fact I own get an hour or so a night I love turning it on to have a blast through the content.

The thing does have good aspects in a game on its own right, but when you go back and play the earlier games...they almost feel like a completely different franchise.

I mean FF 10 is a ridiculously good game....and while not expecting every FF to live up to such a high standard (10-2 wasn't very good for example IMO) to move so far away from that formula that they aren't even remotely similar is quite sad IMO.....the story telling back then was A+ which for me is the foremost importance in they seem obsessed with Crystals, over complicated story's, full of plot holes and in the case of FF15 missing huge chunks of the story and explanations, to I assume, sell as DLC while instead you do pointless side quests with 0 story attached to them....sad times :(

I mean if I didn't watch the film....or even look up explanations of FF15's story thereafter, Id be none the wiser of what actually happened.
2 Feb 2011
I finished it last night. I thought overall it was a good game, but it had a lot of room open for improvement.

For people who have finished, what photo did you choose? I picked the one right near the start of the game, with the four guys standing in front of the car at Hammerhead. It was a toss up between that one and the group shot before we left in the boat for the Venice like city
5 Dec 2008
Still at hammerhead area just doing hunts and side quests if I find them, I should probably move on but still didn't just under 4hrs in. I'm still adjusting to the combat I keep miss timing the block or parry, went out at night and a big knight just crushed me to pieces! Found a dungeon too but it recommends level 50 so got my ass handed to me in there by the boss
30 Sep 2008
In my opinion the whole game was a dissapointment. Finished it a couple of days ago, no interest in going back for the end game.

I thought the story was weak and didn't pull me in, I didn't like the combat system at all, the main story felt short and badly explained, and the main quests were all far too easy until Chapter 13 when it became a stupid grind without all the abilities you've spent ages levelling up.

I'll be trading this one in soon.

Shame as I'm a huge FF fan.
27 Mar 2004
Between Realities
I'm really enjoying it, I loved the story. Watched Kingsglaive before hand and really allowed for myself to get immersed.

The new combat system is a breath of fresh air! And I really like the attention they've given to some of the NPCs. Even some of the lesser NPCs have good design and voice acting. To the point where you expect more from them!

I'm hoping for some backstory DLC, I'd love some Gladiolus backstory
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