Final Fantasy XV

30 Sep 2003
Watch the movie Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive.....its not bad actually and sets the story rolling and finishes where the game starts.

I really enjoyed Kingsglaive - certainly more than expected given the reviews it got. In many ways it does what the main game doesn't and sets a nice backdrop. There's also the 4 or 5 part Brotherhood anime series about the 4 main protagonists and how they became friends before the game starts. Both improve the game for sure.
1 Mar 2004
Kent, UK.
Picked this up the other day from the RF, looks stunning in 4K High, HDR but frame rate is terrible, used to 60 FPS+with GSYNC on the PC.

Not to far into the game yet, so far hasn't gripped me the way the other FF games have and I dislike the new combat system, no idea why the need to change it the way they have.
27 Dec 2011
They definitely have lost their story telling magic since Hironobu Sakaguchi left after FF10......while I find the overall story ok, the way its told certainly isn't done that well......and I found myself doing things in the story, without explanation of why im doing it....and if you haven't watched the film before playing, then it certainly will be very confusing.

Final Fantasy used to be my favorite gaming Franchise...but since the creator left, its been on shaky ground....and I directly compare this game to The Witcher 3 which does the whole package lot far better.

Its not a bad game....I do enjoy it...but looking back at everything up to 10 the franchise is losing its appeal for me.

Just completed it and I concur with the above.

It's a fine game, by all accounts. But not on par with 1-10.
30 Sep 2003
I think that days of traditional Final Fantasy are numbered. At least with the major flagship releases. Will probably get old school iterations on handhelds etc. It is a shame - there's something weirdly absorbing in linear, turn based jrpgs. Switch off, experience the story and level up.
7 Jun 2011
I think that days of traditional Final Fantasy are numbered. At least with the major flagship releases. Will probably get old school iterations on handhelds etc. It is a shame - there's something weirdly absorbing in linear, turn based jrpgs. Switch off, experience the story and level up.

Agree....think the FF7 remake will be a disaster as well, with annoying combat and large parts of the story chopped out to make it fit in budget and time frames etc.
27 Dec 2011
Also, what's with the dialogue in this game? There's a lot of words that, even though they are beautifully used, are so irritating it pulls me out of the world a little. 'Assuage' was used twice in the same half hour, it just felt like someone had come up with a word and one of the team said 'Grab a thesaurus, say another word instead' for a tonne of the dialogue.

Agree....think the FF7 remake will be a disaster as well, with annoying combat and large parts of the story chopped out to make it fit in budget and time frames etc.

I don't consider XV a disaster, but it just didn't feel like a Final Fantasy game to me. Closer to XIII than, say, VIII or something. However, I was thinking this exact thing when completing XV, that the remake of VII will likely be sub par.

Oh well, I guess I'll just play 1-10 and the odd spin offs I enjoyed ad infinitum.
7 Jun 2011
I don't consider XV a disaster, but it just didn't feel like a Final Fantasy game to me. Closer to XIII than, say, VIII or something. However, I was thinking this exact thing when completing XV, that the remake of VII will likely be sub par.

I dont consider it a disaster either.....BUT....FF7 is one of my fondest memories as a gaming title.....and while FFXV is ok as a game in its own right, I think its pretty rubbish as a Final Fantasy....bit like 13 and feel if they rub the FF13 and FF15 formula on such a good game, it will spoil it...we shall see! Will buy it anyway :D
27 Dec 2011
I dont consider it a disaster either.....BUT....FF7 is one of my fondest memories as a gaming title.....and while FFXV is ok as a game in its own right, I think its pretty rubbish as a Final Fantasy....bit like 13 and feel if they rub the FF13 and FF15 formula on such a good game, it will spoil it...we shall see! Will buy it anyway :D

Same here, it is my fondest memory of a video game, (OoT following shortly thereafter), even though it feels like an insult just to call it a 'video game'...

They basically just took the major thing we said was missing from XIII, an open world environment, and went to the nth degree with XV!

As said above I think the Hironobu Sakaguchi magic is lost. I've never completed VI, so that's on my hit list now.

Wii version it is, by the way... like Warbie's post and links, I can't stand the butchered versions of the iOS and Steam offerings.
30 Sep 2003
I've never completed VI, so that's on my hit list now.

I'm jealous :)

//incoming fanboy splurge

Everyone has their favourite and different FF games do certain things better than others - but there are a few areas that FF6 excels in that none of the others get close to matching. The cast is one - 14 characters I think, with only a few being optional side characters - and the epicness of the story. It's crazy. You form a party, it splits up, form more parties, different people go off to do their own thing, meet back up again, and all to the backdrop of epic battles and happenings. So much stuff happens! When you finally finish the game you feel like you've come to the conclusion of something monumental. Like finishing an extended version LoTR marathon. I still remember finishing it with my little brother one summer holiday (took us about a month after release due a parents enforced maximum hours gaming per day rule!) and we just felt drained! Now I haven't finished FFXV yet, but so far, and despite enjoying the game, the overriding impression I have is driving around in a car for a bit with 3 nps and occasionally going hunting for stuff. Nothing epic really happens. Somewhere along the way FF seriously lost it's mojo! Oh, FF6 has the best villains too.
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26 Jul 2003
I'm playing Witcher 3 and FFXV in parallel at the moment.... The difference in the side quests is dramatic. I spent 2 hours playing a single side quest on the Witcher across multiple missions; the side quests in XV just feel lightweight MMO style.

That said, I still like the game and aim to complete it, it's just a real contrast playing these two together.
3 Dec 2004
I'm playing Witcher 3 and FFXV in parallel at the moment.... The difference in the side quests is dramatic. I spent 2 hours playing a single side quest on the Witcher across multiple missions; the side quests in XV just feel lightweight MMO style.

That said, I still like the game and aim to complete it, it's just a real contrast playing these two together.

Struggling with the side quests as well, they're appalling. Take a picture of the wild chocobo ... great, take a picture of the meteor... woo, deliver the stone to the guy with the wise guy accent ... I found myself looking at the quest list and not wanting to do any of them.

Think I'll download the witcher dlc and forget I ever played this, it's ruining my memory's of previous FF games :(
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