Finally i get cracking 900d time !!

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Have posted in the Mayhems thread will see what they have to say.
A few people have said that they will probably send me some dye to sort it, its not a bigee was just a bit gutted when I realised it was turning pink. Am going to go ahead today flush the lot and use de-ionised and silver kill coil until the 7990 blocks arrive then I will give the "orange" another try :)
Nice work so far Tony - looking forward to seeing how this one progresses... 2x 7990's will be somewhat epic! :cool:

Makes me wanna return to watercooling! :(

Thanks J much appreciated, ordered the blocks today and am going to get stuck into it Thursday, will make sure I take some decent pics this time after everyone moaned and forced me into spending £135 on a camera :(:D

If you do hanker after a basic loop there are spare nickel/silver fittings here should you need em

I'm thinking of doing a loop very similar to this, so I'm intersted in the final loop order.

I also have the same pump and top and was thinking of attaching the X3 reservoir to it, so bought one of he smaller ones (the 150). However I suspect the CPU will be the last component in my loop and getting the tubing to go from the CPU down to the res, well, virtually all the way to the pumps, sat in the bottom like yours, is going to be tricky due to the GPUs being in the way.
So was thinking of mounting the tube res much like you have. What size tube res did you go for in the end?

Hi Chris
I got so confused with all the res pieces and bits left over so for the sake of loosing a length of tubing (less tat on display) I ordered a 250 x3 today with the link for the block.
Originally I had it on the floor of the case but these 7990's length mean I have to move the res, drill some holes so while I am at it I may as well raise it to mid case with a sheet of metal ( just a hacked up metal divider from the filing cabinet). I will be drawing and fiddling on tomorrow so will send you the final thoughts and a flow diagram before I git crackin' Thursday. :)
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If your going to raise them leave the hd cages in and you should be able to slide in a thin sheet of something or over like a diving platform if you know what I mean.

No need to worry about centre of gravity, the res screws directly into the link which is fixed to the block eliminating a hose length

Morning Paul have you decided on hardware yet?
I tried to get inspired but at the end of the day I would just settle for a generic looking build with some nice touches. Something as simple as painting corsair fan rings or strips of metallic tape then there's good old fablon for covering the silver mess in the i.o. area

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Morning Dave I left a message in the thread.
I rinsed thoroughly with a tiny bit of bicarb in the water got every last trace of pink out and repeated the whole thing it turned pink within hours this time.
I don't want to give up on the colour so going to have one more attempt tomorrow and rinse 10 times if I have to if it fails again (another £45 on coolant) then its getting a black dye bomb and be done with it :D
Yes, well, almost, 4770k, x-oc with a 780 phantom glh :) still to decide on case, was going for an enthoo then parvum threw a spanner in the works with their new tower case so that parts undecided :p

Looking more for how you have everything laid out, routed and colour scheme as the x-oc is very similar to the ud7.

I tend to get fed up half way through and rush it :(

:) We've all done that, get a few hiccups and you shake your fist and swear its going in the first for sale thread you can find key is to see the wall coming and head of and do summat else.

I might pick your brains while your here, there is a distinct lack of 7990 backplates out there and I looked at the xspc backplate the hole spaces look the same just wondering if the white lettering is raised in any way because that would be coming straight off??
Ooooh this sounds like the start of a good day, I don't mind trying the orange again the money is spent now if it does not work I will take you up on your offer, naturally I will compensate your good self ...... unless of course it turns an even brighter shade of pink in which case find yourself a dark cave somewhere :eek::D:D:D
Evening Peeps :)

Phew that was a hair raising few days. As some of you may know I had a bit of a problem with some coolant going pink which is not what you want when your aiming for gigabyte orange.

I posted a note in the Mayhems thread, within an hour my jaw hit the deck when Mick told me he was mixing me some up and fetching it over that night, made it even better that the science behind the coolant is pretty damned interesting I must admit.
It transpires that its not the coolant, Mick had it under the microscope and there was a load of flux in it so a combination of my fault and the rad manafacturers not rinsing out excess flux .... boooo!

Anyways the advice was to run it with water and biocide for a month to be sure everything was out ....... now I don't want you to think I am deliberately ignoring your advice M but I had to do the bicarb rinse n repeat 20 times and could not resisit another go with the orange.
Main reason is I want to be sure its definitely what I want before I go spending moolah on accessories and tarting the case up. I know full well in 3-4 weeks the machine is getting pulled apart for a clean and .. ( sorry its secret for now :p)

Plus a few people had said Tbag "y u spend loadsa pennies and use an average cpu etc" , hmmm well that bugged me no end so promptly wizzed out the original spec from page one and ended up with

I7 3930k
2 x Gigabyte 7990s

... and that friends is where yesterday morning 11.30am I started ....

First up the 7990's


This is where I hit a problem, I had sized up the xspc 7990 backplates and by all accounts they fitted, holes lined up perfectly so on with the washers etc

Problem number 1

The 4 screws around each gpu fitted fine but were maybe half a mm too long, then I made the mistake of messing with extra washers but given that these were made specifically for the xspc waterblocks hardly suprising. £50 down the plug hole but not a total waste ... sprayed one black and using it as a temporary shelf for the res :D :o

So off comes the freshly painted xspc backplates ( pretty naff looking to begin with if you ask me ), good old amd stock backplates!! Yeah I know the labels oh noes!!! not fussed if I find something more suitable will re do em when I next strip the loop down.

The case and a few rightings of wrong uns

I re jigged the fan controller into proper zones

1. 2 front af140 quiets and the 1 x rear af140 quiet on zone 1
2. Top quad push/pull sp120s zone 2
3. Bottom quad push pull sp 120s zone 3

Would have liked 3 x 140s at the front but you cant expect to get a quad in there on push /pull and all the bells n whistles

Change out the i7 3820 for a 3930k .... should make all the difference when playing bejewelled 3:eek:

Hmmm and out comes the orange 24 pin in favour of black. Had so many bits n pieces of res what with the confusion of the original model, to make a long story short I ditched the res with the extra tubing ...

.... in favour of this cheeky little number from ek an x3

Looks a lot better ... I think

So given that the whole things getting pulled apart in a few weeks and a new psu will be fitted .... I errrr.... skipped a tiny bit of the cable management. The fans etc and associated cables are neat enough its just a wee bit diss-organised down below.

Time to add the gubbins out front and fill her up :D

I was stood facing the side of the case and begin pouring the coolant in, strange I thought "this res is taking forever to fill up" and then I looked around the other side of the case ...... nice orange swimming pool going on arggghhhhh unplug everything panic panic.

All swabbed out and dried up

So I guess that's phase 2 out of the way and over the next few days will decide on wether to stay with the orange, change the psu in a few weeks and route out the rads for a good clean.

Yeah I like it but not jumping for joy yet, am hoping it grows on me.

Any comments/constructive criticism allways welcome ..... don't expect to land on the Christmas card list mind ;)
Thank you Mr B agreed looking back on it I did go a bit to far with the tim. That's probably why my temps are not that good, time to dive back in and put that right :o:)

Will go for the grain of rice approach think I got carried away applying tim to the gpus in the same pattern, having said that the temp on those are great 43 degrees under 100% load ..... nurse! Scalpel adjustables and forceps please :D
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I've set up my WC coop finally for my build (still some problems unfortunately, but getting there) It sits idle at 25 degrees on both the CPU and GPU with no fans running :P all i hear is the pump which is awesome.

One of the problems is that the PSU fan turns on every so often when it shouldn't (30% load or over) and it does so even at 0.05% load) :( and it's as noisy as hell!

What brand of psu is it Alasdair so I can stay clear of it, does not sound right to me. Have you come across anyone with the same problem?

7990's now Tony hey. Very nice indeed. What's the performance like?

Hi Chris

Well owing to the heaps of mx4 I put on the cpu it was idling 40's and gpus idling 33-35 degrees under full load cpu would skyrocket to 70's and gpus 45 degrees.

I had to strip some of it this morning re-applied mx4 same result, so out it came again and whacked in an ek block and the results almost made me cry for joy :D

Cpu and gpu's now idle at 35 and 27 (yup 27) under full load cpu is 55 and gpus 33 35 33 36 :D:cool:

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It's XFX (the Pro 1000w platinum model) so it's a seasonic unit and should be one of the top of the line PSU's. I havent seen anyone with the problem though after some searches. I'll check it out in my old build to see if the issue lies elsewhere as my corsair TX750 fails to work in my new rig for some reason or other...

Don't let it put you off the build, I would be having a right good thrash about with there customer services and don't be too shy to point out that a very public failure would do no one anygood least of all there reputation.

Failing that take a deep breath box the little sod up and buy something else, you shouldn't have to but its a short cure :)


Will we be seeing these on the bench threads, I would really like to see how these go on the Heaven 4 bench.:)

Your new setup looks very impressive, congrats.

Evening Mr K :)

Your just bench mad you are :D yes am just backing stuff up a clean windows install then will be benching. I think I have gotten my head around amd and the catastrophic control centre :D

Nice Setup. Neater than what mine will look like when complete. lol

I was the messiest person going, but doing a build log knowing that what you do you will be showing to everyone really does help put a stick of dynamite up your butt in terms of making an effort where you would not normally care.

Take your time, don't let this motley crew rush you and you will surprise yourself ;)
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Good effort thus far mate. Have to say that the pics don't do the coolant colour any favours...looks "milky" for want of a better word. Deffo not even close to the mobo orange colour

Blunt but true :D

The only reason I stuck the coolant back in was so I could decide for myself if I really was going to keep it going forward into the case customisation. I will be flushing it in a few days and running just water and biocide as per Mayhems advice.
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