Finally, I get my day in court!

18 Oct 2002
I mean don't get me wrong I expected most of this as soon as Tuesday happened but the lack of compensation and restraining order has taken me a back, the witness care officer who contacted me was also really surprised. They thanked me for always playing ball with them though so that made all worth while, I can honestly say if I had to do all this over again I really wouldn't waste my time!

Sorry to hear about the outcome Vidar. I can’t pretend to have any experience of this sort of thing, or to even begin to comprehend what you’re going through, but I just wanted to say it sucks. :mad:

I recently read ‘The Secret Barrister’ and unfortunately, it seems like your experience is far too common.
2 Aug 2012
Tell me about, I'm crippled and scarred for life. I have a hard time getting out of the house, I keep having panic attacks as a result of everything that's gone on plus everything else. And these two get to walk away with **** all consequences while refusing to name the others. So much for the British justice system!

As I said before, I would have no problem sending them down for several years each, and with a clock that doesn't even start ticking until after they have given up their mates!
5 Oct 2011
So I've just been informed about the sentencing, haven't been given any details as to why they've come to the decisions that they have but just the black and white of it.

Both have been given 15 months suspended sentences for 2 years, One was given 200hrs community service the other was given 100hrs. I've not been awarded any compensation and I've been refused a restraining order.

I mean don't get me wrong I expected most of this as soon as Tuesday happened but the lack of compensation and restraining order has taken me a back, the witness care officer who contacted me was also really surprised. They thanked me for always playing ball with them though so that made all worth while, I can honestly say if I had to do all this over again I really wouldn't waste my time!

What a ******** joke.

Is there anything else you can do with regards to appealing for compensation?
23 Dec 2018
Tell me about, I'm crippled and scarred for life. I have a hard time getting out of the house, I keep having panic attacks as a result of everything that's gone on plus everything else. And these two get to walk away with **** all consequences while refusing to name the others. So much for the British justice system!

My heart really goes out to you reading this, I'm sorry you didn't get the justice you deserve. I got attacked by 5 drunk scumbags vs just me years back and luckily only got a couple of black eyes and body bruises out of it as they all ran off when someone shouted they'd call the police from a house, but I too felt some fear for a while afterwards going out. Like your situation I was massively outnumbered but unfortunately with your leg getting terribly broken it's much worse than I had to deal with.

But you've already come through a lot and were man enough to face them - unlike your pathetic, cowardly attackers. Not many people would have to guts to face them like you did. You can be morally sound in all this, they are pathetic scum that will forever have to remember they cowardly ganged up on someone and broke a major code of being a real man.

Time will definitely heal this, soon you won't feel panicked going out, but it will take time. Maybe in the meantime you could do some martial arts when fully healed if you're feeling panicky going out?

Rather than feel panic, I think you need to let some righteous anger out so you can deal with this due to not getting justice from the police, maybe even some counselling or as others have said compensation, I know someone who got a few grand from a similar beating when bones were broken.

I really hope you can get some sense of justice and closure from this that deserve.
31 Jul 2004
Bring back hanging!

Definitely, that's never gone wrong.. never once.. we've definitely never convicted anyone of what would be a death sentence offence that we've later learned was wrong.

100% bring it back, like has been proved in America there's no argument that it is 100% effective in ending violent crime.

Baffles me that we haven't followed their example.
29 Jan 2008
Both have been given 15 months suspended sentences for 2 years, One was given 200hrs community service the other was given 100hrs. I've not been awarded any compensation and I've been refused a restraining order.

Unfortunately the British justice system is a complete and utter joke, way too soft when it comes to violent offenders...

Little wonder that you get things like the guy attacking a police officer with a machete having previous serious convictions for, well attacking people with a machete and a rape conviction (for which he only served 3 years)...
21 Jun 2006
The lack of punishment is only going to encourage members of the public to take matters into their own hands.

Whatever. You are talking like this is only a recent thing it's been going on for at least a decade. Maybe 2-3 decades.

Nobody will be uprising against anyone. It's naive thinking at best.

Too many keyboard warriors on the Internet when it comes to real life there keyboards go missing much like them
8 Jun 2005
United Kingdom
Whatever. You are talking like this is only a recent thing it's been going on for at least a decade. Maybe 2-3 decades.

Nobody will be uprising against anyone. It's naive thinking at best.

Too many keyboard warriors on the Internet when it comes to real life there keyboards go missing much like them

I never said it wasn't a recent thing, your posting style is usually confrontational, and often stupid.
26 Sep 2019
Tell me about, I'm crippled and scarred for life. I have a hard time getting out of the house, I keep having panic attacks as a result of everything that's gone on plus everything else. And these two get to walk away with **** all consequences while refusing to name the others. So much for the British justice system!

Have you spoken to a solicitor about bringing a civil suit? I would highly recommend it.
2 Aug 2012
I agree, but the death penalty wouldn't have been on the table in this case so I don't see how that would help.

To my mind, Most Murders probably would not warrant a death penalty. However, there are many other aggravated offences that fall short of Murder that would rightly deserve it. Not saying that Vidars case would necessarily warrant execution, However, I would happily keep the people responsible in a small cold dark place until such time that they were able to make a very good case indeed that they would never be in a position to hurt any body else ever again (And as I said before, the clock wouldnt even start ticking until they gave up their mates)

I just read about someone who spat on a cyclist and got jailed for eight weeks and had to pay £150 compo.

And then look at your case.

Hard to believe.

I spotted this story earlier too. and yes the penalty imposed does seem bizarre in comparison.

It seems The spitter did have a history of this sort of thing so it is perhaps difficult to deal with a prolific minor offender other than by imprisonment.

However, To my mind, Corporal Punishment (A good lashing!) would be a better way of dealing with this sort of relentless recidivism rather than prison.

Give him 10 strokes of the Cat and you can be certain that he would never do it again!

(And it is a damn sight cheaper than sending him to prison too! Impose punishment on a Friday afternoon and he can go back to work on Monday morning and carry on working in the productive economy and paying his taxes. Everybody wins! :cool:)
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