Exactly what i have, Although from work. But i didnt really cut it proberly, until now so its all fine, thanks.
I made some changes to my system,
1. Installed 3800X2 LDBHE 0601UPMW
2. Taken my water block off the 6800 and install stock hs/f - lol cable ties) (lost all the fittings)
3. Tidied the system up and installed a 350 hyper PSU to power 12vddc pump and 3x panaflow fans using a PSU trick adapter, this is not powering the system, i have a 600watt PSP for that.
Ive done this because now the pump can pump all day long keeping the tec cool, just keeping system independant of TEC.
All working good at 10c at 2.4Ghz, not tried to OC tonight as getting windows sorted. I will update in the weekend and upload some pics of the tidy system and hopfully a hugh OC
edit - just tried dual core prime 95 on small FFT. the temp gradualy went up and over 46c from a 10c idle. I believe the contact is good due the the temp went up in a degree at a time. but lol saw the ice melt of the tec
This 226watt tec not powerful enough?