Just updated. Got mine put in yesterday by MC Quinn, did a good job to be fair, was early and talked through everything and where wanted fibres inside /outside running etc.
One from fttc 50mb to fttp 1500mb is such a difference.
The old fttc is still live and active too
Latency going from VDSL+ to Fibre (btw VM latency is awful (30ms minimum to 200ms spikes) which is why I switched to a slower VDSL+ connection)
getting quite a lot of outtages with openinfra
When its working its super quick. Only been patchy last month or so.Status Archive - UK
Ongoing issues since early Jan
Out of curiosity, why did you choose them or didn't you not have any other options, the google reviews are awful
When its working its super quick. Only been patchy last month or so.
My brother lives about 1/2 a mile from me and has had drops out as well. He's got the gigabit connection so even faster than mine.As per the status update. Might be worth you calling them for an update on those tickets