Finch / Funeral For A Friend - Bands like these?

A5H said:
Sorry but you are wrong.
Brand new were one of the most original bands of their genre.
Coheed sound nothing like FFAF.

Boysetsfire are awesome but nowhere near any of these bands.
It's like me saying try some glass casket.

Edit: BSF were hardcore. Listen to after the eulogy :)

Who said I claimed that Brand New weren't? They are, however nothing like the two bands originally stated.

Coheed sound a lot like FFAF's EP and Hours. FACT. They also are quite similar to Casually Dressed.

Boysetsfire has some comparason. FAR MORE than the likes of Hawthorn.

Just listen to High Wire Escape Artist and Rookie.
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Nix said:
Who said I claimed that Brand New weren't? They are, however nothing like the two bands originally stated.

Coheed sound a lot like FFAF's EP and Hours. FACT. They also are quite similar to Casually Dressed.

Boysetsfire has some comparason. FAR MORE than the likes of Hawthorn.

Just listen to High Wire Escape Artist and Rookie.


You said that brand new were whiney emo rubbish or something. This is wrong.

4 ways to scream your name is about as far away from hours as possible.
Coheed are nothing like them.
Also I didn't recommend hawthorne heights? :confused:
BSF were hardcore. Jesus christ. You can compare them more to the likes of throwdown and norma jean.
A5H said:

You said that brand new were whiney emo rubbish or something. This is wrong.

4 ways to scream your name is about as far away from hours as possible.
Coheed are nothing like them.
Also I didn't recommend hawthorne heights? :confused:
BSF were hardcore. Jesus christ. You can compare them more to the likes of throwdown and norma jean.

Oh christ. Are you fickle?


Brand New are mellow, depressive emo. I never said they were rubbish. Stop putting words in my mouth.

Listen to the song: Me vs. Maradonna vs. Elvis for example - how does that sound anything like FFAF?

The only song they have that sounds anything like the above, is The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows.

No, but my opinion which you're attacking - I happened to bold Hawthorn, or did you miss that? :rolleyes:

4 ways is far away yes, but my point being the likes of Amsterdam Conversations is a lot like Coheed and even more so, the likes of Recovery.

It's impossible to compare two bands. What you need to accept instead of stamping your feet is that, like in my original post - the likes of Brand New, TBS et al sound FA like FFAF or Finch. Coheed do.
Nix said:
Oh christ. Are you fickle?


Brand New are mellow, depressive emo. I never said they were rubbish. Stop putting words in my mouth.

Listen to the song: Me vs. Maradonna vs. Elvis for example - how does that sound anything like FFAF?

The only song they have that sounds anything like the above, is The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows.

No, but my opinion which you're attacking - I happened to bold Hawthorn, or did you miss that? :rolleyes:

4 ways is far away yes, but my point being the likes of Amsterdam Conversations is a lot like Coheed and even more so, the likes of Recovery.

It's impossible to compare two bands. What you need to accept instead of stamping your feet is that, like in my original post - the likes of Brand New, TBS et al sound FA like FFAF or Finch. Coheed do.

I have 2 albums of Brand New and 2 albums of Funeral For A Friend...i conclude that Brand New aren't in the same genre as bands like FFAF. Brand New are too 'light'.

Nix: I listened to the song 'The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows' and your point stands.

Coheed may be closer to FFAF than Brand New but i don't think Coheed are on the exact wavelength as FFAF.
SideWinder said:
I have 2 albums of Brand New and 2 albums of Funeral For A Friend...i conclude that Brand New aren't in the same genre as bands like FFAF. Brand New are too 'light'.

Nix: I listened to the song 'The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows' and your point stands.

Coheed may be closer to FFAF than Brand New but i don't think Coheed are on the exact wavelength as FFAF.

Game, set and match.

I know it's not the same, but I seriously recommend checking out Poets of the Fall if you haven't already :)
Listen to seventy times 7.
If you think FFAF are 'heavy' and dismiss brand new as too 'light' then you are on crack.
Seriously what the hell.
If you look at people who like FFAF. The majority will like the bands I've listed. This is a fact.
Coheed are not anything like FFAF and I stand by that.

But please, use some more caps and roll eyes smileys!
I have listened to that song...i don't find it heavy in the slightest. It's "pop" like. Besides, what difference does one song make? I'm talking about the entire band. Brand New on a whole are 'lighter' compared with bands such as Finch/FFAF.

Coheed are not anything like FFAF but they are closer than Brand New.
SideWinder said:
Alexisonfire are my favourite band, like ever. I have albums by the other bands you mention.

I SERIOUSLY recommend Dallas Greens solo stuff. Goes by the name of City and Colour (Dallas' name). Save Your Scissors is a really nice song.
Nix said:
Who said I claimed that Brand New weren't? They are, however nothing like the two bands originally stated.

Coheed sound a lot like FFAF's EP and Hours. FACT. They also are quite similar to Casually Dressed.

Boysetsfire has some comparason. FAR MORE than the likes of Hawthorn.

Just listen to High Wire Escape Artist and Rookie.
TWO BSF songs? Can you give me more than that? What about the stuff on This Crying. This Screaming? The Day the Sun Went out? The Misery Index? In Chrysalis? Live for Today?

Two songs doestn mae a comparison.

Brand New however, are f all like FFAF.
A5H said:
Same fan base which would suggest they are
Man, they are not even similer musically. Diffrent style, diffrent tuning, diffrent lyrical content, diffrent vocal style...pretty much diffrent everything. Brand New are way more Morrissey/Smiths inspired than FFAF will ever be.

IMO, Thrice come somewhere close to FFAF. At least the older stuff does.

Just cause a band are listened to by fans of other bands, doesn't mean they are smilier. You wouldnt say that Throwdown sound like Parkway Drive would you? Even though pretty much everyone I know listens too and likes both of those bands.

I listen to A Wilhelm Scream and Rise Against. Those bands aren't smilier in the slightest and they tour together regularly. Set Your Goals and No Trigger tour in August. Both bands I love. Fans of either probably listen to the other, but that doesn't make them the same! They're musically poles apart!
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Well I have recommended parkway drive to throwdown fans many times. So I guess I just see things differently to you. Like if most people like 2 bands, it stands to reason fans of 1 band will like the other.
And since the thread was for recommending this guy music I think it is pretty apt.
Also I think I like your music taste with some of the band names you drop :p
A5H said:
Well I have recommended parkway drive to throwdown fans many times. So I guess I just see things differently to you. Like if most people like 2 bands, it stands to reason fans of 1 band will like the other.
And since the thread was for recommending this guy music I think it is pretty apt.
Also I think I like your music taste with some of the band names you drop :p
I also know plenty of people who hate Throwdown but love bands like Parkway Drive etc

I'd call bands similer if they sound musically the same. I think the fanbase aspect is irrelvent because most people like more genres of music than just the one. If you start seeing it like that, you might end up recommending Radiohead to the guy even though they truely are nothing like FFAF! You see what I'm saying?

My taste in music is huge. I'm bound to like something you like :p
Jesus, what the hell have I started?

Who cares who sounds like who exactly? I was just throwing out some bands that seem to have the same fans as those in the OP.

Stop getting angry at things on the internet.
m0r94n said:
I SERIOUSLY recommend Dallas Greens solo stuff. Goes by the name of City and Colour (Dallas' name). Save Your Scissors is a really nice song.

Been a fan for a while, he's amazing! <3

A5H said:

Seems most people would agree with me and that other guy.
Brand new and coheed are on the exact same likeness by users.


I whined about Last.FM's similiar options for FFAF in my OP. :)

I've asked around also, Brand New are NOT like FFAF. Finch are the closest band to FFAF in my eyes.
Yeah I must admit I wouldn't put Brand New and FFAF together at all, don't sound anything like each other! I could never get into the Brand New stuff, thought it was awful. IMO of course.
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