Fire Thread! - Stoves, Wood, Axes, Chainsaws

Do these stove fans work well with open fireplaces? Our living room heats up nicely but it doesn't spread to the rest of the ground floor.

It depends what temp you are getting around the fire really.
I'd imagine if you have quite a low mantle above the fire it may work if you find a stove fan with the lowest start temp possible. I don't think you will get warm enough on the hearth to get it going but if you have a probe or spot temp device, you can check what temps you get in places you could sit the fan and check that against lowest op temps of some fans.
No they don't work at all. Need to be sat on the hot surface of the stove to generate current to work the fan.

Current is generated by heat difference between two semiconductors. Doesn't need to be sat atop a stove at all, although that of course is the best place to put one, as that's where it's hottest :p Unless you don't have one ;)

Some state 50-60c is enough to get them going. Problem will be the height of mantle on an open fire. Heat rises but disperses as it leaves the fireplace so I still don't believe it will be hot enough for 60c on most open fires. You could dangle it from mantle so it hangs closer to fire but all depends on the fireplace etc.
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Knowing how hot the top of my burner gets before the fan spins I'd suggest you're in trouble if you're mantle is getting that hot :eek::D
Current is generated by heat difference between two semiconductors. Doesn't need to be sat atop a stove at all, although that of course is the best place to put one, as that's where it's hottest :p Unless you don't have one ;)

Some state 50-60c is enough to get them going. Problem will be the height of mantle on an open fire. Heat rises but disperses as it leaves the fireplace so I still don't believe it will be hot enough for 60c on most open fires. You could dangle it from mantle so it hangs closer to fire but all depends on the fireplace etc.

I am aware how they work. All the ones I have seen state they are to be sat on to of the stove and that's how they are designed to be used. Yes you could sit it above, but why would you want to go away from how they've been designed to be used. I am stating that they don't work with open fireplaces unless your mantle is getting that hot, in which case, as above I'd be worried about more than if the fan will work! :p
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**comments removed** :rolleyes:

@Luke - nice. Do you just surf local ads and collect what you can or have someone you know always getting rid?
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Over a year ago we moved to the Highlands for change in pace of life, unknown to me the amount of things I was about to learn. The house we bought has a stove in the livingroom but also a log burning biomass boiler (Perge) with a humungous 3,000 litre accumulator water tank. There’s also an oil fired boiler which is the primary source of heating, but this thread is about wood so...


With the price of oil being quite high this time last year I thought I’d make use of the wood boiler.


At first I started by cutting up fallen trees and branches in the forest and then buying wood from local suppliers at between £50 to £65 for a tonne shaped bag, depending on if it was soft or hard wood. The moisture content varied too, the best at 15% and the worst being 25%. I say tonne shaped bag because that’s exactly what it was, not a ton by weight of actual wood (which they make it sound like). More like 200kg and say 20% of that is water on average. It became expensive heating the house by wood but still not as much as oil at the time.

So I bought 20 tonne from the local forestry commission with the bright idea of cutting it and seasoning it myself :). I actually bought it in the beginning of the year but due to the virus I didn't get it until July. Saving over £2k in wood doing it this way but its serious grafting without a lifter of some sort, just roll 'em down (I wish)! Don't underestimate the weight of a log, once it's rolling it'll take you out and flatten you, and they bounce quick.


I’m not even half way through it yet.


Got to look out for these big buggers! Wood wasps, pretty harmless really. They love dead wood.


Lots of splitting done and still to do. I cut 500mm lengths as it's perfect for the boiler. Some half that size for the livingroom stove.


He's not much help but very well camouflaged...


I really like my Makita DUC405 battery chainsaw, 16” bar, performed well throughout all this but spare batteries are a must. Saves all the stinky fumes from a petrol chainsaw although the start switch can be a pita every time you pick it up. However I may have to borrow a bigger chainsaw for the larger logs.


Here’s one of the wood stores with some wood waiting to get split. Once I've done the 20 tonne I’ll probably be able to fill this ten times over so I’m making wood cords around the place to season the wood.


With the pandemic one good thing is that the price of oil has dropped quite a bit so it’s actually been cheaper to run off oil lately than burn wood. That's handy as I've been so busy with other things I've let the wood prep slide a little. I’d actually like to get rid of the biomass boiler (dirty, smokey and needs cleaning all the time) and move to a ground source heat pump but that’s another story.

So yeah, wood! A year ago I never thought I'd be doing this but life is like that :) .
That's a serious effort right there! How much was the 20 tonne if you don't mind me asking?

The electric splitters are great, I have one very similar, but I find on the stand you are always bending down to pick the 2 halves up from the first split, to split them again into quarters, but when the splitter is on the floor rather than the stand, you are always bending down to load it. I still cant decide which is better! I see the newer ones seem to have guards (cages) around them for safety but I suppose it stops the bits going on the floor and you having to bend to pick them up.

Really I need to get a 4 way blade, but I'm not sure its man enough for that!
Over a year ago we moved to the Highlands for change in pace of life, unknown to me the amount of things I was about to learn. The house we bought has a stove in the livingroom but also a log burning biomass boiler (Perge) with a humungous 3,000 litre accumulator water tank. There’s also an oil fired boiler which is the primary source of heating, but this thread is about wood so...

So yeah, wood! A year ago I never thought I'd be doing this but life is like that :) .

Nice post man :)
Where abouts in the Highlands have you ended up?

We have had 4ton off the forestry before and 2.5ton the time before that.
We got 4ton for £20. PITA as they won't let you run a saw on their land even if it's erse end of nowhere.
Got 2.5ton again sat with nothing done yet but we got that for free from a private cut up an estate.

Did you get your stuff from forestry recently? They have really went off on dropping off wood or letting you go in to take some even if you are willing to pay. The nonsense we got spun recently is that if you go in there with their perms and trip over something then they are liable.... Had a few "off" dealings with forestry commission or whatever the hell they call themselves now but at the point now where I don't even waste my time. They'd rather leave a pile to rot for years than let anyone make some actual use of it.

Oil prices are ridiculous right now. Cheaper than mains gas and way cheaper than wood as things stand. Never thought we would ever see that.
Just got this lot delivered today, £100 for a pickup load. All seems nicely seasoned by the sound they make but i'll get my moisture meter on them later, the guys always been good to us before so i've no reason to doubt how well they're seasoned.

This should see us through the winter with the other full log store i've already got.

@gav_172 thanks, the 20T of wood cost just under £500 and then another £200 to the haulier to get it to me. Seems expensive after what xdcx just posted. I'll also add that it was mostly softwood with a few hardwoods in there, it seems the mills around here get the better stuff. Doing some maths, if I was to buy that in already split and seasoned it would cost me around £3,500 if not more depending on the moisture content.

The electric splitter is great at splitting, 7T force but it's a bit slow. I looked in to kinetic splitters (Porter Charger) but at around £600 it's eating in to the savings I'm making by doing this in the first place. They do look awesome though and much quicker than hydraulic splitters. I think the splitters with cages eventually get removed as they make the job even longer, lifting the logs in and out etc. If I had a welder (dear Santa!) I'd weld some flat plates to the hydraulic splitter to stop them from falling to the ground, as you quite rightly say it's a lot of lifting! Get a Husqvarna log lifter, awesome hand tool for (you guessed it) lifting logs and pulling timber.

@xdcx cheers, we ended up a few miles north of Invergordon, roughly 30 miles from Inverness. Absolutely beautiful and a far cry from Swindon where we moved from (I'm originally from Glasgow). I originally bought the wood in February but my haulier delayed things a little then they shut the forests down during lockdown. I didn't have a problem with the forestry commission, but I do know they won't let you in for the reasons you say, it's all security and pass, permits and risk assessment required.

I've noticed the price of heating oil is starting to creep back up. I last filled up at 22p a litre (before that it was more like 50p) but the last I checked it's around 30p inc vat. It's no doubt going to go back up to normal levels next year.
@gav_172 thanks, the 20T of wood cost just under £500 and then another £200 to the haulier to get it to me. Seems expensive after what xdcx just posted.

Not too bad. Prices we got were to go in and remove the wood ourselves remember so it cost them nothing. Getting it out and delivering to you will cost a lot so it's a fair price you paid.

I did see someone locally selling artic loads of beech. Can't remember the price but was MUCH more than you have paid. It'll be mostly pine/larch you get I imagine from the forestry.

@xdcx cheers, we ended up a few miles north of Invergordon, roughly 30 miles from Inverness. Absolutely beautiful and a far cry from Swindon where we moved from (I'm originally from Glasgow). I originally bought the wood in February but my haulier delayed things a little then they shut the forests down during lockdown. I didn't have a problem with the forestry commission, but I do know they won't let you in for the reasons you say, it's all security and pass, permits and risk assessment required.

I've noticed the price of heating oil is starting to creep back up. I last filled up at 22p a litre (before that it was more like 50p) but the last I checked it's around 30p inc vat. It's no doubt going to go back up to normal levels next year.

I know the area very well. I live in Conon and work in Invergordon :)

Father in law just paid 22p PL also recently. When he first moved up here it was over 60p PL. He's on about getting IBC's and filling them whilst it is cheap but I think he is silly to bother with that nonsense.
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@xdcx Lovely area Conon is, small world! I thought about some IBC's to do the same thing as they're quite cheap 2nd hand. It's storing it next to the garage would be an issue and I think there's a legal limit as to how much you can store at home. Not that it stops many round here! Also the thieving bar stewards use them to nick the fuel from peoples homes!

Very nice @Mysterae_ I think you just won the thread :D

Yay, what do I win?! Something made of wood I imagine :D.
Honestly had so many IBC's at work recently would have paid you to come and take 20 :p

Not much thieving goes on about here @Mysterae_ unless you've heard of it recently up your way? We lock nothing up and leave everything laying around, doesn't even cross our minds but I guess that's all fine and well until it bites you in the bum one day. My GF are her parents are from Lancashire and they've been up a long time but still hide away and lock everything up.... from a different world full of bad 'uns! :p

Only "break in" I remember was when I was back down in Fife. My dads 4x4 got window broken to steal the TomTom.... if only they tried the door first as the thing was unlocked and open as it always was :p

@Mysterae_ we viewed a house out back of Evanton and drove past one in Ardross. I'm keen to get a bit more out and get a bit more for the money up your way. So hopefully one day soon I'll have a bit more land and space.
One of the reasons we went with tank gas rather than oil in our house was with how much theft of oil there is around, it's a lot harder to steal gas!

That's mental, changing your fuel due to the thieving gits.

Honestly had so many IBC's at work recently would have paid you to come and take 20 :p

Not much thieving goes on about here @Mysterae_ unless you've heard of it recently up your way? We lock nothing up and leave everything laying around, doesn't even cross our minds but I guess that's all fine and well until it bites you in the bum one day. My GF are her parents are from Lancashire and they've been up a long time but still hide away and lock everything up.... from a different world full of bad 'uns! :p

Only "break in" I remember was when I was back down in Fife. My dads 4x4 got window broken to steal the TomTom.... if only they tried the door first as the thing was unlocked and open as it always was :p

@Mysterae_ we viewed a house out back of Evanton and drove past one in Ardross. I'm keen to get a bit more out and get a bit more for the money up your way. So hopefully one day soon I'll have a bit more land and space.

The other half wants an IBC to hold water (bigger than a water butt!) but the problem with them is what has been stored in them before. Cleaning them is such a pain people almost give them away.

Way back in March a local in Invergordon told me that there was a spate of fuel thefts, hers included. Not much you can do but make it difficult or capture them in the act.

You definitely get more for your money out here, we really struck it lucky with our place (3 acres, half of which is forest). The house needs a bit of work that's for certain but nothing major. Keep your eyes peeled and constantly be on the lookout, I'm sure you'll find your space.
So after singing the praises for those Valiant Ventum 3 fans for years.... mines died yesterday :(
Bought end of September 2018 so it has only done 2 winters and already gave up.
I have emailed Valiant but not got a reply yet.

Stripped the motor out of the thing. Can't believe how hard it appears to find a replacement for the damn thing....

Out of stock. But that is the exact motor I need. Can't find that item anywhere else.
Clutching at straws but anyone got any ideas/suggestions on where I might get one of these motors?
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