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First build in 14-15 years... 6800xt or 3080?

10 Nov 2005
In oct-nov or at worst dec I'll be building a new system for the first time since a q6600... (ran macbook pros since for what I use and consoles)

This will ONLY be used for gaming...

5800x, 32gb 3600 lpx, rm850, msi mortar b550m wifi/bt, sammy 980pro 2tb pcie4.0 m.2, lg 32gp850-b...
IF the 4xxx series turns out to be overhyped and rip off pricing as seems to be always the case I'd like a backup option gpu wise...

Which would you go for out of a 6800xt 16gb vs a 3080 10 or 12gb (as currently ocuk have a 3080 12gb for £830 which is what i was budgetting for a 3080 10gb) I'm more than happy to pay the £200ish extra for a 12gb 3080...

My MAIN thing is I want this to last happily at 1440p for as many years as possible at a locked 60fps on SP games at the highest possible settings then when it can't take it bang on dlss...
MP games aren't really an issue but if I want to play them I will have a 180hz 1440p monitor so that's fine at whatever settings to maintain 180hz...

I keep seeing mixed opinions on how a 6800xt is so much better for the extra vram? but crap at RT (which would be nice at 60fps 1440p for a year or however long modern games will allow me to play it with nice eye candy on with or without dlss) people say in the future the AMD cards will stomp nvidia for RT etc due to infinity cache? But all I see is many games not supporting it currently and horrific fps differences from a 3080... I know the 6800XT is a lot cheaper if bought from ocuk for example but the £1-200 or so difference isn't a factor I WILL pay it IF the 3080 IS better?

So would the extra vram of the 6800XT allow me to go nuts and max everything out for years to come excluding RT or is it a marketing thing like the 10gb vs 12gb arguments I see? As I also see nonsense about how a 4xxx card will want a minimum of a 5800x3d or the cpu will be a bottleneck which seems mad as no games are using that many cores let alone for a few years yet, surely?

I'm not biased in anyway I like and have had both brands so it'd be interesting to see what people say as I'm lost currently, ha!

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10 Nov 2005
I've looked at both and bought neither. If you don't have to buy get next gen, for the sake of a few months it will be significantly faster.
yeah it's just a rough game plan as ideally they'll just release the 4xxx for either same 'ish' price as a 3080 now and the gains 'might' be worth going that route or option 2 my current planned setup just gets cheaper. either is fine I just have a strong feeling the new 4xxx range will NOT be cheaper and they'll scene tax the death out of the pricing as usual...
So if the latter is the case I will still need to know which I should go for regardless of the 3080 being around £200 more IF that is the route to go.
10 Nov 2005
Just a matter of which you prefer, possible buyers remorse or having to fork out a little more. Of course if you're happy with 3080 performance get a 4070, save a few quid and get the newer GPU.
I literally have no bias nor preference it's purely based on future proofing it and to not have to replace it/run it at rubbish settings in a couple years due to lack of ram IF that really becomes a thing. that thread on here showing problems with RE2/3 was quite worrying for example on a 30XX and so is the fps difference in a lot of games with 6800xt vs 3080... as I say i don't want to compromise if I can pay the extra £200 to be worth it in the longhaul I happily will... It'd be nice if a 4070/80 is in the 3080 price range but I'd bet my budget it isn't ha!
I just need to see some proof of real world non biased usage of which is genuinely better. vs bandwagon little bitches taking sides which is all I see online.
10 Nov 2005
I'm just going for 7XXX series AMD, they put plenty of RAM on their cards and I don't need Cuda, Open GL performance has greatly improved too. FSR2 looks good enough should I need it and apparently RT performance is improved, not that that's a selling point for me. Should last a good few years at 1440p.
so say they become silly pricing when they come out would you in my situation just get the 6800xt for the vram then or the 3080?
10 Nov 2005
You should bang on DLSS anyway, it's a brilliant feature - and in most games I find it very difficult to distinguish any difference in image quality.
Nice. I'm open to whatever allows me the nicest eye candy for a few years with a stable 60+ fps at 1440p. it's mainly for SP as I say. any MP I'll just dull the settings down as required to make use of my 1440p 180hz moni.
10 Nov 2005
My first instinct is ...whichever is cheaper.

On OCUK currently, the cheapest 6800xt is £689 vs the cheapest RTX 3080 at £740.
So I would go for the 6800XT.

We can all speculate about whether better Ray-Tracing performance or more VRAM will give either card more longevity, but that's all it will be............speculation.
Money in your pocket now is money in your pocket now.

Just how long are you intending to keep it anyway ?
Over the long term, the most cost effective strategy is often to buy mid/ upper & upgrade after 3 years or so, selling the old card to take the edge off the price of the new. Same applies to CPUs.
Splurging loads of cash on the most premium item & hanging onto it until it's completely obsolete is normally a less good choice.

If you're genuinely intending to run the card for 5 years, then I can only recommend you to wait for the next gen, although you may be waiting some months after launch until pricing & availability hit a point you're happy with.

For the record, I run a 6800 (non XT) at home & a 3090 (Non Ti) at work.
I was hoping considering considering how long last gen lasted people and even 1080s etc on 1080p that say a 1440p dlss setup and a 5800x would give me 5 years - 3 years at nice settings then 2 years bumping the settings down then getting a new graphics card if an 8core really is a bottleneck at that point. ram and psu I don't mind obviously upgrading with a graphics card in 5 years. just seems mad considering the cpus people have held onto up until this point and how games barely use the amount of cores modern cpus offer then I read nonsense saying a 4XXX would want a 5800x3d or it could be bottlenecked. just speculative nonsense. if they were both the same price which would you choose out of a 6800/3070 or 80vs xt?
10 Nov 2005
If they were all the same price, my choice would be 6800XT == 3080 > 6800 > 3070.

The point I was trying to make is that I'm not sure that deciding to hang onto it for 5 years is the best idea.

But I would rule out the 3070/ 3070ti. And maybe bring the 12GB 3080 into contention, as the cheapest on OCUK is £830. Perhaps that's a sweet spot. But he next generation looms ever closer & the higher you go up the price scale, the more argument there is for waiting it out. You've chosen an interesting time to pose the question.
I did say in my original post I'd be choosing to buy it around Christmas. so this just my fallback graphics card option should they sting us as usual on new card pricing...

I wasn't aware you could get a 12gb for £830 as i cant see any on there? I was going to spend that on a 10gb!
I would definitely go that route vs the 10gb then. the 5 year thing was more hoping based on previous generation stuff I could get away with lower settings in the last 2 years with dlss on and obviously no RT etc...?
but as I say I would consider a new card around 4 years if the 5800x would still be good enough based on how long we got out of the older intels etc?
10 Nov 2005
If your focus is gaming, you can hang onto a CPU longer. When I said it's like with CPUs, that was perhaps my own interest showing through, as I do some multi-core intensive stuff & rate the CPU as high as the GPU. For gaming it's not so important in general.
Yes, I would keep an eye on prices of all the cards you are intersted in, in the run-up to the next gen releases. Some might go down in price further & no-one really knows how good/ expensive/ available the new gen cards will be when they come out.
From what you've said so far, 6800 16gb, 6800xt 16gb, 3080 10gb & 3080 12gb, seem like the most suitable current - gen cards.
yes mate, it literally is only going to be used for gaming and mainly SP. so as long as I get a locked 60fps then I'm happy for years to come. MP I can just dial back the eye candy and make use of the 180hz monitor.
yeah as I say I just want a solid choice for if they stitch us up on the pricing of the next gen which is my strong opinion that as usual they will or they'll be overhyped and not much better vs the cost increase.
I can't see any 12gb 3080 for £830 mate? did you mean to type 10gb?
10 Nov 2005
Sorry, I realise I didn't answer your question about the 12GB 3080.
Here it is, £830 & in stock:

crazy I put in a max of £900 and this didn't come up just now ha! Well yeah I'd definitely buy that at that price as I was going to pay that for a msi 3080 10gb elsewhere... so is the 12gb still not worth it in your opinion vs a 16gb 6800xt?
10 Nov 2005
I just can't answer it, as I can't see the future. Both are great cards & I think you'll have a lot of fun gaming for a long time on either.
Especially if you stop following the graphics card market as soon as you buy & just enjoy turning all games up to (near) max.
If I were buying today at £639 for the 6800xt vs £830 for 3080 12GB, for strictly gaming, I think I'd take the 6800XT & keep the change.
But the 3080 12GB wouldn't be a BAD buy, if I was comfortable spending the money.
yeah that's fair enough. the only issue I currently have is whether dlss with fade out and for will win where its supported on both brands but currently the fsr2.0 support is nearly non existent vs dlss.
thanks for your input I am tempted by the 6800xt now but it becomes harder to justify for the little price difference for the 16gb vram gain vs dlss support on the 3080...
also the slower memory bandwidth of the 6xxx vs the 3xxx worries me a bit too.
10 Nov 2005
Again, personal opinion, but if I were to choose 3080 12GB over 6800XT, it wouldn't be for DLSS. It would be for better Ray-Tracing Performance.
Because other Upscalers support & quality will improve, even just this year, & you said you're looking for a long-term solution. I expect DLSS to be pretty un-important in 1 year (I'm guessing)

The better Ray-Tracing performance, on the other hand, doesn't depend on software, the NVidia card is actually faster for this work, in general.

The reasons why I'm personally not too arsed about this for games are:
- The PS5 & XBox series X both have inferior ray-tracing performance to the 6800xt, so it's unlikely most multi-platform developers (which is to say most developers) will cripple performance with demanding mandatory RT features
- Even if you have a high-end NVidia card, turning off Ray-Tracing is a great way to get a massive performance boost & in many games, the visual difference is tiny

It's kinda funny, because at work, we use ray-tracing rendering all the time (usually not realtime) & I wouldn't b without it. But for gaming, today ? I can taake it or leave it.
yeah sorry i did mean the idea of having both really does sell me the 3080 for the extra money but regarding dlss it's the fact it's a good fallback when you can no longer run as high settings in the future without it? that's more what I intended previously so I thought it would give me a longer lifespan before knocking back settings and then pair that with as you say decent RT out of the box its definitely worth the extra cost imho.
it's just so hard to know what to believe for the future as some say fsr will win due to working on both brands and others say the opposite. and after all both opinions are just silly speculation so mean nothing.
I originally felt like I'd be mad not to go for the nvidia due to having rt and dlss clearly currently better and more polished. but then the vram was always worrying me for the future few years but then you found me that 12gb so I'm very very close to thinking just stick with the 3080 now which was my original idea.
10 Nov 2005
As far as the future goes, we're all guessing, of course. I've kind of said my piece. For what it's worth, I think you could happily decide this by flipping a coin.
What I'd say, overall, is keep an eye on the prices of all the cards you're interested in, as well as the upcoming ones, from both AMD & NVidia.
As you get closer to the time when you're buying, post your question again, especially if there is info/ reviews/ availability of the next-gen cards at that point. You've got a decent survey of the landscape as it stands now.
yeah literally am pretty sold on the 12gb 3080 at £830 from ocuk now as my backup should prices not drop/4xxx be a let down or rip off.
If I hadn't posted this thread I wouldn't of been aware of the 12gb for so cheap!
Thanks for your input.
10 Nov 2005
If you aren't buying until December, there is zero point in looking at the prices of anything now.

Also, if you only buy once every five to ten years, then there is zero point in looking at any of this generations cards.

Wait until you are closer to actually buying, then get the best performing card of the new releases that's within your budget.
I know the prices will vary it's just to give me a rough idea what to go for should we get shafted on next gen prices/performance/availability.
I mainly want the gpu to last 3 years with eye candy and then default to using dlss to keep it as pretty as possible upto the 4 or 5 year mark where I replace the gpu but hopefully retain the cpu and motherboard as it'll only be for gaming, no streaming no rendering etc.
10 Nov 2005
You're very welcome. I think you'll have a good gaming experience whichever option you go for.
Maybe those next-gen cards will be cheap, fast & readliy available. Stranger things have happened, & mining looks screwed for now. Whatever some denialists say, that was by far the main cause of inflated prices.
Thanks mate, it'd be real nice if I could spend the current budget in oct-dec and get next gen and gain some decent performance and if they shaft us on pricing and availability, then enjoy hopefully a decent reduction on this fallback option.
10 Nov 2005
I've owned both, currently have a 3080 in my sons system. Given the choice between the two I'd pick the 6800XT for the extra vram and better image quality out of the box ( I've often got to play about with the filters on the 3080). It's also faster on the majority of games I play.

Both great cards though.
Interesting... I don't like the weird washed out look I've seen 6800xt's run on the same games - watched a review showing that and thought it was rather strange? I'm sure you could tweak the settings to balance it out but was rather weird imho.
As mentioned earlier, both cards have pros and cons. For me personally, I'd go for the 6800xt (or 7000 series equivalent) as I reckon the 16gb of vram would be more useful (future proof?). I also prefer the AMD software as the Nvidia version looks like something from the 90s. FSR and RSR cannot be ignored as well, I use these all the time and work very for me. But, the nvidia offerings have DLSS and hardware RT capabilities which cannot be ignored in this day and age.
Yeah the 16gb was what original had sold me future proofing wise, but I really do like the RT at 60fps in 1440p/4k (on the less demanding games) the idea of DLSS for in a couple years when the 3080 requires it to hold 60-70 fps with eye candy on in SP games (as MP i'll just bang the settings down low to maintain 180hz with my 1440p monitor and tbf I'll probs be only playing old games by then MP wise if I'm bothered that much)
I hear bad things about the amd software that it's very hit or miss? which is a shame as I do prefer amd over intel for example and always had more ati cards than nvidia back in the day...
10 Nov 2005
If the games you play have ray-tracing and/or DLSS then the 3080, if not then the cheaper of the two, which i'm fairly sure would be the 6800XT.
yeah I'm pretty sure 3080 12gb at £839.99 off ocuk is the backup plan should my personal belief we'll get screwed on the 4070-80 series pricing and availability come November or December. as by then I'll have waited another six months so I'm not waiting any longer after that haha
10 Nov 2005
As always, timing is everything ;)
Yeah what with the worry of a predicted 450w tdp of the 4070-80 I might just say sod it and stick to my guns and get a 3080 12gb whilst they're available, either the £830 one on ocuk or direct from nvidia should one pop up again, then undervolt it and lock the fps to 60-100 for SP then unlock for MP when I cba to play it online and take advatange of my 180hz 1440p monitor that I plan on getting!
10 Nov 2005
I'm fairly sure that the 4000 series will be powerhogs.. however, as long as pricing doesn't go nuts you could always get a new gen gpu and undervolt/underclock it and still get more performance and the same power draw. Goes for both team green and red. Current gen, while perfectly fine gaming gpus, are getting a bit old and unless the deal is really good I wouldn't buy new right now. Just my personal opinion.
yeah I'd rather next gen but I'm genuinely worried even undervolted its still gonna be around 3-350w tdp and costing me stupid money a month if I wanna play 4-8 hours or an eve or whole weekends etc.
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