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First build in 14-15 years... 6800xt or 3080?

10 Nov 2005
Sure if you only undervolt and nothing else you might pull a 450 watt card down to 400.. but if you include some underclocking as well you can basicly make it as low as you want. Remember that the reason for these new GPUs to be likely powerhogs is because they are pushed way past their sweetspot. So lets say you ease the clocks back 20% while undervolting also I wouldn't be surprised if the power savings would be in the 40% ballpark and if thats the case you would see a 450 watt card running at around 270watts with only a 20% performance loss. 270 watts is not bad.. heck 300watts wouldn't be bad either for that much performance. If you stick to the x70 or x60 class gpu the numbers would be even smaller by a fair margin.
yeah we'll see what the availability/reviews/pricing is like come end of nov when I have the dollar.
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