First full price PC game you purchased?

Neverwinter Nights, saved my pocket money to get my own copy on my PC at home after playing it endlessly at my Dads house one weekend. I loved that game. Shame the franchise went the direction it did!
Super street fighter 2 turbo (had Day of the Tentacle and xcom with the PC)

I remember it required 40mb of HDD space. Our total hard drive size was 200mb. I swiftly uninstalled MS works and deleted all of my mum's files so I could play it.

Man she was angry

Following that, Zool 2, c&c etc
Shattered Steel!

Bought it purely based on the box art and blurb not knowing anything about it at all, such a good game though.

Played it with a friend, one of us on keyboard doing the movement, the other on the mouse doing the gunning.
BF2. I got into PC gaming only in my late 20's.

Prior to that I gamed on consoles and/or simply got pirate CD images from my mates to run on my rather crappy PC. It was the chase of maxed out BF2 60 fps @ a full 1020*768 that got me into the never ending upgrades rat-race of being a PC gamer.
Wow some golden oldies in here, first game was Doom 2, still remember buying it and looking wide eyed at the box and the amazing screenshots lol

Played it on our old IBM Aptiva.

Good memories.
I think it was the original delta force, great memories, must have been around 1998 time, followed then by half life

Delta Force, man I remember that as a young kid. Didn't buy it myself but had a copy. I freaking played that every chance I could on the family PC.
You are making me feel old.

First games I bought when I got my PC were X-wing and Doom 2....I say "I", it was probably my Dad who got them for me since I was only 12 at the time.

X-wing had already been out for a year at that point, but this was in the days you could go in to a shop and see all the nice big boxes on the shelves.

Edit: 486 DX-33, 4 Mb Ram...couldn't even tell you what the Graphics card was at the time.

That's a decent spec. There were no dedicated graphics cards then until the "Voodoo" came out in around 1996/97.
You are making me feel old.

First games I bought when I got my PC were X-wing and Doom 2....I say "I", it was probably my Dad who got them for me since I was only 12 at the time.

X-wing had already been out for a year at that point, but this was in the days you could go in to a shop and see all the nice big boxes on the shelves.

Edit: 486 DX-33, 4 Mb Ram...couldn't even tell you what the Graphics card was at the time.

I had a DX33 too, at that time there werent dedicated graphics cards :)

Those were the days of me having to make an XMS memory floppy to boot Falcon 3.0 and transport tycoon!

Anyone else remember the in-built boot disk facitily for games?
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