First game you played?

dal said:
Think asteroids on the atari was about my first - showing my age here :D
aye same here...

my cousin had one, used to love having a much about on it :D
then... er... probably something on my brothers PC, it was a case that when i was a kid, my brother was VERY into technology (as he still is, and so am i) the minute something new was out hardware/console wise, he bought it... so i think i missed out a lot of the early consoles and then caught up on them when i was a bit older...

oh no... tell a lie, i remember my brothers old spectrum and commodore... as well as his amiga...

some ghostbusters game on some platform... i used to love playing that... and postman pat on the commodore 64 :p

got into games like Zool and things like that on the Amiga... then got into management type games at an early age on my PC (was heavily influenced by whatever i used to watch my brother play).

and of course sonic and all the regular megadrive games (still play a lot of them today) and mario on the NES/SNES...

think the first PC game i bought myself would have to have been... er....Blade Runner, maybe? possibly Half Life? can't remember tbh
I think the first I played was pong on some dodgy twisty nob controller which plugged into the TV then it broke so I got an amstrad that christmas with smash TV on it. My god that game was good lol. My cousin at the time had an amstrad which used tapes and had a stack of games which at that age didnt make sense to me at all.

Moved onto sega mastersystem when it came out and it all went from there really
For me it was some various titles out on a system called Acorn. You had the keyboard and you needed a telly and a stereo to load the games from tape. It had titles such as frogger, ladder etc.

But classic games dont get much better than Astroids - Pong - Tetris.

Give me a gameboy with all them on and Im having it!
Boy and his Blob on the NES, it's a wonder I wasn't put off games for life! :D

First PC game was probably something like Sim City I'd imagine, have memories of playing Lander on some hideous old laptop, w00t...
First one must have been early 80's can't remember the system, maybe BBC Micro, you flew ship over a scrolling landscape (looking down) and there were hospitals and stuff. Can't remember what it was called. Or it might have been Pong on a Binatone. :cool:
Donkey Kong on handheld nintendo or Manic Miner on the spectrum 48k. :) Can't remember which came first.
Man I'll never remeber that far back it's most likely to be a spectrum ZX or C64 game. I used to play a game called Joe Blade a lot on C64. I think I'm the only person in the world who played it as I've never herd anyone else ever mention the game. :D

As for Arcades I think it may have been this 3D StarWars game the 3D image was made up of a green skeleton kind of thing. It's hard to explain.
At home... Blue Meanies on the Vic 20. It was bundled with it.

In the arcade... hmm probably asteroids or space invaders.
A very limited box for the TV, did shoot the moving square, ping pong ect. First real computer was an Amstrad 6128 disk drive! Had a games pack which included chuckie egg amoungst others.
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Haly said:
It's the only cartridge I've ever seen for the c64. I know others were available (Terminator 2 was available on a cartridge I think), but the cartridge slot seemed a bit pointless to me really.

I've got an urge to go play Football Manager or Lords of Midnight now :o Although suppose there is that remake of it for the PC.

Actually there were quite a few cartridges...

Around about 200 - my favourite was the Action Replay cartridge - lol - but there was Shadow Of The Beast and all sorts on there I have a fairly complete list somewhere...
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