First game you played?

Boots used to be great for c64 and speccy games :)
I bought James Pond Robocod there :o Sure I bought other games there too but can't remember what.
Haly said:
Boots used to be great for c64 and speccy games :)
I bought James Pond Robocod there :o Sure I bought other games there too but can't remember what.
had that on the megadrive, good game!
3D Monster Maze for the ZX81..utterly engrossing.

I remember getting the ZX81 magazines and typing pages and pages of code on an awful 'touch sensitive' pad (mine needed a firmer touch lol) just to have a sideways letter 'A' shoot full-stops at wave after wave of letter 'Os' and 'Ds' :D

Only it took days and days to type it in then it wouldn't work with a syntax error and you had to proof-read 1000s of lines of code to find out where you used a comma instead of a period....or the electricity ran out and mum had no more 10ps :D ....Ahh the memories...
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ExRayTed said:
3D Monster Maze for the ZX81..utterly engrossing.

I remember getting the ZX81 magazines and typing pages and pages of code on an awful 'touch sensitive' pad (mine needed a firmer touch lol) just to have a sideways letter 'A' shoot full-stops at wave after wave of letter 'Os' and 'Ds' :D

Only it took days and days to type it in then it wouldn't work with a syntax error and you had to proof-read 1000s of lines of code to find out where you used a comma instead of a period....or the electricity ran out and mum had no more 10ps :D ....Ahh the memories...

The most annoying thing, was when you spent 3 hours typing it in, 3 hours trying to look for typo's because it wouldn't run and 3 hours trying to fix it yourself when you couldn't find any typo's.

Only to find out in the next issue of Dragon User or whatever rag it was, that there had been a printing mistake and they had printed half a space invaders program and half a mortgage interest calculation program.
at home I think it might have been space invaders on the atari 2600, not at homw would have beenpaperboy in the arcade, or something on my mates spectrum.

First game was something on the ZX spectrum or something on my friends atari (the one with HUGE switches and wood on it). Really cant remember which came first as i was young (20 now)
tank shooting game (can't remember the game name) on the spectrum (can't remember if it was the hard or soft key as we had both at some point)

I must have been younger than 10.. thats as far as can remember dates of stuff happening, bad car crash screwed that up (25 now)

The only other game i can remember when i was really young was Lemmings. Must have been an Atari as my dad was a bit of a enthusiast.

Am i right in thinking there was one before the 520ST? (EDIT it was a atari 2600) had one of them and we had a 520ST, 1040STE and a Falcon which if i remember were rare as hens teeth.
Had a speccy wih a disk drive i think?! Didn't have it long though if we did as it kept overheating or something.. Remember it smelling like it had been on fire lol

Still have the 520 and 1040 in my own loft somewhere might have a look at it someday haha! Got some games lying around up there too..

Oh and many many many hours spent on Elite!!
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Pong :) and i still have my old Atari 2600 and games :D
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I had a system with pong and a lightgun back in the early eighties like the colecovision systems, pong and clay shooting 4tw!!

The first real games I played where on a BBC, chuckie egg was a must along with that banana throwing game, damn the name escapes me!!
A game called Project One on my amiga 500 on my 7th birthday. Id love to find that game again and get it for my phone. I cant even find screenshots for it. :(

It was a vertical scroller and on the first level you started off in a yellow hoverboat, second level was a space ship and 3rd was a futuristic craft.
Tennis on a 'atari grandstand' i think it was called,it was basicly 2 sticks on either side of the screen and a dot in the middle :D
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