First game you played?

A self typed shooting game on the ZX80, You were a static block at the bottom centre of the screen, a second block moved across the top of the screen and you pressed a single key to shoot it! You got one point for each hit and it never ended or changed :D

:eek: ..That was 26 years ago? why am I still crap at games? :D
It was either Manic Miner, some text-based adventure game or this weird F1 racing game (hideously detailed) on my BBC :)

On the PC it was probably either Myst, Zool or Lotus Challenge (or, scratch that, minesweeper! :D)
First game I can ever recall playing at home was some top down car racing game (a la Super Sprint) on the Phillips G7000 thing. Must have been about 79/80.

First computer game, can't remember exactly, but was either Tranz Am, Jetpac, Harrier Attack or Manic Miner on the Speccy 48k xmas 1982.

First Atari ST game, Kick Off 2 Final Whistle, lost a lot of my life to this ;) about 89/90.

First Console game, Fifa Soccer on the Megadrive. Went out and immediately bought a Megadrive to play this on! 91ish I would think

First PC game, Transport Tycoon, on my 1st PC, a whopping 486 sx25 with 4mb RAM ;) Still play it now thanks to Openttd
Alex Kidd in Miracle World for me as well, played it on my uncles Master System when i was about 5-6 years old. Rock, Paper, Scissors, that's how a real man defeats the bosses :D
Duouk2000 said:
Alex Kidd in Miracle World for me as well, played it on my uncles Master System when i was about 5-6 years old. Rock, Paper, Scissors, that's how a real man defeats the bosses :D

Alex Kidd was the first game I ever completed. :)
Mine also was Pong on a Binatone.

First games I played on my Atari 2600 which my uncle gave me was, in order.
Space Invaders
Pele's Soccer

Ahh the memories :D
It'd be "Adventure" on a very old Atari someone kindly gave to me when I was about five. The main character was a small white square, and the gameplay was very basic, but at that age I loved it. I've been hooked on games ever since. ;)
Circus Atari


Played with these

first game that i can remember is donkey kong on the snes :D although before that my family had amigas,spectrums etc so i most likely played games on that too
Pong variants on either a Telstar Alpha or Binatone console thingy. It was a while ago (probably about 30 years) so I can't remeber exactly.

First home computer game was 3D Grand Prix on a zx81 I just found a link to it and it looks fantastic still :)
Zool for the PC (which I still have, box and all :eek: ).

Although it's possible I played Game Boy before it, but can't be sure :p
First game I played was a version of Dungeon/ Zork on the VAX my father's university used - kept me out of his hair:) (About 1980/ 81?)
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