First gaming pc

does that mean my memeory isnt running to its full potential?
Yes - but you didn't flash to F8 (you had trouble downloading it - and that has better memory compatibility. We had to settle for F7. So we'll try that in a couple of days).

Reboot again - let me know process.
booted up perfect again
Keep an eye for cold boot issues - but suspect they'll be fine at 3000MHz (2933).


Type disk into the start menu and select 'Create and Format Disk Partition'

Post back - and tell me if you see an unallocated drive - 1TB.
  • Right click on it and select 'New simple volume'
  • blurb - click next
  • 'volume size' - click next again
  • Assign Drive letter - whatever you want (you can leave default selection maybe best) - then click next
  • Format Partition - tick format volume - leave on NTFS etc.. - You can name the Volume label: default name is New Volume (name of drive - e.g. HDD/games/Files/Porn)
  • Tick Quick Format
  • DON'T tick - enable compression
  • Click next
Post back if you get stuck on any section...

You're done - the next steam sale you can start filling it up (and do wait for steam sales - massive difference in prices).

Watch the cold boots over the next few days - and on Friday we'll flash the BIOS to F8 and try fir 3200MHz again. If that fails - we can try a couple of other things but TBH it should work as it's AM4 approved.

You're done - the next steam sale you can start filling it up (and do wait for steam sales - massive difference in prices).

Watch the cold boots over the next few days - and on Friday we'll flash the BIOS to F8 and try fir 3200MHz again. If that fails - we can try a couple of other things but TBH it should work as it's AM4 approved.

Thats awesome. Chuffed to bits with my new pc, cant believe ive actually built one. I havent used a pc (apart from the odd bit of browsing the web) in about 7 years before building this:eek: Really enjoyed it.
Thanks once again for all of your help, patience and guidance, and most importantly your time, it is very much appreciated.

Top bloke, Keep up the good work mate:)

speak friday
No worries - enjoy.

Go nuts with the system now - use and abuse and monitor stability and temps (but these seem OK).

And we'll review Friday.

Sorry man, didn't see your post!

Played some pubg, haven't manage to kill anyone yet though haha. Getting used to this keyboard and mouse!!

Been playing some banished (brilliant)

Also some that game!

You play anything?

Sorry man, didn't see your post!
No worries bud :)

Also some that game!
A classic.

Not played Banished but have it in my Steam folder - along with many other games i've yet to play (i have a habit of buying games in the Steam sale and forgetting i have them :/) I will make a note to dig out Banished...

You play anything?
Love RTS games - highly recommend StarCraft 2.

Enjoy driving games (huge F1 Fan - IRL) - so enjoy F1, Project Cars, Dirt...

ARMA 3 with some mates (very casual player), SKYRIM was a rel surprise as I don't usually like that type of game. Which made me purchase Witcher 3 in Steam sale - and yet to play...

Faster Than Light (FTL) - small indie game, very simple concept and highly addictive. Beaten it a few times now - but still draws me back. It's weird...

And space engineers - as it's a game i can play with my young son - most buggy, annoying game i've ever played (insanely so) but great fun playing with my kid and watching him build some very complicated craft. Also played Ark with him - but i bought our own server so he didn't meet strange internet folk and could just enjoy the game.

Reality is that i play very little now - but still look out for games that will grab me (hence my huge back catalogue of unused games...) :)

Xcom/xcom 2 - turn based game - also recommend these.

Played some pubg, haven't manage to kill anyone yet though haha. Getting used to this keyboard and mouse!!
As long as you enjoy it - doesn't matter. The tension build up in those types of games 'are' the game in many ways.

And once you get used to keyboard and mouse in FPS games, you'll wonder how you ever manged with a controller (well you would if console games didn't have 'snap to enemy assist' - i certainly need this when presented with a controller but never warmed to consoles other than driving games)
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@Plec Starcraft 2 is already on the list!

As is CoH2, been wanting to try them out for years:)

Witcher 3 is a great game.

Skyrim, probably my favourite game ever.

Just getting time to play is the problem these days, has to wait till the kids are in bed:p
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