First Imac purchase

O and with regards to your format type question, NTFS cannot be read but FAT32 can. Now I'm not sure if NTFS could be read whilst running Windows, maybe someone can clarify this for me?
i have looked around and found am going to transfer the contents of the hard drives one at a time then format the drive in to something the mac can see without the need for third party software :confused: does that make sense i swear it did in my head a minute ago
My god, that is stunningly expensive for a first time mac.

Enjoy I guess!

not really i could have spent more than that on a high end gaming pc only to find its out of date in a month, i went for the imac as it covered all my needs in a gorgous shell and after using my mates 13" macbook for a month when i was in America i fell in love with OS X :p

Excellent purchase :)

I bought the extended support thing last year and whilst on the phone the guy asked if I was a student, I said no and he asked if I have any kids, to which I replied yes, a 3 year old. He then gave me the discount saying he will be in education soon enough :)
OSX can read NTFS but can't write to it. Also, be warey of the MACFUSE solution out there for writing to NTFS. It works, but it's hideously slow in my experience.

I shelled out for Paragon's NTFS for Mac:

It's not expensive and it works at 'normal' speed which if you're copying between OSX and NTFS drives a lot if a godsend.

Nice machine you have there.
So you bought a computer with out of date hardware today? :p

shut up you and let me enjoy my purchase ;)

regarding ntfs problem will i be able to copy the files to my mac without a third party program then when thats done format the drive to a mac supported format
I definately think it was wise to upgrade the hard's a pin taking the screen off the swap the hard drives

yea 1tb should be enough i also have the 2tb external on the way as well :D cant wait i really hope am one of the lucky ones that gets it before the suppose shipping date
Well I ordered my MacBook pro a week ago on the 7th and it's still not here !!!!! Utterly rubbish, they also reckon it will take until the 19th to get here, it's not a strange config either,bog standard 2.4 with 4gb ram, seriously not impressed with it taking this long.
Not long til the 19th though :)

I've never ordered a Mac directly from Apple (yet) but I've ordered software from them and was very impressed with the delivery.

Also, remember that the Macbook Pro is probably travelling pretty far, it's not coming from the UK.
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