First PC games?

21 Oct 2003
Back with a Vengeance.
On the back of the "first pc thread", it made me curious as to what games you all played. I'm looking forward to being reminded of games I've long since forgotten about.

System Shock 2 was a favorite of mine as was Unreal Tournament.
Doom and some turn-based game I can't remember the name of on a friends computer.

I didn't get my first PC until the age of MMX technology. As such, I got to play things like MDK and Pod
I remember seeing someone playing what must have been DOOM in a Uni lab in about 1994. Although didn't actually play it.

I think a demo of UT in about 1998, first full game was probably Ghost Recon in 1998.
My first PC was bought in 1999, used to enjoy the original Unreal Tournament and also Quake 2 at the time. Had a Pentium 3 450 and a Voodoo 3 2000 Card.
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I have a feeling one of the old 'Worms' games was probably one of the first that I played.

I remember buying PC games that came in an A4/A5 sized box with the disk in a its case and a big manual to go with it!

Edit: This is the one

I remember the artwork on the box well!
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Maybe not the first but distinctly remember Dune 2 and Doom being very early PC favourites on our super 486 DX25.
First game was probably Elite around 1986.

First online game was UT ~13 years later in my late 20s, I was hooked, line and sinker!
First PC game I bought was KKnD.

Played Wolfenstein 3d, Magic Carpet, Command & Conquer, etc on a friends PC 1st though.
So far back I can't remember specifics but the first games I ever played on an old Zenith laptop were Battle Chess and Test Drive in glorious CGA.

On a full PC my earliest memories are of the Sierra games, Kings Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest and Quest for Glory.

My all time favourite though from that era will always be Monkey Island.
I think Tomb Raider 2.

EDIT: Oh no, no, no! If we count Commodore and Amiga then Zool, Super Frog, Lotus Turbo Challenge, Benefactor, Cannon Fodder and Lemmings.

I was such a small kid back then, was playing with my dad occasionally. Good times...
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