First PC games?

Space Quest - it was mind blowing back then. Whatever happened to Sierra?

Put to sleep after being acquired by Activision if memory serves.

Actually my favourite memory of Sierra was from non-Sierra game The Secret of Monkey Island where they parodied the random insta-death followed by the load, start new, quit menu that Sierra had a fondness for...
First game that I can remember on the PC was International Rally Championship which I spent an unreal amount of time playing. Also had Rayman, but I was never as interested in Rayman as I was rallying. Moved on to the likes of Need for Speed High Stakes, Toca Touring Car Championship and Test Drive 5 after that. All of which correspond with our first ever PC having Windows 98 on it.

I was (and still am) a racing game fan at heart. Born in 1991, so missed out on the classics.
First game I played I think was "Virus" on school PCs? Then first game "owned" for me was Spitting Image as it game free with the computer. First game bought then was Sim Earth which just confused the hell out of me at the age of 14 :P
I remember my first but don't remember the name of it. I do remember playing some lego rock raider game fairly early on though, and some rabbit game earlier than that.

Favourite semi old school games have to be constructor (in remake atm) and theme hospital.
On my first PC, Minesweeper, very shortly followed by Wolf. Whilst at Uni, that expanded to Doom, Descent, Grand Prix (Geoff Crammond's), lemmings and Risk (well at least on my corridor).

Having said that, I did have an Amiga before that, with a host of games, though being fair, I first bought it for F16 Falcon.

Prior to that, I was a Speccy user, with the rubber keyboard. A friend of mine had a BBC with Elite and Revs on it. They were awesome at the time.

First ever computer game I saw was on a mainframe. A Star Trek turn based ship combat game. Unsurprisingly rather basic. That was probably in the mid-70s, on an ICL unit. I seem to remember it using winchester removable storage disks, which were roughly the size of a baking tray and probably 2-3 inches thick. Incredibly, I've found an image of what it looked like:

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Can't remember the very first which would have been at one of my cousins but first game I played on "family" PC (Sister's 386 work laptop but it was non stop on my desk for over a year) back in 1992 or 1993 is Prince of Persia. 2nd one was Sokoban, loved that game.
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