First time on dual carrageway!

Its not anything special, i practiced until i could already drive what i could consider perfectly before i took the first lesson. I believe Fox did a very similar thing on these very boards to avoid being taken for a ride for countless hundreds of pounds. (Just using him as an example of someone i know on here who had very few lessons)

Anyway, it seems to be more the norm here that you'll learn to drive, then have some lessons to brush up. Elsewhere with cheaper tuition i suppose it makes more sense to do it with an instructor :)
Mackass said:
I'd rather be taught how to drive properly than teach myself to drive.
I'd rather learn to drive than learn to pass a basic exercise in controlling a car at 30mph for half an hour :p
Mackass said:
Either way, 25 hours is quite a lot, I'm surprised you weren't bought onto them earlier. But glad you enjoyed it mate, it's scary at first, but once you do it a couple of times, it'll be fun. :)

You think thats a lot?! I go to college with a few (female) mates one has had 36 lessons, and she still hasnt done her Theory...
Jez said:
Its not anything special, i practiced until i could already drive what i could consider perfectly before i took the first lesson. I believe Fox did a very similar thing on these very boards to avoid being taken for a ride for countless hundreds of pounds. (Just using him as an example of someone i know on here who had very few lessons)

Anyway, it seems to be more the norm here that you'll learn to drive, then have some lessons to brush up. Elsewhere with cheaper tuition i suppose it makes more sense to do it with an instructor :)

I suppose, I did a bit of learning, (around 15 1 hr lessons)
and then did the test,
although how many accidents have you had? :p
erm if ure not a crap driver then id be a but suspect of why after 25hrs u have only just gone onto a dual carriageway. A m8 was taking lessons with 1 guy who was basically robbing him he had a load of lessons and did hardly anything, he swapped and the guy said with a bit of practice he can be in for test soon.
Ultra_Extreme said:
All my lesson cars were diesels, was nice to get in a 1.8 petrol, cos when u put your foot down at 70 it turns out you CAN go faster~!!!

You dont need a petrol to do over 70. :confused: My instructors diesel felt ready to go over it, and i know it does it easy.
I had a lot of lessons, well, I took a 3 month break which set me back about 5 anyway.

Took 10 in swansea, then 20 in london, passed with 4 minors last week.

There's a lot to be said for driving around yourself, then taking lessons but unfortunately I didn't have a car of my own, and lessons (however many) are cheaper than buying a car!

Especially in swansea - 14.50 a lesson! Soo cheap, but he was an awful instructor.
Aye, I had a few driving lessons in Stoke (10 or so) and did a lot of driving on L plates. When I went back to university in Aberystwyth I had to learn to do a lot of things differently...from what I've seen there is a lot of inconsistency between test centres.

I wouldn't complain at the price you are paying 9761...
jamoor said:
although how many accidents have you had? :p

One, in over 50,000 miles of driving. And that single accident did not involve anyone else, it was late at night when i lost control of a 250bhp mid engined sports car on a greasy roundabout at rather high speed.

Loads of lessons do not make anyone a good driver, experience does, instructors teach you to drive in a stupid learner'y type of way - to pass the test. As soon as you pass you will drive in your own style and build up proper road experience, onl then will you properly integrate with other road users and be safer/better drivers. :)
hogfather said:
There's a lot to be said for driving around yourself, then taking lessons but unfortunately I didn't have a car of my own, and lessons (however many) are cheaper than buying a car!.

The way i saw it was that i was going to have to buy a car either way, insurance was marginally more for provisional than full license but nowhere near the cost of the 4000 lessons everyone seems to have.

So for the small extra outlay for provisional insurance, i could drive absolutely as much as i liked where i liked, bar motorways. All over the country. I would not be held back by an old bearded instructor with cheese behind his ears, charging me £20 per hour for the privilidge of driving his clapped out corsa for an hour. :)
Problem is you have ot have someone in the car with you anyway as a provisional license holder, someone with 3 years driving.

But I see your point and it defo has an advantage if you can do it that way. :)
I think I ended up doing 10 lessons and a double before my test. Worked for me. I did my lessons (which taught me how to take a test), drove with parents (which gave me experience), passed (which gave me a license), 4 months later did the pass plus (which gave me cheaper insurance but worth it for driving advice), and now a year and a half on I am doing the IAM test (which will hopefully teach me how to drive well)
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tabs said:
You'd think after an average of 40 hours learning, there wouldnt be so many morons on the road.

It doesnt work like that, you dont learn to drive in lessons, you learn to pass the joke of a test. You then learn on your own afterwards.

If the average is 40 hours to pass then that explains perfectly why a lot of drivers appear to be moron's, the reason being that they obviously ARE moron's.
25hours damn, sounds like the instructor is milking you......spreading the learning over 25lessons.

I had my 2nd test done by 25lessons. Took my first test around the 16th
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