First Water Cooling Rig (H100 Vs custom EK)

Feels quilty :( Not recieved :p Recieved

please dont it wasnt you, i have too many opinions about some of the rules in this forum! i was under this impression a forum was a place to get help and share things?

many be gaddafi runs this place?

anyway while on my ban i managed to move some bits round ;)


as you can see my 140 is outside the case and the pump is at an odd angle but with a little determination, 45's and 90's this is the out come


140 inside :)


pump on its side but now 0 noise at full :)


as you can see its very tight!


looks a lot better i think ;)


but wait what is this?!?!?!? the side cover wont fit now!!! lol



need to dremel off those nuts :/

what do you think?
is there not another IO port on the bottom of the reservoir ?

if not no biggy

but I thought it would be easier to go from the GPU to there

and the 90 degree from the GPU to the RAD is kinked ... that'll affect the flow.

I'd loop it from the rear RAD to the top of the GPU .. then from the GPU to the bottom of RES
Is it just me or does the hose from the bottom of the GPU to the rad have a kink in it?

it looks very bent but its just the angle, it is slightly bent yes but not as much as it looks

is there not another IO port on the bottom of the reservoir ?

if not no biggy

but I thought it would be easier to go from the GPU to there

and the 90 degree from the GPU to the RAD is kinked ... that'll affect the flow.

I'd loop it from the rear RAD to the top of the GPU .. then from the GPU to the bottom of RES

as above but the temps are still the same? so i cant be effecting it much? when my 2700k arrives i will be doing some more plumbing, i have bought a couple more 45's and 90's.

i bought the 2700k to see what it can do, if it is better than the 2600k i will sell it ;)
Really liking how this has turned out :) Can't remember if you said and didn't see from quick browse, are you planning on cable braiding? Would really finish the build with some red and black cable braid me thinks.
Really liking how this has turned out :) Can't remember if you said and didn't see from quick browse, are you planning on cable braiding? Would really finish the build with some red and black cable braid me thinks.

iv done black braid on the sata cables and red'n'black on the swtich and case power, the only ones i can do are the 24 pin cables.

me tinks buy this and maybe red and blackify it ;)
Looks good! Got the same motherboard as you :p. (Apart from mines P67 as I wont be upgrading the mb unless it goes bang for about 4 years. Its a shame EK ain't doing a full cover for the mobo.
Looks good! Got the same motherboard as you :p. (Apart from mines P67 as I wont be upgrading the mb unless it goes bang for about 4 years. Its a shame EK ain't doing a full cover for the mobo.

yer i know what you mean, they only every seem to do asus and gigabyte, although i thought asrock were a sister company of asus?
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