First Water Cooling Rig (H100 Vs custom EK)

haha temptation is an evil mistress! Well I have taped and painted 7 fans now so I have got quick at doing them, the first took me about an hour but the most recent I did in about 30 mins and then painting like normal.
You should try and get a Laing ddc pump from the mm for cheap and put it under the midplate, that'll be able to fit :)
ok to do list:-

1x spray fans red (ty Greboth)
2x re locate pump under mid plate (poss new pump)
3x try to fit 140 rad inside ;)

i was just toying with the notion of having two loops, one drive bay/res combo for the CPU and using my current gear for the GPU.

i think i can manage the tube routing better and re locate the pump bellow for the GPU.

what do you think?
it would be cheaper to have one loop, but you may find it easier with two, you can also fit a 240mm rad in the bottom with a little cutting :)
yer i have been looking into that as an option, and you are right it would be a lot cheeper! just had a look at how much extra £££ it would cost for more fittings tube and a res/pump combo and it nearlly cleared £200 with postage O.o so i wont be going that route but i will buy some 90deg and 45deg fittings and some uv reactive tube when i get paid then i will look in to this sequence -

I think it could look cleaner if you had the loop like this:

res>pump>gpu>120 rad>360 rad>cpu>res

also, having the pump under the mid-plate

i like the look of this and it would give me scope to try and relocate the pump as well as move the 140 rad inside ;)
Sounds like you got some good plans for this :) Look forward to seeing them all happen.

Interestingly reading this:

Saying the magnet under the sticker is what holds the fan blades on. Don't know if that is the case with vipers (as they are talking about sharkoon fans) but might be worth carefully peeling off a sticker to give it ago as it would save a lot of time. I'll give it a go on one of the vipers I have lying around see if I can figure it out though I am not sure how the magnet is powerful enough to hold the fan in place.
sweeeeeet, i need to wait a couple of weeks till pay day, i have already worked out what i need.

3x 90s
3x 45s
3x straights

2m of tubing (non uv for now sticking with same tube to keep cost down)

2x primer
2x red paint
masking tape

oh and lots of patience ;p

ok small update, I got some more fittings and tubing today :) the purpose of this was to work out if I could move the pump down stairs and the 140 rad inside.

I got - 3x 45's
3x straights
3x 90's
2m of tube just in case (get it? in case :D) (sorry lol)

Well, I started by turning the 360 rad round so the inlet and outlet were in the drive bays (DVD and blu ray drive had to be moved, no problem), I then started on the 140 which with two fans will not fit in the case. If I dropped to one fan and cut the fan mounts at the end of the 360 down it will fit but tbh it really doesn’t bother me having the rad external, it gives me some external drain points and frees up the inside which is on show.

I was however toying with the notion of getting a 120 and replacing the 140 but that isn’t important to me right this min.

To make the tubing go the right way i actually had to mount the cpu block upside down to get the inlet to face the outlet of the 360, i dont know if it was the way i first seated the block but i have lost 2c off my cpu?

The pump was a nightmare, it would not fit down below with the mounting bracket on so that had to go and it is very tight to the window so made a hum, I have the pump slightly angled and now it makes 100% less noise than when it was on the deck with the stand kit.
I have the pump on high now with less noise than when it was on the stand at low speed O.o

Any who now I have everything in place, when I get paid next week I will make a move on those vipers. If you notice I replaced the bottom 120 fan with a viper, I did this two fold 1) it was the only fan which wasn’t a viper and 2) so I could try and remove the blades.
Well I failed at that, I carefully pealed the stickers off which produced a small magnet on the back which is easily removed but from what I can see does nothing? I tried pulling it off (ready to destroy it) but it is really fixed on their very firmly so C'est la vie I will mask them up (all 11 of them!) and spray them red :)


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I did think that i had managed to some how break my mother board and destory all my hdd's and ssd. when i had finished leak testing and was ready to plug everything back in i made a mental note to check all my connections after i had done that i switched on my pc and i just kept booting into the uefi bios so i thought the worst when i checked the boot config to find it saying there were NO hdd's or my OS ssd!! o.O

old dip s__t here had only forgotten to plug the cable back into my psu in fact if you look at the image above you can see it dangling there at the bottom lmafo
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