First World Problems...

Speed bumps!

I'm on the bus, minding my own business, playing Candy Crush (Frozen Freefall version), and I make a wrong move because of speed bumps. Why can't they just enforce it with speed cameras rather than wrecking the suspensions?
fat people on facebook

some female who has seemingly been on a diet for a mere few days posts an update exclaiming that it is going well and she's lost loads.... prompting a chain of 'omg you look fab babe', 'you go girl' type comments when really she still looks fat and has merely lost a bit of water weight
People who slow down whilst driving to have a look at an accident on the motorway.
People who hog the middle lane.
People who drive right up your arse in the middle lane as IO am overtaking vehicles in the middle lane when the outside lane is clear.
Drivers who cannot indicate at roundabouts or at all.
Pedestrians that cross the road without looking.
Pedestrians that press the button at crossing lights when the road is clear and then walk across.
People who walk slowly
People who stop at choke points to chat
Women at checkouts who at the last minute realise they actually have to pay for their good and spend the next 5 mins rummaging around in their handbag looking for their purse.
People who jumped ahead in the waiting order at the bar
Drivers who don't thank me for giving way to them
People who say or write 'could/would have' instead of 'could/would have'
Celebrity culture
Reality tv programs
People who have absolutely no geographical knowledge
People who have no awareness outside of the little bubble in which they live in.
Career politicians.
New age parent attitudes on making sure children get everything single thing they want and that they should not be sad about anything ever, instead of actually bringing them to be decent people.
How everyone seems to have a medical condition these days.

Just a few that I can think of right now

Well...that sounds pretty spot on. Saved me time, thanks! :D:p
fat people on facebook

some female who has seemingly been on a diet for a mere few days posts an update exclaiming that it is going well and she's lost loads.... prompting a chain of 'omg you look fab babe', 'you go girl' type comments when really she still looks fat and has merely lost a bit of water weight

You shouldn't really pick on fat people.

They've got enough on their plates as it is.
People who slow down whilst driving to have a look at an accident on the motorway.
People who hog the middle lane.
People who drive right up your arse in the middle lane as IO am overtaking vehicles in the middle lane when the outside lane is clear.
Drivers who cannot indicate at roundabouts or at all.
Pedestrians that cross the road without looking.
Pedestrians that press the button at crossing lights when the road is clear and then walk across.
People who walk slowly
People who stop at choke points to chat
Women at checkouts who at the last minute realise they actually have to pay for their good and spend the next 5 mins rummaging around in their handbag looking for their purse.
People who jumped ahead in the waiting order at the bar
Drivers who don't thank me for giving way to them
People who say or write 'could/would have' instead of 'could/would have'
Celebrity culture
Reality tv programs
People who have absolutely no geographical knowledge
People who have no awareness outside of the little bubble in which they live in.
Career politicians.
New age parent attitudes on making sure children get everything single thing they want and that they should not be sad about anything ever, instead of actually bringing them to be decent people.
How everyone seems to have a medical condition these days.

Just a few that I can think of right now

We have a winner... lol
Groups of people walking really slowly side by side on the pavement.
Those pathetic tumblr idiots who have anxiety with pretty much everything in life, and then subsequently want trigger warnings placed on everything.
People who don't indicate and then beep at me for crossing the road when they suddenly decide to turn the corner without warning.
People who say 'could care less'.
People who believe that everyone is beautiful no matter what, even when they quite clearly look like a walrus with health issues. No mate, get to the gym and stop using everything as an excuse as to why you are overweight.
People who are afraid to try anything new.
Idiots who take notice of the previous numbers/colours that have come up in roulette and then proceed to advise you on what to choose next.
Old people driving really slowly.
The Kardashians (or celebs in general) and all the crap that comes with them. Living with girls I have to listen to this rubbish all the time. Drives me insane.
The fact that almost everything is offensive to someone these days. I got a right earful off some 'LGBT' girl on my course after telling my mate to man up. Apparently I can't say that anymore?
People who bring bikes on trains. The trains I get are usually full already (seated and standing), and then some moron attempts to bring a bike on and squash everyone up like sardines. Cycle home you knob.
Overly camp gay people.
People who stand at the checkout chatting away with the person on the till for half an hour after they've paid, whilst a queue the length of the Great Wall of China forms behind them.
When my PS4 controller runs out of battery and I have to get up to plug it in.
When there are massive queues with only two out of eight checkouts open, yet I still can't get a job there.
When I can't get any phone signal whatsoever despite living 5 minutes from a city centre in 2015.
All this gender identity nonsense. In my eyes you're either a man or a woman, not a bloody goldfish or whatever the hipsters see fit these days. I mean, 50+ gender labels on Facebook now? What on earth.
Girls who are stage 5 clingers. You get two of them on the go and your life is over.
Facebook and Messenger always running on my phone even when I'm not using them. Also, those two updating every other day.
Living with people who watch nothing apart from vacuous celebrity or reality TV nonsense, like Xfactor or Big Brother.
Not being able to purchase the bit of alcohol I had as part of my full shopping trip, just because my little brother happened to be with me. Bitch I'm nearly 25.
Places that can't cook steak properly.
Politicians who don't get things done for fear of offending people, other countries, etc.

There's probably a lot more. Everything seems to annoy me these days. :p
The underclass. I'd forgotten how many scummy people there are in my home town. Good old Cornwall... one of the most deprived regions in the EU :cool:.

Anywhere near Truro? Although I'm guessing it's more likely to be Camborne, Redruth (it always is :p) Or Penzance, I guess. I hear that St Ives has a pretty bad drug problem too.

Not sure that our undesirables are any worse than those in Birmingham, Manchester or Liverpool, mind. Although their /is/ a lot of child abuse down here. Which goes hand in hand with drug abuse, of which we have plenty.

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