First World Problems...

Nobody makes a 32" IPS panel with QHD resolution, so I have to make do with my tiny 24" screen until a better one is invented.
People who stop and talk side by side, with trolleys, in a supermarket aisle.
They are blocking the way and they know it!!
yet when you say "excuse me"
you get a response similar to "Go **** YOURSELF"
Even worse, marmite in the butter because some lazy person has used the same knife they used to spread marmite! ARRRGGGHHHHH

Hang on - that's got to be backwards... Butter in the marmote I can understand, but how does one use Marmite before butter?!?
So many.....

People who walk whilst using their phones, I have no issue with this other than 99% of them walk at unbearably slow speeds and become completely unaware of all surroundings.
People who act like savage animals to get on the train but when faced with left or right, faff about so much I lose any chance of getting a seat.
People who can clearly see the train is busy, yet leave enough space to land a jumbo jet and need firmly instructing to move their idiot bums further down.
People who have no awareness of their surroundings in general, especially behind them and do things like immediately stop without realising what will happen.
People who lurk by entrances or stairs where it's obvious people need to get past.
People who palm off their phones or tablets to kids who are much too young to be using them, thus creating another generation of most of the above.
People who sneeze into their hands, why can't you pinch your nose?
People who think it's a good idea to leave on the keypad tones on their phones, or people who watch their mobile phone for ages deciding if they should answer it.
People who walk past mothers with prams/old people, that could do with some help (saw an old woman who could barely walk up the stairs herself at Stanmore with a bag, helped her and when i returned downstairs I saw two staff members doing absolutely nothing).
People who play music or YouTube videos without headphones.
People who queue in a normal (human operated) lane at the supermarket with barely anything in their basket (a couple of weeks ago, one banana) just because they can't be arsed to use self checkout, creating long queues.
Everyone who uses a bank or post office as they always seem to need help that requires the most amount of times.

Probably a lot more, and I'm a happy go lucky guy!

Edit - as others have said, these are moans rather than 1st world problems.
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People doing shopping in a petrol station/blocking the pumps
People taking their time at a ATM
On the phone when driving
Shopping trolley in the middle of the aisle
OK, this is totally a peeve and not a first world problem, but I want to get it off my chest anyway...

Drivers who indicate when they've already started the turn. You're in a turn only lane, you've started the turn, why have you NOW switched on your indicator!? :mad:

Sorry for derailing, but that feels better.
- Women at work who hang around the kitchen area in my office yapping, who then give you the look of death when you dare say excuse me when wanting to make a drink.

- People who don't acknowledge you when holding the door open for them.

- People driving while on the phone.

- Birds who take a dump on my car.

- People who recline their seat on a plane when seated in economy.

- The person in the office who never brings in "treats for the team" yet is the first one to get up and stuff their face when someone else brings them in.

You need to get a Ford Ka
The time my ice dispenser dropped a cube right on the edge of my best whiskey glass and broke it.

This caused me to buy both a new ice cube maker and a new whiskey glass.
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