The time my ice dispenser dropped a cube right on the edge of my best whiskey glass and broke it.
This caused me to buy both a new ice cube maker and a new whiskey glass.
My American what?
People who sneeze into their hands, why can't you pinch your nose?
When I have to walk 5 miles to the well with 10 kids on my back and my Dengue Fever is flaring up.
Oh, you said first world problems...
Then, when I fail to beat the lunch rush to Subway and have to stand in a warm building, listening to pop music, while people getting paid minimum wage assemble my food for me. Sometimes I have to wait for a whole 5 minutes! Grrrrr. I'm the only person that matters....can't they see that?
Wearing leggings.
You must have missed that thread
This. Had a bloke take ages to fill his car up at the pump, then wander inside and seemingly do his weekly shop before paying for his fuel
All that I have experienced. What takes me over the edge is when the person has come back to the vehicle and spends another 50 odd seconds sitting in the car before driving off