Fishing - Anybody doing any ?

The problem is that sometimes before they spawn, (week or few days before) they can sometimes just drop their guard completely and feed like absolute hell, to the point where catching them is like seal clubbing..
it isnt a exact time and varies from lake to lake. so yes they should be closed when it starts but youll probably be fishing when it starts.
Was out again on the boat a couple of weeks ago but forgot to post. Caught a lot - makkies, rays, place, gurnards, but nothing bigger.

Also got myself a 300N seago lifejacket as i’ve been borrowing a mates until bow. Reason for the 300N means it will upright me in my floatation suit if I’m wearing it.
Dug my sea fishing gear out of the garage to get it ready for Saturdays trip and found that my reel had seized....then I remembered it hasnt been used for nearly 3 years!
Sorted it easily, I had missed some of the salt water on the line spreader, the salt had crystalised jamming it solid.
Some fresh water and it was sorted, then lubed in readiness.

Can't wait to get back out! :-)
Should be out again this weekend out of Brighton with matey :D macky and bluey shark mix for the win :D

The joys of him owning a boat in the marina. I just have to pay for the diesel for the drive down :) He's even talking about getting a bigger boat in future :D
Should be out again this weekend out of Brighton with matey :D macky and bluey shark mix for the win :D

The joys of him owning a boat in the marina. I just have to pay for the diesel for the drive down :) He's even talking about getting a bigger boat in future :D

That's a pretty sweet deal, also you get to fish for what you want...
i've had issues with one of the charter boats from the marina where we booked to go wrecking and on the day he decides he wants to go Bream fishing instead,
which leaves us having to go to the tacklbox and spend another £10-£15 each on bait and light tackle :rolleyes:
Should be out again this weekend out of Brighton with matey :D macky and bluey shark mix for the win :D

The joys of him owning a boat in the marina. I just have to pay for the diesel for the drive down :) He's even talking about getting a bigger boat in future :D
Owning my own boat is on my 'to do' list before I get too old to enjoy it :-)
Owning my own boat is on my 'to do' list before I get too old to enjoy it :)

I used to charter a lot. Then started chartering with one specific skipper (who has now sold up and switched to being a commercial bass fisherman).

There is a stark difference - with the long time skipper I took a full range of rods and used to fish on the bow of the boat as they used to smoke on the back of the boat. Got on well and used to use spinning gear for fun when wrecking or passing as the skipper trusted me (I didn't end up getting into tangles etc). Other skippers were more "one down tide rod and 8-10oz". Charters don't often put chum down which means you're on your own.

Last time one I took four rods, two stayed in the bag and so I just had a downtide rod out on a float setup for tope and a spinning rod for everything else. Only time we have a tangle is he forgets which way the boat should be facing on the drift/tide turn lol. We put chum down and it brings a lot for fish in, the tope floats then sit behind at depths following the chum descent through the water column.
I have already planted the seed about a boat to the wife, she wasn’t overly impressed as I also dropped the bombshell that I want a decent cruiser for when I retire…..maybe sell the house off and downgrade, to release some equity :-)
Just waiting for the videos to upload to YouTube - I am telling you now it is worth the wait. Here's morning conditions 12-14 miles offshore:


We caught something.. something special :D ... update in a bit once the video is uploaded. (no it's not mackerel). I appologise for the swearies in the video ahead of time lol.

On the way back we stopped and caught over a hundred mackerel, pulling 6 on a line up as the sea was boiling around the boat. I have five in the freezer and the rest will become chum.
Ok so video footage has completed on YouTube.

The day started with getting up at about 4am.. collected Matey at 0530 and we got down to the marina around 7am. A quick try to get some mackerel on the way out ended up with a couple, so we thought let's get out to 50 meter water and get setup.

We arrived - 12/14 miles out was a complete mill pond. Very little tide with low tide at 9am. Matey had spent ££ on frozen Mackerel and Bluey, all fed through his new sausage maker bought for chum production. We had four blocks of solid frozen chum - the first went into the bag over the side. The mackerel feathers over the side too on two spinning rods to see if were could catch more in the off chance.

We set out two lines out the back on balloon floats - one 10 turns up and the other 5 turns up. They weren't far. We could hear a commotion from seagulls in the distance - I got the bins out and birds without much more. The lack of tide was causing the chum to pretty much go straight down with some drift but not much. On the end of each was a mackerel flapper and 5oz weight. The rods were both 20-30lb with 50lb braid, and 80-100lb leaders.. this is an important detail :D

Just before 10am Matey's rod was twitching just like a young tope playing with the food. The balloon wasn't moving much. Just then a ripple occurred on the surface, not mackerel but odd. Matey picked up the rod ready for the first tope of the day.. yet it didn't feel like a tope.. softly but pulling line off the reel easily.. as if it didn't know it was hooked.. 1/2 lock on and it continued like a steam train, as if it didn't know it was hooked.

Not a tope.

And at that point it felt something was wrong.. and the real at lock was screaming line.

Not a tope :D

So the iPhone filming was pretty bad - I had to juggle filming, clearing the deck complete of the other rods, manoveur the boat to stop the braid being severed by the boat and finally hold and cut the leader to release. So bear with me.. What you see here is a 2 hour fight.

So the not-a-tope work up.. he/she was ****** and line disappeared from the reel repeatedly.

Land it yet? Got to be kidding... it tail whacked the boat. It measured (tail to head) about 4 meters, not much shorter than the boat (Warrior 17ft) itself.

So Matey managed to get the leader in his had - an official catch.. but now we had to release it. To be clear this is NOT a fish you want in a small boat and it would also dangerous for it and us. That tail could have easily broken Matey's arm or worse. The fight at this stage was 1/3 done.. and I spent a lot of time manovouring the boat to keep it away from the boat keel. The braid pinged the aux engine propeller a couple of times which we kept fingers crossed it didn't snap.

In the end it tired after 2 hours, and we bought it alongside. Gloved, I pulled the fish in and looked to see if it would have been an easy unhook alas no sign of the hood so I took a knife to the trace about 1/2 a foot from it's rather large mouth.. The hook will disintegrate over the next week or two.

Calls and videos out all the commercial skippers that we get on with. I know of know skipper that has been trying to catch one for the last 20 years without luck.

So with Matey totally knackered (I'd been giving him drinking water in the heat on each run), we sauntered back towards the marina.. with a load of birds on the surface, the sea was boiling - perhaps we could get a bass. We stopped, the water went nuts around the boat. Mackerel being pushed up by predators. Spinning rods and feathers with a jig again.. Each of us was pulling 6 mackerel on feathers each cast. We must have had over 100 in the bucket. (big blue builders bucket full). To take some to eat, restock for bait and frozen chum.

We got in and Terry on Seabreeze was shouting across the marina so we went over and had a chat. A rather exclusive club catching one of those on your own small boat.. In before the weather changed - winds picked up and rain fell after cleaning the boat.

The lad has been showing everyone the video footage. lol.

Till next time.
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