Five-year-old boy lives as girl in youngest case of Gender Identity Disorder

In 30 years people will look back at most of GD and have the same opinion of the comments as how we look back at the racists who were opposed too interracial marriage.

And if we look back 30 years and see what the medical establishment deemed as appropriate for any issue relating to gender we should be mistrusting of any action they may advocate for at such an early age. Hence the appeal for caution.
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I can't remember what I was doing when I was 3 or 4. So how does this kid know he wants to be a girl?! Crazy.

Ask any 3-4 year old(the article is about a 5 year old?) if they are a boy or girl.
My point? They aren't THAT stupid, jesus christ, plus you misunderstand the whole point of GID.

Simple case of people herp-derping and not understanding, therfore, burn it.
It's such archaic behaviour, grow up. All of you.
this is ridiculous, I wanted to be a power ranger at 5 but my parents didn't tolerate me beating up my sister (Rita the repulser), HE is 5, either he had a tantrum and his parents haven't got a strong enough back bone or they secretly wanted a girl, there is no other rational explanation.
Ask any 3-4 year old(the article is about a 5 year old?) if they are a boy or girl.
My point? They aren't THAT stupid, jesus christ, plus you misunderstand the whole point of GID.

They aren't stupid, but...

They aren't experienced.
They aren't forward-thinking.
They don't understand many things.
They can't reason well.
They are whimsical.
They don't form complex opinions.

In short, they don't have the ability to make decisions about issues which will affect their whole lives.

If you honestly think that a 3-4 year old should have *any* input in his or her future, beyond whether to have fish-fingers or sausages for their next meal, then you have lost the plot.
Ask any 3-4 year old(the article is about a 5 year old?) if they are a boy or girl.
My point? They aren't THAT stupid, jesus christ, plus you misunderstand the whole point of GID.

Simple case of people herp-derping and not understanding, therfore, burn it.
It's such archaic behaviour, grow up. All of you.

Well arent you the modern thinker, liberal rationalist and proficient developmental psychologist.

This just in folks, 3 to 4 year olds are not THAT stupid. I propose a prospectus of university courses.

edit* Oh and can you reference the study you are talking about please, or do you make a regular habbit of enquiring as to the gender of small children?
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yeah why not give them the vote too. I'm sure labour could win a few votes if they promised free sweeties on election day!
There we go, you both have the inability to understand they they don't have a choice.
With mental issues, you often don't have a choice, it's not like they, as someone said decided to just want to act/be like a girl.

It doesn't work like that, there's a difference between "wanting to be a power ranger" and "having a physcological condition which has gender identity issues".

You don't choose to have it, just like other physcological issues;
Depression, Bi-polar disorder, Paranoid Schizophrenia, OCD, Personality Disorder, PTSD.

You don't DECIDE to have it
Please understand difference and don't hide your insults, to the point you need to change the subject with ridiculous assumptions about a child voting, seriously? That's childish.

I've met someone with GID, I understood it, didn't make a fuss about it, they also had it as a child from 9 years old; but they dressed as their actual gender but acted the opposite.
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There we go, you both have the inability to understand they they don't have a choice.
With mental issues, you often don't have a choice, it's not like they, as someone said decided to just want to act/be like a girl.

It doesn't work like that, there's a difference between "wanting to be a power ranger" and "having a physcological condition which has gender identity issues".

You don't choose to have it, just like other physcological issues;
Depression, Bi-polar disorder, Paranoid Schizophrenia, OCD, Personality Disorder, PTSD.

You don't DECIDE to have it
Please understand difference and don't hide your insults, to the point you need to change the subject with ridiculous assumptions about a child voting, seriously? That's childish.

I've met someone with GID, I understood it, didn't make a fuss about it, they also had it as a child from 9 years old; but they dressed as their actual gender but acted the opposite.

And you don't understand that diagnosis is based on observation and at that age, is anything but relevant. Who says he has GID and not just "wanting to be a power ranger"

That is the hole point you and others are missing.

No ones saying people can choose, or we are intloarent or have phobias.
Just that you can not diagnose at that age and by diagnosing at that age you cause issues, that wever allready seen, parents, medical and school are all now massively influencing the poor kid.

And you don't understand that diagnosis is based on observation and at that age, is anything but relevant. Who says he has GID and not just "wanting to be a power ranger"

That is the hole point you and others are missing.

No ones saying people can choose, or we are intloarent or have phobias.
Just that you can not diagnose at that age and by diagnosing at that age you cause issues, that wever allready seen, parents, medical and school are all now massively influencing the poor kid.

You think I'm talking about whether or not they should/can/can not diagnose, I'm not. I'm directly talking to people who think the whole idea is unbelievable.
Just to add my opinion on it though, I believe logically it should be taken slowly and yes, observed to see if it is just a phase or not, but again this is not what I'm talking about.

I understand people are ignorant but sometimes it takes the biscuit, but I respect these people can no better change their point of view than people with mental issues, so I'll accept it.
I don't accept personal insults hidden under a veil of absurd statements as previous members have posted, to think I don't understand a child cannot vote or form complex opinions shows they are grasping at straws for any way to look superior/correct.
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And you don't understand that diagnosis is based on observation and at that age, is anything but relevant. Who says he has GID and not just "wanting to be a power ranger"

That is the hole point you and others are missing.

No ones saying people can choose, or we are intloarent or have phobias.
Just that you can not diagnose at that age and by diagnosing at that age you cause issues, that wever allready seen, parents, medical and school are all now massively influencing the poor kid.

You seem to have missed the post I made above, re specifically GIDC. As for the "who says", that would be trained medical professionals who, I'm imagining, did a bit more observation than just read a news article about the child. You're forming opinions from a position of little information, and giving little credence to those who have far more. What makes you think you actually know anything at all about this?
Children at 3 don't know what they think or even at 5.

Yes they are trained, doesn't mean they don't make mistakes or bow to pressure. It is simply far to young to make such diagnosis.
I'd also like to mention this wouldn't be the first or last person who's had GID from an early age and grown into an adult with GID. So why is there even an argument?

Children at 3 don't know what they think or even at 5.

Yes they are trained, doesn't mean they don't make mistakes or bow to pressure. It is simply far to young to make such diagnosis.

True, you can't diagnose it, but it doesn't mean they don't have it.
Pthe issue is the massive influence a confirmed diagnosis has. The medical profession, parents, school and media are reinforcing is behaviours and altering his learning. The power of which can not be underestimated.
You seem to have missed the post I made above, re specifically GIDC. As for the "who says", that would be trained medical professionals who, I'm imagining, did a bit more observation than just read a news article about the child. You're forming opinions from a position of little information, and giving little credence to those who have far more. What makes you think you actually know anything at all about this?

I imagine those trained medical professionals are more used to dealing with gender identity issues in older people. People who can express their feelings and desires in a much fuller way. People who can communicate complex ideas.

And a trained child psychologist probably didn't major in "sexual identity in infants" (for obvious reasons).

Whichever way you cut it, this is treading a thin line, regardless of the qualifications of those involved. It doesn't seem like good common sense.

How does a 3-4 year old communicate that, in actual fact, they self-identify as a women, and would prefer to live their future life as a woman with all that that entails?

Oh right, they can't. Because they don't understand.

Because when you're a kid everything is a game.
Children at 3 don't know what they think or even at 5.

Yes they are trained, doesn't mean they don't make mistakes or bow to pressure. It is simply far to young to make such diagnosis.

From what level of experience/skill do you make the claim that it's "simply far too young to make such diagnosis"? Or is this just "common sense"?

Go and read that again, GID in Children was in the DSM-3 in 1980, it's not massively new. The only argument there seems to be whether it can be "treated" or not, and yet you're disputing whether it actually exists.

I'll highlight some other important parts for you;

"F64.2 Gender identity disorder of childhood: A disorder, usually first manifest during early childhood (and always well before puberty), characterized by a persistent and intense distress about assigned sex, together with a desire to be (or insistence that one is) of the other sex. There is a persistent preoccupation with the dress and activities of the opposite sex and repudiation of the individual's own sex. The diagnosis requires a profound disturbance of the normal gender identity; mere tomboyishness in girls or girlish behavior in boys is not sufficient. Gender identity disorders in individuals who have reached or are entering puberty should not be classified here but in F66.-."
FoxEye, at this stage of the game it's not about sexuality, it's about gender identity.

A little boy could have GID and grow up to be a 'lesbian'.

But I honestly do think a five year old could have figured out that their brain is a girls' and not a boys'.

(better that than repressing it all their life because of the opinions of folk like on these forums, and living unhappily until a transformative mid-life crisis.
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