Flat Cats

Used this product for about a year before my cats became outdoor cats and didn't need it anymore. It certainly survived a lot. I would recommend it thoroughly.
But I don't understand why? There are other pets that have to be kept inside which would roam in nature and they aren't even that smart.

Cats do have right to roam but owners have a responsibility to prevent damage to other peoples property as a result of their pet roaming around. So the owner is responsible and accountable for damage such as scratches to neighbours cars or technically fouling in the garden. If proof of the acts are brought to the attention of the relevant authority, they will assess the damage and either request that the owner take reasonable steps to prevent it and pay for damages or ignore the complaint on grounds that the owner cannot be reasonable held responsible given the evidence or circumstance.

In reality this often means, unless you have a picture or video of a cat n your car with scratches where it sits - nothing will happen. There is little an owner can do about cat pooping somewhere else without cruelly keeping a cat indoors or having them walk round other peoples property and digging up their garden regularly and that is if you can prove that the cat did the dirty.

I will admit that i have owned my current cat for nearly a decade, he has never pooped in my garden and i very, very rarely have to clean the letterbox litterbox. So if you live anywhere near me, i am very sorry for all the cat poop - i honestly have no idea where he is pooping.
It's an animal. Just because we take "ownership" of them, doesn't mean that they shouldn't have free will.

Cats do have right to roam but owners have a responsibility to prevent damage to other peoples property as a result of their pet roaming around. So the owner is responsible and accountable for damage such as scratches to neighbours cars or technically fouling in the garden. If proof of the acts are brought to the attention of the relevant authority, they will assess the damage and either request that the owner take reasonable steps to prevent it and pay for damages or ignore the complaint on grounds that the owner cannot be reasonable held responsible given the evidence or circumstance.

In reality this often means, unless you have a picture or video of a cat n your car with scratches where it sits - nothing will happen. There is little an owner can do about cat pooping somewhere else without cruelly keeping a cat indoors or having them walk round other peoples property and digging up their garden regularly and that is if you can prove that the cat did the dirty.

I will admit that i have owned my current cat for nearly a decade, he has never pooped in my garden and i very, very rarely have to clean the letterbox litterbox. So if you live anywhere near me, i am very sorry for all the cat poop - i honestly have no idea where he is pooping.

I understand your points but they don't really answer my question as to my cats are the only pets which are deemed acceptable to free roam. You don't see people let their dogs or snakes etc going roaming about in housing estates. It's not like cats don't have an impact on the local wildlife either.
I understand your points but they don't really answer my question as to my cats are the only pets which are deemed acceptable to free roam. You don't see people let their dogs or snakes etc going roaming about in housing estates. It's not like cats don't have an impact on the local wildlife either.

it's not all weighted in the cat owners favour, for example if your cat gets run over then it's perfectly fine for whoever did it to drive off and leave it bleeding to death by the side of the road.

there are countermeasures you can use if you wont want cats pooing in your garden, like leaving out orange peel around the areas you want to protect.

dogs can be dangerous animals, cats are not, ever hear of a domestic cat mauling someone to death? that's why they can't be left to roam semi-feral

as for the wildlife, if there's a way of stopping cats from catching birds and mice i'd love to know, mine's started leaving presents recently.
Well dogs have been deemed to be a much higher nuisance and threat to children/people, so can't let them run loose. Cat and dog owners are still responsible and accountable. If a cat owner was walking their cat on a lead and it fouled on the pavement, they technically still have to pick it up.

As for snakes, i think the reason why you cant just let loads of snakes roam around on a housing estate is... they would probably die when it turns a little colder at night.
I still don't see those reasons constituting to allowing Cats free roam. You can't say it's cruel to keep them inside either as that would apply to every pet.

So cats affect local wildlife, foul other people's gardens, generally be annoying but they are allowed free roam due to 'reasons'
I still don't see those reasons constituting to allowing Cats free roam. You can't say it's cruel to keep them inside either as that would apply to every pet.

So cats affect local wildlife, foul other people's gardens, generally be annoying but they are allowed free roam due to 'reasons'

well part of those reasons is think about how cats were utilised- it's common enough knowledge that dogs were used for working, from herding sheep to collecting dead game to self defence. these tasks required a high level of human-animal interaction

the same applies to cats, the house cat is relatively modern, for a long time over history cats were working animals, as a pest control. obviously to acheive this it's sort of necessary to let the cat wander around and just do what it does naturally. hence why there's the standing historical precedence that cats are free roaming animals.

the same applies to cats, the house cat is relatively modern, for a long time over history cats were working animals, as a pest control. obviously to acheive this it's sort of necessary to let the cat wander around and just do what it does naturally. hence why there's the standing historical precedence that cats are free roaming animals.


Thanks, someone has finally has answered the question.
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