Floating idea - Lan Party - November - In Private Hotel - Wales

I'd go but it's wayyyyyy to expensive for such a small LAN. I care not for pretty scenery when I'm gaming!
The LAN is free is it not? Just the rooms to pay for?

Travel expenses, drinks, room, food (meals are included, but you still will want snacks etc)

I would like to go, but I simply cant afford it, I dont work full time and it would probably end up costing me over £100 for just a room and train tickets :/ Plus I would probably get lost and never find my way home ;)
Oh, I know the other costs as a regular Lanner, I was merely stating that it's not really that expensive. No more so than any other LAN except this one has no entry fee.
Never been to one myself, only considered this one because its small and people I know are also going. The rooms arent the problem for me they are more then fair, it would be the train there and back and also the problem of no idea where the hell I was going :D

Plus I wouldnt really fancy taking my 360, monitor, speakers + all my 360 stuff with me on a packed train for hours, just to discover my 360 RRoD because of the train ride :p
Ok, i have a car, i ahve a pc, i am absolutely useless on consoles, and have never owned one, and VERY rarely play on them, but i'm always up for a laugh.

I see a windle, thus im sure some supreme commander will be on the go.

I live in the west midlands, worcestershire/herefordshire/shropshire border, anyone want a lift? or any1 passing by with room for another, willing to share a room, as i like cheap :D

If i can confirm that someone will either be in my car, or will pick me up, i can almost confirm i'll be there, hate solitary journies :mad:

Ill Put you in as a possible m8
OK, just read the thread.

1) Is there still room to come? I don't have Paypal but can pay by other means.
2) Does anyone need a lift? Can do a bit of a detour, but i refuse to pick up a non-speaking person, or a freak. :p
3) Do we need to bring a PC? I have one, but as you can see from my specs it is pretty poor, but runs CS:S Fine on low settings :p
4) Do yuo need any networking equipment? I work for Debenhams IT Headoffice, so can knick some switches/cables/etc. :)

Don't really know any of you to be honest, but love my games and play them most days. I could bring my X-Box and a Wii. Will be buying a screen at some point soon, this might be my excuse. Also have a 17" TFT Monitor i can bring.

Hey m8, theres still room only just tracked back to find your post.

Some networking equipment would be good. you should bring your PC if you can even if its low end, could make an ok dedicated server. We are not all serious Crysis destroyers PC wise, lots of console gamers. My main rig has a.........wait for it.......6200le !!!!!! WAIT theres more.......its got.........TURBOCACHE and tbh its >*

Ill put you in possibles m8 deposit can be sent by cheque or you can gimme a ring and card number. [email protected]
If anyone is arriving at Swansea Railway and wants some company up to UE's, gimme a shout as I'll be bussing it from Swansea to Carmarthen and then from Carmarthen to UE's.

I've not booked my train tickets yet but I am planning on going to Carmarthen. I'll then need transport from there up. If there are a few of us at Carmarthen needing a lift then we could all chip in for a taxi.
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