I don't wana come to Scotland.
Scotland would be "Up Here"
I don't wana come to Scotland.
looking to make it yearly or maybe even twice yearly if it goes well, over 18's thing is just to make the bar and booze side uncomplicated, soz![]()
18 or over only? I honestly didn't realise that. Looks like I'm not gonna be allowed![]()
Wait... can the 360 handle enough wireless frequencies on the controllers for all of us?
I thought you were like 30 odd??
EDIT: Checks ~J~'s profile and hes 36![]()
You can share my bed![]()
I might be able to come, but it would be a spare of the moment thing and I will sleep anywhere, soft, floor, bring my sleeping bag. Just bomb it down M6 in my yaris to Wales.
Would this be allowed.
Anyone up for sharing who isn't already?
Ultra_Extreme: You on msn? If so can i add you so we can discuss a bank transfer for the deposit, i haven't got paypal.
What's the ages then? I'm guessing ~J~'s oldest !<3
Although I am doing my best to act about 15
I thought you were older but acted younger.