Folding@home news 25th April - 2nd May 2013

Guys is it true you can only OC the 6100 Opteron series with the [H] bios and the 6200 and 6300 not? Only push the turbo 24/7?

Last time I looked think tear had got the 6200/300 bios ready but I cant get onto [H] to confirm.
my 660ti @ 1162 core has gone from 26k ppd on 8071's to 60k ppd on it's first 7663 :)
TPF is 2m 04 sec. Let's see if it keeps getting the good ones overnight...
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Engineering samples aren't really easy to obtain.

I am having a "chat" with someone from Supermicro USA in 90 mins to discuss wether they want me to make a demo/show model (in combination with the folding@home purpose) of one of their 4P Opteron systems which will (of course) use the latest CPUs then. On another forum I read about not being able to OC the 6300 cpus. That the [H] bios was only for 6100 cpus. So I thought I would ask here since you guys seem to have much more experience in that field.
Engineering samples aren't really easy to obtain.

Apart from the 10-20 that are always up for auction you mean? :)

They do sell pretty fast though.

That project sounds like fun :) Maybe they will let you keep it after! :cool:
Guys, I don't know if you saw my other thread about my second rig crashing with both cpu and gpu running, do you know if there are any other ways of running my gpu slot at Full but my cpu slot on a lighter load, I want to see if it's the cpu being maxed out that's causing it to crash.
50kppd on a mid-range graphics card. The points inflation these days is insane. I remember when 150ppd was a good score!
The workload has increased, the complexity and difficulty of the projects has gone up and the peformance of the hardware and cost of it has increased as well. If they want to keep getting the results they have been recently they need more hardware thrown at it, no-one is getting paid to crunch this so they have to make it attractive somehow.
Guys, I don't know if you saw my other thread about my second rig crashing with both cpu and gpu running, do you know if there are any other ways of running my gpu slot at Full but my cpu slot on a lighter load, I want to see if it's the cpu being maxed out that's causing it to crash.

As mentioned above, do you get crashes if the cpu is idle and the gpu is at full load by pausing or turning off the CPU slot.

That would be my first step. Pause the CPU WU and see if you still have problems.
I stopped mining litecoins since it's just too noisy and hot. These 7663 wus are so quiet! 66c and the 50% fan noise means I can hardly hear anything!
Hmm, it's always been prime stable :( weird

That's not uncommon. I've had rigs in the past which have been 24 hrs prime stable that fall down within minutes of starting up the Folding client. I've always advocated Folding as a much better test of stability than prime. If it'll run Folding for a couple of days, it'll handle pretty much anything.
That's not uncommon. I've had rigs in the past which have been 24 hrs prime stable that fall down within minutes of starting up the Folding client. I've always advocated Folding as a much better test of stability than prime. If it'll run Folding for a couple of days, it'll handle pretty much anything.

I've dropped almost 1ghz off the cpu clock and ran both slots overnight on full, absolutely fine - I don't have time to mess around stabilizing an overclock on it at the moment so I think I'll just let it fold at stock for now, it's still a powerful chip with the AMD turbo thing enabled at stock :)
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