Folding@Home News - Attention Single-Machine Crunchers

Consider it done - news to follow shortly (ish) :)

I've guessed from your output and number of CPUs showing on stanford's page that it's a single-core PC running a standard client? If that's wrong let me know and I'll stick the right colour on it for you.
Hi Rich,

You're bang on as i was using a single client. However i have just set up one for each core so will be running all four from now on. :)


check me out, I actualy made it in the ranks!!!!
well, I had a good start to folding, was running on two works pcs one a P4 the other a dual core P4, sadly what with the heat and being sat in a server room all day P4 numers 1's psu fan has died and now the system over heats (its a old compaq witht he air duct routed through the psu then onto the cpu heat sink) even using 50% load. P4 dual core is suffering over heating too due to insane room temps, so now only running on core 2, still effective though from the results, come the cooler weather I should be able to get both cores going again!
Im running a single machine so put me on the list please :) Only using 1 instance of FAH at the moment and my Opty is stock at the moment so its a slow process doing this first "WU" (Im noob to this stuff :p)
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