Folding@Home News - Attention Single-Machine Crunchers

Okay, I'm just setting up my second client, do I use the same Machine ID as the other install or a different one? Because it's still the same Machine, just a different processor?
Yip you can run two.

The text client gives a little more points as it's not wasting CPU cycles running a graphical thingy.
And Rich you can put me down as a dual-core for the time-being (E2140 til I get my E6600) :)


Actually Berserker still has a stray borg folding under my name with the grand donation of 41 ppd. Is that going to exclude me from the single-machine league?

Is it?

Is it :(
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Welcome EVH :)

Rich, could you please take me off the single crunchers league this week, but put me back on with quad core next week please? :)
@Chadd - thanks for that. I think historically we put P4's in as single core machines as despite showing as two cores it's more like 1.3 cores if you're maxing both out with folding - makes it a bit fairer for you to compete without putting you up against Core2Duos which can run the SMP client :o

@EVH - welcome to the team, have added you as a PS3 user for now, can't wait to see what your output becomes for next week though :eek: :D

@Cob - I doubt it'll make that much difference, I assumed that was your Celeron that you'd been using - you sure Berserker would have anything producing that little in his farm? :confused:

@Yeggstry - No, and I can't believe the cheek of it..... oh alright then :p

edit: news to follow shortly (i hope)
@Cob - I doubt it'll make that much difference, I assumed that was your Celeron that you'd been using - you sure Berserker would have anything producing that little in his farm? :confused:

I only had the Celeron for a couple of weeks. I didn't fold on it as it was crap. Very crap.

The rogue machine looks like an office borg considering its one WU every two weeks or so.
+1 to the single machine users

Have a e6750 crunching away

username: dufus123 :D

Welcome :)

Looking at what you've uploaded so far, there seems to be an issue somewhere as you've got only 15 and 41 points respectively for the 2 work units that you've uploade so far.
yeah not too sure what was going on there, they were both on the graphical client. Now switched over to the smp client and it's taking MUCH longer (and using all my cpu power instead of 50%) so hopefully some bigger points are on the way!
Did the two units complete to 100%?

And keep an eye on the SMP client. It's not very stable. And if your system is unstable (say through an overclock) you can bet your ass that the SMP client will die.
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