Folding@Home News - Attention Single-Machine Crunchers

I am newly back folding though I had points from a previous participation. I am now just running a Core 2 quad machine and would like to know -
  • Might I get on the list of single machine crunchers?
  • Am I right to run a process on each of the corse of the quad core machine or is there a better way?

Postin this here so I don't forget for next week :D
Could i join the single crunchers list? Currently running 2 console clients on a core2 quad and the gpu client on the same machine. Does this count as a single machine?

[Foldign name is the same as OCuK name]
I've got fed up with all these people threatening to take cell 25 from me. It was time to up my output and make life just a bit more challenging for the upstarts.

I've upgraded to a Q6600 and thus should be moved to the Quad cored single crunchers league. Who knows an ATI based GPU might be added to that mix too. :cool:

It's going to take a while to work through the stickies and stuff, and find the right basic overclock. I expect at least top 3 in the single crunchers league based on current output, maybe not this week, but certainly next once I've stabilised things.
I've got fed up with all these people threatening to take cell 25 from me. It was time to up my output and make life just a bit more challenging for the upstarts.

I've upgraded to a Q6600 and thus should be moved to the Quad cored single crunchers league. Who knows an ATI based GPU might be added to that mix too. :cool:

It's going to take a while to work through the stickies and stuff, and find the right basic overclock. I expect at least top 3 in the single crunchers league based on current output, maybe not this week, but certainly next once I've stabilised things.

booyaka isn't going to like the sound of that :p
I think I'm going to have to build another box, my rankings seem to have stagnated somewhat around the 130 mark. :(
corrrr briney - been a hectic week at work and now a hectic week in the single crunchers league :p

Pretty sure I've got everything done that needed doing - if I've missed anyone just give a shout and I'll sort it :)

News to follow shortly :cool:
Well got the gpu client to work so now folding when I can.

I have only a single-pc so I need to be added to the single-users list?

Specs are: Core2Quad QX9650, 4Gb ram, Radeon HD 4870

Folding name is JohnSheridan
Just to clarify, I am still a single cruncher, but I am now using just the (nVidia) GPU client.

F@H name: Chris_Davison

Rich, could you add me for next week? I've finally retired the AthlonXP from F@H as it's not doing enough work to make a difference (outproduced 100x by my main rig!) and I'm not gonna be folding on my laptop, especially in this heat! So I'm down to the one rig running quad-core SMP alongside the GPU client :)
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