Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 17th February 2006

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News - w/e 17th February 2006

Current Team Position: 53rd
Current Team Score: 11,765,723
Crunched This Week: 260,509
Change from Last Week: +36,267

Next on the stomping horizon :cool:

50 Hewlett Packard - 79 days
48 Free-DC - 77 days
49 Team MacNN - 57 days
51 Slo-Tech - 27 days

Teams stomped this week

none :(

Ones to keep an eye on :eek:

55 Team Engadget - 7 days
121 TSC! Russia - 171 days
58 ADSLgr - Greek aDSL Users - 257 days

This Week's Top Dumpers

Whitestar (LigerZero) - 39514
DarkendViper - 34439
sculptor(OcUK) - 32698
hornytoe - 10185
Bigstan - 9914
KE1HA - 7899
_Berserker_ - 6684
Hominid - 6439
polandro - 5966
KillBait - 5709
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 5057
froggy - 4215
vent - 4213
rich99million - 4191
Trick - 3802
kinnison - 3700
duggyruss - 3632
Sammael(OcUK) - 3407
Concorde_Rules - 3288
BlackAndWhite - 3089
Ken - 2774
MajorPart - 2743
Mattus - 2370
aXeR - 2217
Walter_Anderson - 2173
the_running_man21 - 2164
AcidHell2 - 2073
Prescott28 - 2057
Huddy - 1841
Joe42 - 1771
diogenese - 1716
Staffy - 1684
Haly - 1660
dr.who - 1613
aceface57 - 1539
ShaunBrewer - 1526
beatvar - 1512
pmbuzz - 1413
Gunda - 1329
hooneeawr - 1300
cheets64 - 1290
Rincin - 1257
Plasmoid - 1145
DiG - 1088
nicholas_yiu - 1065
Napalm - 1056
BlackAqua - 1047

This Week's Top Stompers

piggott - 210
greenlizard0 - 165
Saberu - 164
J - 48
Dunky - 47
iraiguana - 44
leezer3 - 43
MajorPart - 39
Hominid - 26
hooneeawr - 23
Joe42 - 19
the_running_man21 - 19
i_know_nothing - 17
Huddy - 15
DiG - 14
blitz2163 - 13
divine_madness - 13
aceface57 - 11
spring85195 - 10
Pilgrim57 - 9
MartinH - 8
AcidHell2 - 7
BlackAqua - 7
Plasmoid - 6
Rincin - 6
Andy_113 - 5
BigChris - 4
jidh007 - 4
Jonathan_CTI_Amesbury - 4
Napalm - 4
BlackAndWhite - 3
drossgraham - 3
pmbuzz - 3
spacelobsters - 3
vent - 3
00bob00 - 2
cheets64 - 2
Pedrinho - 2
Prescott28 - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

Sammael(OcUK) - 1,500,000
DarkendViper - 1,200,000
sculptor(OcUK) - 650,000
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 550,000
KE1HA - 450,000
rich99million - 325,000
hornytoe - 300,000
_Berserker_ - 300,000
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 300,000
duggyruss - 200,000
polandro - 100,000
Mattus - 80,000
aXeR - 80,000
Haly - 80,000
Concorde_Rules - 60,000
vent - 49,999.999 ;)
Gunda - 40,000
AcidHell2 - 20,000
pmbuzz - 20,000
Hominid - 15,000
Napalm - 15,000
Fatiain - 15,000
cococlownboy - 15,000
MajorPart - 5,000
the_running_man21 - 5,000
hooneeawr - 2,500
Pilgrim57 - 2,500
blitz2163 - 2,500
Andy_113 - 2,500
divine_madness - 2,500

This Week's New Members


Welcome to the team!!!

A huuuuge week for the team this week - way to go everyone!!!
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

***Please take some time to check out the new How To which BillytheImpaler has so nearly finished***

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 17:45 February 10th and 17:35 February 17th
Previous Week's News: February 10th, February 3rd, January 27th, January 20th, January 13th, January 6th, December 30th, December 23rd, December 16th, December 9th, November 25th, November 18th, November 11th, November 4th, October 28th, October 21st, October 14th, October 7th, September 23rd, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th.
rich99million said:
A huuuuge week for the team this week - way to go everyone!!!

Yeh, these Double Gromacs are a big help - well done team :cool:

Almost made 10,000 this week. If the DG WUs had started a day earlier I might have made it.

My EOC stats for the week show a big increase (big day yesterday :D )

Last 7 Days Production
Day 	        Points 	WUs
02.17.06 	142 	1
02.16.06 	3,058 	4
02.15.06 	1,816 	3
02.14.06 	0 	0
02.13.06 	1,678 	7
02.12.06 	1,625 	4
02.11.06 	1,595 	3
02.10.06 	586 	1
As always, well done for the stats Rich and welcome to the new Folders - Happy Stomping :)

Stan :)

Thanks for the news... My DG WU is yet to dump. It's 93% :( 686 pointer. The other two boxen are crunching 200 pointers each.

Been an annoying week for me I've been getting rubbish WU's, well done the rest of the team though
Dang it, I keep saying I'm going to finish the howto.
I promise I'll finish the Linux bit tonight. What else does it need?

There's a bit in the old sticky about diskless clustering. Does anybody plan on doing that? Need it be included in the new one?
Nearly 6000 for the week, these Double Gromacs are working well :), just too late to included a 1800 point dump in the last hour. :D

Hopefully these DG's will keep coming and boost the team score for a while.

Thanks for the news Rich and welcome to the new members.
Been well and truly STOMPED on this week! :eek:

Back in cell #12

More than compensated for by my new sparkly tiffikat. :D :D

Thanks again for the stats Rich.
Well done team 10.

Fold on.

Huh, don't often get around to posting here, but I am very pleased with my progress. I've broken 100,000 and am now in the top twenty five :D

Feel a tiffy coming on...

Had a good week this week. My best ever in fact.
Got another 1000 points and then its back to 6hrs/day.
Team is doing brilliantly, last time i looked we were at 48,000 daily production, up from around 32,000.
Im hoping we can hit the magic 50,000 average ppd.
Looking at the users list, i get the impression that we have a lot of slackers, but also a lot of top performers averaging it out.

I'm hoping to stomp MajorPart shortly, if only temporarily.
And then its just Zirax and a few thousand points between me and BillyTheImpaler...
Re-stomp ahoy ;)
polomint said:
Huh, don't often get around to posting here, but I am very pleased with my progress. I've broken 100,000 and am now in the top twenty five :D

Feel a tiffy coming on...

Nice tiffy mate :)

Stompage gets a bit scarce up this end of the table - it's been a long time since I managed the 2 stomps in a week required to make the top stompers list :(

Maybe once I get the "fish farm" (alluded to by BTI above) up and running I might manage it :D

Stan :)
Joe42 said:
Had a good week this week. My best ever in fact.
Got another 1000 points and then its back to 6hrs/day.
Team is doing brilliantly, last time i looked we were at 48,000 daily production, up from around 32,000.
Im hoping we can hit the magic 50,000 average ppd.
Yeah the team is doing great, hopefully it only gets better with the convo's of more Folding Farms!

Joe42 said:
I'm hoping to stomp MajorPart shortly, if only temporarily
It just struck me today when I finally got my 325K tiffy and 3 other people have shot past the 300K mark right behind me :eek:

my old socket A machines, especially those with SDRAM, are really on their last legs - from the FahMon benchmarks they'd be better off running deadlineless WU's than the Double Gromacs
it's mad to think that my 4 24/7 machines plus couple of occasional borgs could be replaced with a single dual-core machine with decent WUs :eek:

my raise comes through at the end of this month - also with some backpay - hopefully I'll be able to fend off the impending stompage for a little longer :D
BillytheImpaler said:
Dang it, I keep saying I'm going to finish the howto.
I promise I'll finish the Linux bit tonight. What else does it need?

There's a bit in the old sticky about diskless clustering. Does anybody plan on doing that? Need it be included in the new one?

I'll have a read of the linux section tomorrow... Bit late now :D but if theres no rush.
anyone now what happend to segaboy2?

we where fighting to the bitter death for a few weeks now hes fallen well behind doesn't seem to be turning much out if any??

but standard week for me another 2k per week seems to be what I get all the time.. :(. Wish I had some money for a 2nd pc.
BillytheImpaler said:
There's a bit in the old sticky about diskless clustering. Does anybody plan on doing that? Need it be included in the new one?
errrrrr - pass :p

If Don Berserko doesn't mind adding the old HowTo to the TOSAH archives then the information would still be there if anyone needed it without having to clutter up your nice new guide

Also i'm pretty sure most of the information is easily available elsewhere and there's bound to be an even easier solution out there now anyway.
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