Yeah, good idea.
In the mean time, lets talk about what were actually going to do with this new spangly f@h guide.
My thoughts:
Current Team Position:
-The average ppd per member is about 500 points. This is a lot higher than most teams. Therefore our problem is not with user output, but rather a lack of users.
Team Target:
-To double our active members to around 200, or to double our ppd to around 100. Achieveable i think.
Recruiting Ideas:
1: The 100ghz project.
Set up a thread in the gd and try and hit 100ghz of added folding power.
Obviously, for a64s and the like a 3200+ = 3.2 ghz added. Someone would keep tabs on people and check that they are only adding new machines and not adding machines that are already folding. Someone can keep a running total of how much has been added.
This idea was inspired by the Techreport
'terahertz project ' where they added a terahertz of folding power. They are 7th at folding btw.
2: Offer a prize to the first person to beat my points score (or anyone else who's point score would be relatively easy to beat).
Participants must not be previous folders, they must be new recruits. They must also announce in the thread in the gd that they are participating. First one to beat my point score and overtake me gets the prize, or something along those lines.
3: Create a folding name (OCUK Gangsters or something) and award the person who contributes to it the most a prize. This allows people who haven't a hope of competing with the rest of us, or who don't want an account under their own name to participate. Again, inspired by the Techreport
'UnitedGerbilNation '. The prize might not even be necessary, if we launch this in the gd and give people the details to join.
I think option’s 1 and 3 are most promising, and both are likely to work purely on team/forum spirit rather than requiring prizes.