Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 29th June 2006

Hmm not a good week for me. Im sure I have dropped a few places in the Singles List. Lost a whole weekend to overclocking and quite a few hours during the week due to meddling inside my case :D

However I have no plans that requires switching off my PC in the near future so my 2.6GHz 4400+ is gonna be kicking arse and hopefully I will fare much better in next weeks news :cool:

I really wish I had some better scoring WUs. Best one I have had is 172 and I keep getting damn 56 pointers! They are absolute rubbish. Sod all points and take ages. :(

Oh well, at least I will be on page two of the EOC stats very shortly. And Raikiri has finally stomped me... on his second try ;)

woooo another week of good crunching :)

Added some power yesterday.


Yes, it is that slow :o
Bigstan said:
Edit - fao Benjo: The top dumpers are the people who have "dumped" the most points for the week.

Ah ok :) So why has rich made the single list "crunch" and the multi pc list "dump"? :p They the same thing yeh?
Crunching tends to refer to the entire act of processing the WU, where dumping refers specifically to uploading it to Stanford :)
Crunching is the actual doing of work, dumping is how many units you have sent back to Stanford. the difference is only really relevant back in the old days of seti where you could "crunch" many WU's over a few weeks then send back a huge "dump", not really possible with folding without Berserker style sneakiness as you send back your work to get more. So with folding, crunching and dumping are pretty much the same.
Blame it on rich's heavy workload:D bless:)

OT edit/ Morning Mattus!
Morning! I should try going to bed before it starts to get light and the birds make a racket. My sleep pattern is terrible now the exams have finished :o

Yeah, those were the days... wait for your arch-rival to stomp you and declare it loudly on the forum, then dump the stash you'd been building up for the last week and wait for the reaction :p
Or just create a new account, build up a stash, and stomp half the team in one go. :p

Mind you, you can do that with only a few Folding@home workunits due to all the slackers down there at the bottom. :(
Thanks for the news rich. good stats all round well done all.

Was aiming for 5000ppw (acheived *gives himself pat on back*) but that does get you in the top 10 dumpers any more :eek:

*looking around* is that another PC i see sitting on the directors desk ;)

Anyone else find this folding lark, a little bit too involving!

On the science side their was an artical on folded in Nature this week (I get the podcast) on CJD / BSE / scrapie and the mis-folding of a protein, pre-lab testing done at Folding@home. so all you boys and girls that have been doing this for some time, your calc have made it into the Lab for real :cool:

Edit: directors PC borged
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Thanks for the news Rich, a REALLY impressive output from team 10, well done all.

To think a few months ago we were strugling to stay in the top 100 teams :eek:

I guess I'll get a mention next week :( sniff

Don't wanna dampen spirits Shadow, but make sure your director doesn't mind you borging his PC. Borging PCs without permission tends to be a Bad Idea - people have lost their jobs when the boss finds out! Folding is great but not worth getting fired over. :)
Cheers for the news, Rich! :) Still managing to stay in the top 20 dumpers, just....!
Congrats on your 400,000 tiffy - have we seen it yet? :D

welcome spud gunn, check out the single cruncher list and make yourself at home.

My Boss is cool with the crunching (ask him pre-office set-up)
But for some reason his PC is one of the slowest in the office (P4 1.8) so didn't think the 60ish ppd was worth it (now I know better :D )
Personally, SS, I'd take it off of his machine. A P4 1.8 isn't going to be very fast and if he notices a slowdown, real or placebo, he might request that FAH be removed. Think of it as a psychological play. :)
Billy - I must say I thought of that - but isn't it a myth that an 'idle' process will slow a machine down? Or is their a half second delay prior to starting new programes. What ever, I've set it to 90% so should be fine

My main consern is heat - all the PC's here are on stock but with this weather the ambient temp in our office is 32+ It's usually cool in the mornings but with all the PC's on 24/7 and all the windows/doors shut over night - hot. hot, hot.

One machine crashed out a few days ago - one of the restraining heat sink levers 'poped' off :eek: never had that before (but then don't usually stress test for a week either :D

Might rain back my folding next week, and just have the fast PC's going 24/7 and the directors and admin ones 8-6
shadowscotland said:
Billy - I must say I thought of that - but isn't it a myth that an 'idle' process will slow a machine down? Or is their a half second delay prior to starting new programes. What ever, I've set it to 90% so should be fine
Giving up CPU cycles is easy, it takes a few billionths of a second to do it. Switching memory allocation is a whole other kettle of fish. Everything FAH had in main memory will stay there until either the process stops or it gets so crowded out it has to be swapped to disk. Not surrendering memory is what makes machines laggy. The problem is easily overcome with more memory.

How much memory has your boss installed and what does he do on the machine?
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