Follow Up On Mass Effect 3 Delay, This Might Be Bad

Firstly, please don't say this is being dumbed down for the console crowd. If it's being dumbed down, it's being dumbed down for idiots, and not for people who play on a particular format. Let's not forget ME1 was first and formost an xbox game.

Anyway, that said, I don't like the sound of them dumbing it down further. While there are elements I love about the second, it was just never as gripping as the the first. Technically, it was better, but they removed far too much in the way of roleplaying and customisation.

I hope they do not ruin the series as it is one of my favourites.
Firstly, please don't say this is being dumbed down for the console crowd. If it's being dumbed down, it's being dumbed down for idiots, and not for people who play on a particular format. Let's not forget ME1 was first and formost an xbox game.

Anyway, that said, I don't like the sound of them dumbing it down further. While there are elements I love about the second, it was just never as gripping as the the first. Technically, it was better, but they removed far too much in the way of roleplaying and customisation.

I hope they do not ruin the series as it is one of my favourites.

Well they did do that with DA 2..................:p
Well they did do that with DA 2..................:p

I have not played the first DA (got on PC, just not got round to it), but the first seems to have been loved by both PC and console gamers, and the second seems to be generally hated by both.

If the console gamers loved the first, why would they feel the need to dumb down 2nd for them?

I don't believe dumbing down has anything to do with platform they are targeting, but rather the "type" of person.
the 2nd game was more suited to control pad was it not? My comment was slightly tongue in cheek to be honest as i played the 1st mass effect on console and 2nd on pc, like both games and controls felt good on both
Because they want to appeal to a Wider Audience!

However they are completely failing at it and just ignoring the customer altogether :(
Because they want to appeal to a Wider Audience!

However they are completely failing at it and just ignoring the customer altogether :(

Thats not entirely true. Shows like X-Factor exist because they appeal to the lowest common denominator. Your typical derp derp muppet can sit in front of it and clap like a seal, and your average joe can sit infront of it as an acceptable way to pass an hour of 'entertainment'. Its only us psuedo-intellectual geeks with half a brain that can see a steaming pile of excrement for what it is: A shameless cash in.

BUT in this case, please, wait until the game is released before making a judgment. If it is dumbed down, the reviews will fill you in soon enough, and you can make a consumer decision not to purchase it :)
ME1 was very successful, commercially and critically, so to follow up I can't imagine why they'd change basic design philosophies, gameplay, and even genre...

Well, I can... because it became ME2, which was even more of a success.
Hah, touché. :)

But my comment was based around these changes seemingly being more fundamental than ME -> ME2. Improvement demands change, I realise that, but "address a larger market" hardly sounds like an artistic new direction for games development, especially when it's the final game in a trilogy.

I don't have a particularly strong opinion on ME in any case, but if it becomes the sci-fi shooter equivalent of DA2, I won't be the only one who's unimpressed.

ME2 was my favorite game in years and the prospect of them ruining the sequel because of market appeal aka profitiable greed, is dissapointing.
Its only us psuedo-intellectual geeks with half a brain that can see a steaming pile of excrement for what it is: A shameless cash in.

And herein lies the problem, to the rest of the crowd we look like elitists. No-one will listen to "us" because to them, we are a minority of small minded gamers who refuse to change the way they play their games. Of course, they're right but that's not to say we don't expect the same as before, if not better for our money. Why should we pay for what we see as an inferior product? It's kind of like the way people look at the latest 3 Star Wars films, great for today's audience but horrible for the people who loved the original 3.

BUT in this case, please, wait until the game is released before making a judgment. If it is dumbed down, the reviews will fill you in soon enough, and you can make a consumer decision not to purchase it :)

Booyah. I did exactly this with DA2 and don't intend to ever buy it unless I become so bored that reading a book seems like a viable option.


ME2 was my favorite game in years and the prospect of them ruining the sequel because of market appeal aka profitiable greed, is dissapointing.

ME2 was one of, if not my GOTY last year. However looking back on it now I struggle to see why I thought it was better than ME1. Far too much was cut, even the main story was off. It was what Dragon Age 2 would have been if it had continued the story directly from DA:O. When ME3 drops I daresay people will love it for a month or two, and then begin to notice how much has been dropped. For me, the whole point of getting ME3 is to conclude the trilogy. I want to see how this story ends.

Then again, maybe this was why I enjoyed it so much.
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I'll buy it regardless as the world, story, and characters are excellent across the series.

Still, I'll be extremely disappointed if it becomes a shooter with the odd talky bit.
I liked the direction they took with ME2 from ME1, the more action orientated cover based gameplay worked fine in the context of the ME Universe so this doesn't bother me too much. Gears of Mass Effect 3 sounds okay to me. I'm also invested in the story of Sheppard and want to see how SHE finishes the story up.

I don't like the way EA are taking Bioware tho', so ME3 will be the only game I'll buy on the strength of the Bioware name from here on in. This is coming from someone that has bought almost every single Bioware game at release (exceptions Shattered Steel, MDK2, Sonic Chronicles & ME: Galaxy)
Put over 200 hours into Mass Effect 1, Probably about 100+ into Mass Effect 2 (once I've finished this Insanity play-through) really enjoyed both a massive ammount, probably my Rank #1 & #2 games of all time.

Such a shame seeing where they took Dragon Age :( TOR isn't looking great either (really want to be proved wrong)

BioWare had a 100% awesome rate with me till DA2, really hope my favourite IP doesn't end on a downer!
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