Firstly, please don't say this is being dumbed down for the console crowd. If it's being dumbed down, it's being dumbed down for idiots, and not for people who play on a particular format. Let's not forget ME1 was first and formost an xbox game.
Anyway, that said, I don't like the sound of them dumbing it down further. While there are elements I love about the second, it was just never as gripping as the the first. Technically, it was better, but they removed far too much in the way of roleplaying and customisation.
I hope they do not ruin the series as it is one of my favourites.
I hope they do not ruin the series as it is one of my favourites.
Well they did do that with DA 2..................![]()
There were elements that were better than the first, and vice versa.
Because they want to appeal to a Wider Audience!
However they are completely failing at it and just ignoring the customer altogether![]()
Hah, touché.ME1 was very successful, commercially and critically, so to follow up I can't imagine why they'd change basic design philosophies, gameplay, and even genre...
Well, I can... because it became ME2, which was even more of a success.
ME2 was my favorite game in years and the prospect of them ruining the sequel because of market appeal aka profitiable greed, is dissapointing.
Its only us psuedo-intellectual geeks with half a brain that can see a steaming pile of excrement for what it is: A shameless cash in.
BUT in this case, please, wait until the game is released before making a judgment. If it is dumbed down, the reviews will fill you in soon enough, and you can make a consumer decision not to purchase it![]()
ME2 was my favorite game in years and the prospect of them ruining the sequel because of market appeal aka profitiable greed, is dissapointing.
More action and less sitting around watching. How can that be bad?
BioWare had a 100% awesome rate with me till DA2, really hope my favourite IP doesn't end on a downer!