Follow Up On Mass Effect 3 Delay, This Might Be Bad

Well that sucks... I hadn't played Mass Effect until after I started ME2, but I much prefer the former - more tactical combat, a break from the standard empty clip, reload, repeat shooter mechanic, more challenging, more customisation... don't get me wrong, I loved ME2, but the original was, IMO, much better. I'm disappointed they're changing the mechanic again in the same direction. I hope they don't mess it up too much.
All they did to ME2 that was a major improvement was make the combat a bit more fluid, which was great for the most part but it made the whole idea of a sniper rifle completely worthless because you were never firing at anything more than 10 metres away. All combat areas were boxed in and mostly small scale. It just felt a lot less jagged than ME1 did.

But other than that what did they seriously improve? Trawling planets been removed was a relief because it was incredibly tedious. They could've made it work but the small drops worked better even if planet scanning was a joke. The excessive inventory system of the first game completely vanished giving next to no customisation because 1 gun was ALWAYS better than everything else. The change back to clips was so badly justified in-game and went back to being 'the same old'.

Just what can they do to dumb the game down even more? They were supposed to be including a bit of an inventory to allow customisation. Is that now gone? They were expanding the incredibly limited skill trees of ME2, is that now gone? Not played the last DLC for ME2 but from what I've heard there is no choice in it, either you become an evil ******* or you become an evil *******, which seems suspiciously like DA2 where nothing you do makes the slightest difference, so are we to expect a railed shooter this time where all your decisions only effect little things not the main mission?
This can only be a good thing with the potential for a Mass Effect universe with COD style play and multiplayer not MMORPG gameplay.

Has the capacity to be amazing. If ME3 was simply another generic evolution from ME2 then it would be disappointing for me. Improved graphics and game physics do not inherently make a great game.
This can only be a good thing with the potential for a Mass Effect universe with COD style play and multiplayer not MMORPG gameplay.

Has the capacity to be amazing. If ME3 was simply another generic evolution from ME2 then it would be disappointing for me. Improved graphics and game physics do not inherently make a great game.

Neither does copying everything else on the market.
This can only be a good thing with the potential for a Mass Effect universe with COD style play and multiplayer.

It's not if it's taking aspects from CoD. I'll look forward to multiplayer, as long as you use your character from singleplayer on multiplayer, not another unlock and rank up fest.
Bah all this talk of multiplayer & gameplay changes.

I thought we all played Mass Effect for the epic story!

Forum, I am disappoint.
If ME3 was simply another generic evolution from ME2 then it would be disappointing for me. Improved graphics and game physics do not inherently make a great game.

In that case lets really twist things about. Mass Effect 3, spiritual successor to Wing Commander?

Tbh the epic story sounds like its about to fall flat on its face. Its all starting to sound a little forced, like the way they did in the last ME2 DLC, so you'll probably find you aren't really making decisions any more in ME3 and i really wanna see just how much of an effect previous decisions actually have, because honestly, i'm not expecting to be blown away...
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(Yes, i know my ME1 shepard is vomit-inducing, it seems to be a glitch in the savefile!)
I like how they didn't include a toggle helmet button either...

Lost count of the number of times I've had to watch my Shephard doing a scene wearing some ridiculously big combat helmet that completely obscures his face when its supposed to be intimate or close or emotional...
I like how they didn't include a toggle helmet button either...

Lost count of the number of times I've had to watch my Shephard doing a scene wearing some ridiculously big combat helmet that completely obscures his face when its supposed to be intimate or close or emotional...

There is a toggle helmet button in ME2... I have my helmet turned off all the time...

EDIT - Oh wait, actually I'm lying... I just didn't wear any helmet/visor through the whole game so as not to ruin my Fem-Sheps awesomeness. :o
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