Food you hate

25 Jul 2011
Just interested in which foods you dislike and why?

I reckon my only two dislikes are grapefruit (although if i imagine it doesn't taste like poison its edible) and tripe (which is inedible..seriously it is)
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Love grapefruit and I think I've had tripe in an asin dish. That's what it looked like and actually it was rather tasty.

Caviar I just don't get, its horrible.
Not fond of salmon so rediculusely overrated, wouldn't go as far as hate though. Can still eat it, but would rather something else.

Struggling to think of much tbh, not a fussy eater. I'm sure there is more, I just can't think of anything I've tried. I'm sure there's lots of horriable thinks I haven't tried like baby chicken egg things and maggot riddled cheese.
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I hate cous cous. Tried it a few times to make sure, it's not the flavour it's the consistency of it. Can't stand it at all.
My only dislikes are parsnips, but I will eat them if they are cooked well. By cooked well I mean roasted with garlic or honey, so they don't taste like parsnips anymore.

I am not a big lover of peas either, but I think this is more of a phobia as I was forced to eat them at school when I was a kid, same goes for tapioca. I would rather starve that eat tapioca pudding.
Foods I hate?

Tomato ketchup.

The smell alone used to be enough to make be gag, not so bad nowadays, but still can't stand the stuff.

Plenty of other foods I won't have by choice though, but am happy to eat without complaining.
There are a few things that I'm not a big fan of, but only one that I can say I really hate and that's cucumber.
It's horrible, nasty stuff and poisons everything else around it - in a salad even if I pick the bits of cucumber out I can still taste the nastiness on everything else.
It's a good way to spoil a nice glass of Pimm's as well.

I like gherkins, it's just raw cucumber that I really don't get on with.
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